Hi all,
Newbie to the forum, as my 2011 Legacy has been problem free for a decade!!! (Until now)
So recently, I started noticing what I thought was an exhaust-like smell in the cabin. Could also be described as a burnt oil smell, I suppose.
Notably, it's only present if I leave the car running in park for a few minutes (which I do every morning in our freezing cold Canadian winters!) While driving, it's *almost* never present. But I've noticed it at a few red lights as well, just not as commonly as when started up for 2-3 minutes in the A.M.
I mentioned it to my mechanic when I was getting my brakes changed, and he *immediately* groaned and mentioned this seemingly-famous head-gasket issue, which I've now read up about a little. He didn't have time to diagnose it as it was the end of the day.
While I'm in a holding pattern, is this smell (only when idling) characteristic of the head gasket problem? Any other easy-to-diagnose issues you pros might think it could be instead?
Thanks in advance for any quick tips before I...gulp...head back to the mechanic