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Everything posted by SuBrat84

  1. YOU WISH!! We saw it first, get over it. Besides, when I showed you pics you said it was ugly, you don't deserve it.:-p And the ATV is happy just where it's at. ~*~jess~*~
  2. You know, I came up with this name, and calling my Eli a doof.... this coming from someone who had a "4-cylinder v8" in his Subaru. Oh yes, Eli talks about you:-p Besides B-Roo, i sign my posts. See? ~*~jessica~*~.. and my question wasn't really answered
  3. I was told by Eli that keeps stuff out and that it's really not important. I'm new to this whole working on cars thing, if it's not that important, why is it there in the first place? And obviously it has a purpose..to keep stuff out, why toss it?? I'm just curious. ~*~jess~*~
  4. That's pretty funny concidering my friend John's assortment of RPGs and other assault weapons. They sure are fun, I personally like the M2 Carbine, a 1940's WW2 style, and the bowling ball cannon!! Those are always fun. Maybe you should just move to AZ;) The gun laws aren't so bad I got a whole book on it. Climbing around in the living room sure would be fun I guess, but I have a 2 year old and 4 year old here often and I don't think my sister would appreciate it much if they got hurt.. and I don't think Eli would appreciate it much with them tearin up the ATV...they're crazy little buggers.:-\ ~*~jessi~*~
  5. I don't know my MPG.. I haven't driven it that much.. Yeah I put a quarter in the drivers side hose just on the ASV side of the little black box.. it was really noisy before i did that.. but im thinking that it might actually have been the timing thing making all the noise! I'm going to take the quarter out tonight and see how it acts. Thanks!
  6. So I decided to stop being lazy about getting this thing registered and licensed.. We took it to emissions today. ... It doesn't look good. (1984 Subaru GL BRAT ea81 Carbed all stock) Equipment Inspection Results: Air System : Pass Gas Cap Test: Pass Catalytic Converter: Pass Emissions Inspection Results: Hydrocarbons in PPM - Loaded: 232 / Standard 220 <--- FAIL Hydrocarbons in PPM - IDLE: 1341 / Standard 220 <--- FAIL!!!!!! Carbon Monoxide in % - Loaded: 0.06 / Standard 1.20 <--- PASS (phew) Carbon Monoxide in % - IDLE: 0.14 / Standard 1.20 <--- PASS! (yay!) Based on these results the emissions station informed me that have a MISFIRE on one of my cylinders! I now have 60 days where I can return for ONE free emissions test. So I brougth it home and I checked the timing and it was way off (like 14 or something absurd).. I got it as close to 8 degrees BTDC as I could and it seems to be running a lot better already. I plan to replace the dist. cap and rotor. Things I have done recently include the following: New Plugs New Plug Wires New Radiator + hoses New Air Filter, PCV Filter New PCV Valve. Oil Change w/ new filter / drain plug. New Oil Pan Gasket New Valve Cover Gaskets Added Manual Transaxle Fluid New Water Pump belt / Alternator belt. There maybe something else I did but I can't think of it right now.. Anyway here's my question: Can anyone think of anything else I should do to get my emissions working as good as possible? I'm really hopin that the timing issue was the problem.. but I want to do as much as possible so I dont have to end up paying another emissions fee. Oh yah.. I'm going to unplug my drivers side ASV as well to see if it's any quieter with the timing correct now. Thanks for reading my long rump roast emissions post and thanks in advance for any input you might have!! -Eli-
  7. Exhaust pipes would be GREAT! If you could do the Y-Pipe w/ Cat, Intermediate Pipe, and a muffler for $300 .. you'd have my business. but it needs to be a proper soobie style "Y" - pipe.. not some POS like WALKER POS POS POS STUPID POS "T" into the CAT Pipe!! GRRRR I hate those SOBS!!! Hehe.. had to rant! and oh yeah.. LOCKERS!
  8. Would my timing being off cause it to be extra noisy on the drivers side but not passenger side?
  9. Okay.. so the ASV on the drivers side of the 84 brat is creating a very loud noise that I initially thought was bad piston rings.. However.. if I plug the hose going to it, it quiets right up. What I'm wondering is if I plug it off with a quarter or bottle cap or whatever.. do I need to plug the air box off too? and will I still be getting enough air from the passenger side ASV to not have to worry about my CAT melting? Thanks!
  10. Definately rear diff plates!! Can you do functional rear diff lockers so you dont have to weld it and take the axle out for normal driving? Also, Rollbars/cages, Brush Guards, Custom Front/Rear Bumpers, Jumpseat frames!!! ( The handles for my passenger side jumpseats are rusting off! )
  11. As far as I know any parts from 82-87 brats should be compatable.. as well as any parts from "EA81" subaru's. (GL's 81-85? I think) Good luck, and hope you enjoy your new brat!! (We sure enjoy ours! http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35471 )
  12. I did this to mine and it's still noisey as hell.. the reed and ASV's are fine.. it's only noisy on the drivers side.. .any ideas? If you need more details of whats going on with mine.. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34967&page=1&pp=10
  13. I've heard that oil can get "caught" in the engine and wont drain down into the oil pan.. up to a quart.. I don't know if this is just a rumor.. but I get various readings from my dipstick without doing anything to the oil.. from just over full to right inbetween the hash marks... One thing that seems to get more oil down into the pan is getting right above one of the front shocks and rocking the car side to side for a minute or two... Good luck getting this oil mystery figured out!
