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  1. no one else? I can't be the only one? However with the luck i have i wouldn't be surprised.
  2. as in all over the bottom of the radiator and lower right hand/driverside radiator hoses and that plastic "shield" that the out back has on it when you look down from above. radiator cap seems to be a popular culprit so far. nice informed responses, thanks.
  3. Get a load of this. PHANTOM LEAK 2006 outback, MT, 2.5i, 25k. So I leave for the west coast on Wednesday morning from DC. I drive straight, aside from stopping for bathroom or fuel. Total gear weight is about 250lbs and two mt bikes on roof, clearly not heavy. I arrive in AZ on Thursday night, also arriving with me is a SPIKE in my TEMP GAUGE (whew, thankfully I noticed the gauge) followed by me pulling over and noticing that there is no coolant in the reservoir and none visible in the radiator. As I stopped for fuel every couple hundred miles I checked the oil and the coolant and they were always within acceptable ranges. Now, the temp indicator never went into the red, thankfully. So I resort to filling it with whatever water I had. I had no coolant available. Thankfully the radiator only took about ½ gallon, so it was not empty. I filled the reservoir all the way up and then went to a quickmart to buy coolant. 50/50 premixed, which the dealer claims is ok for use after I explained what I’d done. NEXT DAY at the dealer. Explain to them exactly what you read above. Dealer says “ok, we’ll check it out” Dealer calls me in an hour, come and get it………Nothing is wrong. I’m like “huh, there was coolant all over the place and you’re telling me it’s all good?” Yep. They said they pressure tested it and it was cool. They also checked the cap. It was cool. They adjusted the coolant level and that was that. Go figure. It looked like it was leaking from the lower hose on the right side, as you look down where it attaches to the radiator. My thoughts are a new car should have a mystery leak that a DEALER can’t find. So now I sit here wondering wtf…..wondering if I now have an UNRELIABLE Subaru and if road tripping it is a bad idea as I don’t want to break down in the middle of nowhere AND w/o roadside service as I sat on hold with Subaru roadside for 40minutes and NEVER spoke to anyone….what a joke. I had AAA but didn’t need them. ANYONE else ever have a phantom leak of any sort or ever hear of anything like this? thanks for reading and any insight.
  4. i'm thinking of this tire. i believed someone mentioned about it and started to do some reading. stopped into local gy shop and i must say it's nice and has fantastic reviews. pic from tirerack. tire rack is also 200full dollars cheaper than local shops. I was quoted 800out the door. I'm one for supporting local shops but for two bills this is a better bet. It'll be 15bucks a tire at the dealer for a mount and balance.
  5. ranger, why didn't you keep the same screen name across forums. I agree that the price is small incomparison to that spent on a car but for safety in general. where do you all take your tires to be mounted if you get them from the tire rack. Where do you find the best mounting deal.
  6. it was rainy tonight and about 45 degrees. I almost spun out a clover leaf on ramp and they felt slippy a few times. when i say spun out i mean counter steer and the whole bit. Pucker factor. I also "laid rubber" twice, which i've never ever done. 06 5mt. I wasn't driving fast or excessive any time. I'll tell you this is the least safe i've ever felt in the subie. I haven't had it in the snow yet but i shudder to think what it'll be like. Did i just have weird luck with these tires? Is it best to get something else? bridgestone protenza's 225/55/17r, v rated. Normal oem spec. anyone with feed back? I did search, no luck. thx
  7. big matty! Dude, million thanks for the pic. that's exactly the one in question. I just had the opportunity to climb under there and examine the dealer oem "repair" the outside, washer/spring hook is identical, however there is no spring and apparently no nub/mounting point on the other side for a spring. So i'm going to assume that there is indeed no spring for the 06. The dealer didn't allude to a spring missing and said my "fix" would've held forever. I can imagine them repairing it half asses, especially when they know I know exactly where and what to look for. Anyone want to climb under their outback and verify there is indeed no spring on this item. Big M what year are those pics from and what kind of subie is it. what exaclty is the spring supposed to do? i mean it shift fine. thx again
  8. big matty! Dude, million thanks for the pic. that's exactly the one in question. I just had the opportunity to climb under there and examine the dealer oem "repair" the outside, washer/spring hook is identical, however there is no spring and apparently no nub/mounting point on the other side for a spring. So i'm going to assume that there is indeed no spring for the 06. The dealer didn't allude to a spring missing and said my "fix" would've held forever. I can imagine them repairing it half asses, especially when they know I know exactly where and what to look for. Anyone want to climb under their outback and verify there is indeed no spring on this item. Big M what year are those pics from and what kind of subie is it. what exaclty is the spring supposed to do? i mean it shift fine. thx again
  9. i have an 06 outback, 5 speed, about 3k miles and 2nd gear starts feeling funny, like it's shifting too quickly, or it doesn't pull down all the way, i called it an "indy shift"....next thing i know i loose the bottom gears of the "H" 2, 4 and reverse, the upper gears were off as well. i'm thinking wtf....everything else feels great. No dealers too be found where i was. i'm pretty mechanical....so i climb under, so glad this car is high....apparently there is a "stabilizer bar" or some sort of torsion looking bar attached to the tranny to apparently help the shifter do it's job. Well the stupid nut apparently rattled off, and caused it to slip off it's fixed stud....10 minutes and a nut and whaaaa laaaaa.....feels like new again, still was a pita....new car and all...just wanted to put this out there, if it happened to me could happen to someone else. I know some of you are going to say should've let the dealer do this or that but there wasn't one anywhere near by and you loose so much time sitting there. I can't imagine it being a warranty issue as nothing really happened. putting a nut on is like putting in a new windshield or head lamp or lug nut. anyway....anyone ever hear of this.....thought it was a bit odd...also was just in for the first oil change at the dealer...so again, my paranoid thoughts were running....
  10. you need yakima low rider towers and cross bars of whatever length you choose, then your set.
  11. if you're going to go to a dealer, i suggest AMD subaru in N Hampton, may be a bit far from ya but you're gar. a fair shake. Best dealer i've found hands down, imo.
  12. yeah no doubt, i did a few passes, various speeds, with clutch in , with it out, etc etc. Always felt off. Thing is i never remember my jeep doing it, but then again that thing was always everywhere on the road. Just want to be certain my lil sub not busted or issued up. I tried to watch other vehicles going over it but was too tough to tell....
  13. I was driving my 06 outback, 5speed today and rolled over one of those metal bridges, that you can see through, i call them grated, like a big metal grate. Anyway the car felt super funny on that thing. shakey, kind of like the bottom half was going to the right and the top have was trying to get left, or vice versa. Very unstable and weavey.... if that makes any sense, like a parallelagram....sorry hard to explain. just felt like if someone was behind me they be able to see the car weaving all over the place. Anyone ever experience this...? is it broken? seems to drive perfectly on the road, tracks remarkably striaght on a straight flat road.?? Help!!! Please!! thanks all!
  14. I've shopped a bit but was wondering it this sounds like a good price. 20900 for an 06 2.5i outback? That's out the door. Also any suggestions on the best dealers with the best prices in NE, preferrably NH? thx
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