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Everything posted by aja573

  1. Sorry I gave a poor description of the problem...when it is in neutral it will rev above 3000 rpms...just when it is in drive it wont...I will look into the ECU thing tho. thanks
  2. I have a 93 Legacy L (automatic)with 188,000 miles on it. I was on the highway going to school when I noticed that the car was running at real high rpms. i slowed down at a stop light and stepped on the gas and it was real doggish...the rpms stay under 3000 rpms no matter how hard i push the gas until i reach 50 mph. then it gets up around 4500. any ideas what might be causing this? thanks in advance aa
  3. There are two more screws on both sides toward the back of the radio. You have to remove the plastic trim around the radio to get to them.
  4. aja573

    tire question

    i wanted to get some suggestions from all of you what the best off roading tire would be for my 93 legacy. i did the outback strut swap and wanted to put some better tires on so any advice would be great. btw current tire size is 185/70/14 thanks
  5. Look into getting a Haynes manual you can pick one up for 20 bucks or so and they are worth their weight in gold
  6. Anyone have any experience or ideas on how to mount some KC's to the roof? I cant find a light bar for them anywhere.
  7. Im looking for lift kit for my 93 AWD Legacy L but i dont really know what to look for. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks
  8. I want to put a lift kit on...any ideas where to look or what kind of price range i'm looking at? Thanks
  9. I have a 93 Legacy L and I love it!! I bought the car last summer and have put 30K miles on it since. I have taken it off roading a few times and showed one of my buddies up when his '78 F150 couldnt make the climb up a hill and the Sub crawled right up. I have a few questions tho. What can I do to really deck this car out...I know it sounds like a dumb question but I have no idea where to start. Thanks
  10. If you have access to the R12 gauges you can put in an r134 alternative coolant...i picked up 3 cans for 5 bucks a can and just mixed it right in with the old r12 and it works better than ever. Andrew Albrecht 93 Legacy L 169,950 miles and going strong!
  11. A couple months ago I had a rattle in the front left of my 93 Legacy L. I put a new CV joint in and the problem went away. However the rattle is back again and it doesnt appear to be the CV joint this time. The rattle only comes when I accelerate and as soon as I let off the gas it stops. Any suggestions?
  12. I had the same problem but I only got 15K miles out of mine...never going to make the mistake of buying tires from walmart again!!!!
  13. I had the same problem on my 93 Legacy and simply went and had the tires balanced and it took care of the problem.
  14. I own a 93 legacy and a few weeks ago i put a tape into the tape deck and it went in a little rough. I later ejected it and ever since that the radio wont work because it thinks there is a tape in the player. I was just wandering if anyone had any ideas about what is wrong or what I can do to fix it. Thanks aa
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