  14. Hey B, you spelled PARODY wrong:-p Nice wagon, tho, I like HondaSucks' paint job better!! nah-nah ~*~jessica~*~
  15. I'll have you know that we happen to have enough Soob parts lying around in our living room, which happens to be closet sized with two couches, an "entertainment center" (we like to call it), a night stand the TV sits on, a medium ghetto bookshelf, a side table, and the computer on the breakfast bar with a folding camper's chair to sit on. SO if we put the ATV in here, no walking space. Not willing to stuff in a dirtbike. So if you have any way to make this crap hole bigger without us getting sued, you just come on by here then:-p We're trying to find a house, this place sux I wanna burn it!!! But the law says "no"....*grumbles*..they ruin everything.... ~*~jessica~*~
  16. Well, it's pretty easy to go to the storage unit to get the bike and atv out to go riding, as the unit is only a mile from my apartment. As for why we put it IN storage instead of taking it OUT, is because my brother moved into an apartment. So, unless you guys think we should park them in our living rooms..? They have a nice home in a storage unit. P.S. We already knew the versatility of the Roo.. we just wanted to share our story with everyone! (Been lovin' Roo's since my parents first '82 DL, Dual Range, when I was 6 yrs old)
  17. Found this on websters acronym finder: BRATBi-Drive Recreational All-Terrain Transporter (Subaru model name for four-wheel drive car/truck, 1977-1987) Let's just throw this one in for fun: JESSICAJava-Enable Single-System-Image Computing Architecture I always knew I was cool in the geek world.
  18. I guess this is the theory.. I would like some feed back to this as well, as my ASV is a very noisy little bugger.
  19. Did you try changing the spark plugs wires? I had a #4 wire that the insulation weakened and was grounding out..... Oh, and after any maintanence work you should disconnect the battery (if you dont do it WHILE you're working on the car..) to reset the ECU.
  20. Took the brat out today to help my brother "move" some stuff from his old house to my storage unit. Poor guy had to get an apartment. So here's a little photo story for you all! So on the way to his place we decide to take some off the beaten path trails the back way in through some small mountains... low and behold there is a small cattle pond with some good mud: Unfortunately this mud was about 12 inches deep!!! Whoops. Stock bratty brat couldn't make it!!! We had to get pulled out backwards. Oh well.. you don't know if you don't try, right? So, on down the trail a ways we gotta do a nice little hill climb: It wasn't too bad.. but it's a LOT steeper than it looks! Not to mention the ruts that are in the hill. Oh well.. it's all good! We couldn't help find a nice little spot to do some sliding around in the dirt: I love the way this thing handles in 4wd!!! So.. after playing around a while we finally got to my brothers house and loaded up the brat.. this pics is outside my apartment before we headed to storage: We had the following items in there... 1) CR250 Dirtbike; 2) 20" Mongoose bike; 3) Air Compressor & 20ft of hose; 4) Two Spare Tires; 5) Craftsman Toolbox Full of Tools; 6) Case of Oil; 7) Metal Dirtbike Ramp; 8) and of course the JUMP SEATS are in there too!!! So we finally got all this stuff in storage. And the day is over. I just thought I'd share this mini-adventure with you all. Jessica and I had a GREAT time playin out in the hills today. Thanks for taking the time to read our little tale. WE LOVE THIS BRAT!!!
  21. Definately manual if you're doing any snow driving. I forgot to down shift my auto in the snow and slid right into a damn guard rail!
  22. Is your outback the 2.5 model? I THINK '01 is a phase II ( I know my '98 is phase I ) I don't think you have much to worry about with your motor.. There has been reports of people blowing head gaskets in the 2.5 more than like a 2.2 or 2.0... Regular maintanence (which it sounds like you do) and driving it regularly like a half-sane individual should keep everything in good working order. I drive my Phase I 2.5 really hard and it's holding up good at 75k/30k (it's a long story.. but 30k on the block and 75k on everything else.) P.S. Don't let the stories here scare you away from your subaru.. no one posts about their awesome subaru's that have lasted 200k+ with very little or no problem.
  23. Fill up. Drive X miles. Fill up again to get Y gallons. Divide X by Y. Example: X = 300 Miles. Y = 15 Gallons. 300 / 15 = 20. Therefore you are getting 20 mpg. With these numbers.
  24. Found my owners manaul 2.5L models: Fuel Tank = 15.9 US gal / 60 liter / 13.2 Imp gal Engine Oil = 4.7 US qt / 4.5 liter / 3.9 Imp qt Transmission Oil = 3.7 US qt / 3.5 liter / 3.1 Imp qt ATF = 10 US qt / 9.5 liter / 8.4 Imp qt AT Diff Gear Oil = 1.3 US qt / 1.2 liter / 1.1 Imp qt AWD Rear Diff Gear Oil = 0.8 US qt / 0/8 liter / 0.7 Imp qt Power Steering Fluid = 0.7 US qt / 0.7 liter / 0.6 Imp qt Engine Coolant = 6.3 US qt / 6.0 liter / 5.3 Imp qt 2.2L models: Fuel: Same as above. Engine Oil = 4.2 US qt / 4.0 liter / 3.5 Imp qt Transmission Oil = (AWD same as above) FWD = 3.5 US qt / 3.3 liter / 2.9 Imp qt ATF = 8.3 US qt / 7.9 liter / 7.0 Imp qt AT Diff Gear Oil = Same as above. AWD Rear Diff Gear Oil = Same as above. Power Steering Fluid = Same as above. Engine Coolant = 6.2 US qt / 5.8 liter / 5.2 Imp qt
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