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Posts posted by 7thSubaru

  1. I did 230K with a 93 5spd. before a cracked windshield, hood rust perforation, and an exhaust leak at the very front (original exhaust, repair estimated at $1K+) made me donate it to charity and take a $2.2K tax deduction. AC still worked perfectly and had original clutch. Engine was strong, the rest was tired. Replaced the 93 with a 2001 which now has 147K on it. Will be rather disappointed if it does not easily surpass 230K. I average ~25K a year, mostly highway. Many comment that Subaru's are just broken in at 100K. My story pales in comparison to other Subie owners I've read about - 500K and more!

  2. Do a search under "viscous coupling". From what I've read torque bind is an issue with automatics not manuals. I have your issue but only left turns on cold days (20F) after the car has been driven some. There are some comments that this is a power steering related issue. If it chatters/shudders on both left and right turns then the viscous coupling makes more sense. Feels like you're going over a rumble strip? Rumor has it a viscous coupling ain't cheap.

  3. Got my 2001 Legacy back from the dealer this weekend - external head gasket leak on the driver's side. 140K on my car and yes the extended head gasket warranty supposedly expires at 100K. They recommended and replaced both head gaskets. They had also done the coolant conditioner recall at 95K. Part of the recall is to flush and add conditioner every 30K. Needless to say I didn't do that. Before the repair I had been putting in my own stop leak and although I could occasionally smell anti-freeze the amount lost was very little. Bit the expensive bullet and let them fix the leak. Original quote was $1600 but I involved Corporate cause I'm a long time customer and I ending paying $800.00 out the door. FYI they said it is not uncommon for head gaskets to fail at my mileage. :mad: The last Legacy went 230K with nary an issue before I got rid of it.



    Don't write, call Subaru of America at 1-800-782-2783 and give em hell. You're barely over the extended warranty. Was the recall performed?

  4. Left turn chatter update - after 2 days at the dealer (they were short of technician's on day 1) they did not experience the left turn issue as described. That cost me $45.00. Conclusion was to drive it until something more develops. That does nothing to reassure the spouse. I do have a leaking drivers side head gasket - another $45.00 diagnosis. I asked them to investigate why I slowly lose coolant over time, see coolant drips behind the oil pan, and smell hot coolant when I shouldn't. $1600 to replace both head gaskets. Will be calling Corporate Customer Service on Monday. Anybody ever guilt them into paying/partially paying to permanently fix the head gasket leak after the recall was performed? I'll be doing a search. May not get anywhere with Corporate but if they want me to buy an eighth Subaru...

  5. My dearly departed 93 Legacy whistled for 230K. I lived with it. Sounded like an intake leak at high vacuum, mostly at low speeds/light throttle. Only noticed when outside the car or the windows were down. Turning up the volume on the radio seemed to help. :brow: Now my 2001 Legacy wagon 5spd whistles when you wind it over 4 grand. Started at about 80K, now 100K. The more you rev the louder it gets. Drew a blank with the dealer. New timing belt/drive belts didn't seem to help. Does not sound like the 93 did. Maybe it's a MPG warning tone, cause I know mileage is suffering at that rpm and I haven't shifted. I'll try searching.

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