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Everything posted by SuBrat84

  1. Make it one of those "clear with <insert color> outline" stickers.. I want one!!! (white outline as it would go on a black brat)
  2. Hate the framed windows. Hate the head lights. Hate the hood. Hate the grille. Hate the Baja. Hate the "round" lights they've been putting on their newer lines(goes for gen 1 too ) Love my ea81's, 82's, the EJ lines. Love my 98 Legacy 2.5. Love SVX's.. Love XT's.. Love RX's.. LOVE THE BRAT! The people at SOA need to keep their unique designs and not try to go mainstream. People are catching Subaru fever as it is... they don't need this CRAP to try and steal customers from Ford and Toyota!!! We don't want those people driving around in Subaru's being Rude and not waving to/acknowledging fellow Subaru owners!!!! (Nuff of these people out there already)*Grrrrrr*
  3. As big a fan as i am about Subarus and their STI's and WRX's, that's all that was there! I'm sorry but to me that's boring, if i wanted to see that I would just walk over to the dealership. I mean, don't get me wrong, i don't mean to sound like I'm talking mad Sh** but I can't be the only one who likes a little Suby variety;) granted there was that SWEET XT......am I just wrong for this?? jess
  4. Hey, I didn't "pound" the tire well... I used a jack and a socket to form a "canal" for the bar to fit through. The strut brace bracket fit... but I had to widen the access holes about .5 inch on the "front" side and .5 inch on the bottom. It all fits good though and I love the respone I get out of it. Going to do the springs ASAP. I wanted to ask for anyones advise about the springs.. Im being told that I have to actually remove the strut? I was kinda hoping it was like a take everything off the bottom.. drop the spring out.. stick the new one on... replace all the stuff.. good to go... So, if anyone could give me a run through of how to do a spring job (98 leg 2.5) I would appreciate it. I do have spring compressors and all the tools I need. Thanks.
  5. Well. I did it. It took a little convincing. But I put a 22mm Rear Sway from an '02 Impreza 2.5 RS on my 98 Legacy 2.5 GT. I also Managed to fit the White Line Rear Strut Brace on there too. Didn't have time to do the springs today.. but they're goin on this weekend. WooHoo Better Handling!
  6. I love lightning discussions. Can't wait for Tucson Monsoons to roll around this year. Aww How I love the lightning storms. Lightning does indeed travel from the ground, to the sky, and (the part we see, due to the speed of light) back to the ground. This is NOT always the case however. Lightning is raw energy, it can also travel across the sky.. or from the ground, to the sky, to another point in the sky.. etc.. etc.. It is a common misconception that the bolts we see going from the sky to the ground actually originate in the sky though. It is indeed true that these particular bolts do start on or in? the ground. Static Energy baby! I had a friend get hit by one once.. knocked him clean out of his shoes! He couldn't hear for like two days either. He's okay now though!
  7. *Bump* Gonna try it today. Did a rough line up.. looks like everything should fit. Haven't done much suspension modding before.. so I'm looking forward to the experiance. Gonna do springs, Rear sway + strut brace.. Juicy!
  8. I have seen LOTS of different parts on different subaru's with a "MITSUBA" tag and then the Fuji tag is on there too. Go figure.
  9. I wonder if this would have anything to do with cold air being more dense in the winter time...? Any physics majors on here? :cool:
  10. An automobile engine creates an electro magnetic field.. I can totally understand why and how it is possible that a lightning bolt could strike a car.. It must be an extremely rare circumstance though! Amazing!
  11. haha.. no worries... just tryin to be funny. Sorry about trashin your thread.
  12. Do you hear the oooo's and aaaaa's? Man I LIKE those new GT's. I want to swap a EJ25T (sti) motor and drivetrain into my 98 GT. Man that car must be sweeet though.
  13. LOL Noah! You would have to live in NW Oregon to understand how their school system is up there.. His grammar isn't THAT Bad! rofl.
  14. I'm in Tucson Arizona... used to live in Rainier.. Parents live in Astoria We're gonna try to make it to WCSS but I donno if we'll be able to afford it by the time it rolls around. With your 4/4 lift what needs to be done to the running gear to keep everything reliable?
  15. I need a lift for the Gen 2 Brat.. when you gonna start producing those?
  16. 84 Brat - 236,350 I don't know how much of that was flat tow..as it was an "RV" trailer flat-tow by the previous owners. But it still counts, right?
  17. I fabbed up a GL - 10 seat with height adjustment to fit onto my 84 Brat sliders.. the GL-10 was a little wider.. so it took an extra couple brackets to get it to mount up right.. The newer seats are probably wider than for your wagon... so you might want to take some measurements to see if you have room. If you got a welder and an oxycetalene torch though you can do just about anything!Good luck!
  18. Does it even have an Air Suction Valve? Sounds like Air Suction Valve!
  19. Okay.. well I don't have much experiance with the ea82.. but the noise you are describing sounds like the ASV .. (I don't even know if they have them on the ea82?) It would be a little thingy that has a rubber hose going to it (from your air supply).. and then a metal tube going out of it into the exhaust pipe right at the header.. If it's the valve's inside the ASV are broken or wore out they would be noisy.. good luck.
  20. You got my vote for ASV (Air or auto Suction Valve) If you even have one or two? They go from your air box to your exhaust... Uhmm.. If you're talkin about your 92 SPFI.. I dunno.. do they have ASV's? Uhmm... would help if you let us know what car / some specs?
  21. Probably 1 and 3/4 on your 81.. just a guess.
  22. Well, the kids left in the evening and I got out there under the hood. I see exactly the cable you were referring to. *Duh!* It was just a simple matter of it being out of adjustment.. I had to re-dye the "bolt" for it, as it was terrible dirty, and tap a nut to thread on there.. but it's all good now! It is a simply magnificent invention! I can't believe I never knew about this before!!! As for it being obnoxious for wheelin'.. I don't see why.. it only comes on with the clutch all the way depressed and then you have to depress the brake very far too.. if you let the clutch out as little as 1/4 of the way.. the hill holder disengages and you can roll back just fine... It's GREAT!!! Thanks for the help!!! -Eli-
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