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    Searching for brat fuel pump info .
  • Biography
    Just a Subaru bro . First car was a 96 Impreza that I paid $500 for at 14. You know what happens after . Currently have an 06 impreza driver and a 04 STI with a new to me 1980 brat . 6th generation Idahoan living in Boise Idaho.
  • Vehicles
    1980 Brat DL 2004 Impreza STI

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  1. I may seem in a rush but I’m really not. Have been a caregiver for my grandparents for the last 6 years and they have recently passed from lung cancer 10 months apart so I’ve keeping myself busy with the brat. ps. I’m in like Subaru number 6 and I’ve never had one that didn’t have some kind of an oil leak. Im sure that’s relatable to everybody
  2. Had the brat running for an extended time today and noticed I had some oil bubbling just pass the exhaust manifold , noticed the axle underneath the driver side valve cover was moist and decided to check the gasket. Non existent, just some red permatex looking stuff, is that what’s causing this most likely? My entire exhaust system looks pretty rough. Rusted out pretty bad will probably take it to my muffler guy . I am going to order a gasket kit and see if that does the trick , let me know if I’m overlooking anything.
  3. I guess I should work on my math . Have 3 sets of rims. Looks like these are the ones that are original to the car.
  4. Well I did just purchase a 78 parts car I’ll have him send me a photo of the rims. Looks like I’ve got about 6 of the plastic rings between the two rims.
  5. When I bought the 1980 Brat DL it came with a set of extra tires in the back. Now that I’ve got the car starting I need to decide what ones I’m going to use as my main . Will either get them powder coated or just paint them not sure yet. Are either of them more desirable than the others? Any info as always is appreciated. I’m going to drive you guys crazy with all the questions! Thanks again. It will be fun to share photos of her when I’m done . Need to try and find a current color code that matches the Subaru cashmere beige. The car was originally the mild yellow but I’m not the biggest fan. I believe the original owner took the filter cover to Home Depot and color matched painted the car with house paint . Haha it’s peeling off pretty easily.
  6. I actually took carb off re cleaned jets and after I put her back she fired and sounds pretty good ,
  7. She fired and is idling ! Ran a tank through the lines but just ran it to a bucket and finally got lightly tinted gas.
  8. Another thing , the car will turn over without the clutch being applied, does this have a clutch switch?
  9. I’m sure there could be multiple reasons it won’t idle without me accelerating including the bad gas right?
  10. Was also thinking about adding a fuel system cleaner to the next round of gas I run through it. I’ve just been filling a gas tank then periodically filling a glass jar to Inpsect.
  11. I’ve been running the fuel through the lines just with the pump jumped and it’s getting clearer each time, I also noticed the Anti Diesel Switch wire is pretty frayed should I just take the pin out ?
  12. And before rinsing with water I used a rust away type stuff. Also took it to the local car wash and sprayed it good. It had more varnish gas than rust really.
  13. Yeah I rinsed the tank until was getting clear water. I’ve located a drain bolt but for now I have a universal oil plug that is working. I can get her to fire I just have to keep applying gas or it dies.
  14. Thanks guys got the fuel pump going . On to the next thing. I got the tank on, carb rebuilt, the fuel pump going, new spark plugs and new battery cables. I can get it to fire but she doesn’t want to idle without me accelerating. I am getting fuel to carb but I am dealing with a little orange tinted gas I think from some of the hard lines I didn’t replace. Any ideas ?
  15. I’m going to use one of the rubber plugs for the time being so I can get going on other things. Do need some help with the aftermarket fuel pump and getting it somewhat safe. Any help with relay info would be appreciated as I’ve never done one. I’ve done a little while doing body work but that’s mostly just take out and replace type of stuff.
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