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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. yes, since there's a good carb-to-spfi conversion write-up there seems to be a steady need for spfi parts... offer it up on the for sale section and just hold onto it until it sells... --Spiffy
  2. it's such a cool bumper I would never take it off... ... so I've gotta replace a little coolant hose on my intake, tweak my throttle cable route, and check my timing, then I'll be all set for TSF this weekend... if I'm really ambitious I could put my LSD in, but I'm slow and lazy and the weekend is approaching quickly... --Spiffy
  3. sometimes the Mrs and I like to get quadrozontal... "Turn her on"; "...take hold of her rack (and pinion steering)." ah, to be in Europe where sex still sells... --Spiffy
  4. sweet! have you also tried the "drive out into the middle of the woods where nobody else is at and be really loud and wild about it against a tree?" that might also help bring on the wee ones... --Spiffy
  5. yes! follow the links from thus USRM page: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=75786 --Spiffy
  6. calculated mine yesterday before and after a road trip... 19 mpg around town... 24 mpg on the highway... --spiffy
  7. looks like the cruise control on my '82... is there a set/resume/coast function off one of the column branches somewhere? --Spiffy
  8. is the choke working? it might have come out of adjustment... mine used to have that problem, but I just replaced the entire carb since it had a lot of shaft play anyways... --Spiffy
  9. the good news is that subaru kept the same wiring plug from the loyale into the new millennium... you should be able to just plug it right in... I think the only problem I had in my '85 was that I needed to find an always-hot lead to keep the station presets... and you really should rewire the rear speakers to eliminate the common ground issue... you'll also need a faceplate adapter to bring the unit out a half inch or so in order for it to clear the duct work like john in KY said... but I've moved stereos from an '85 and '88 loyale into a '97 imp, '00 legy, and '00 forester without having to do any wiring... --Spiffy
  10. I went the air-horn route myself... but I've seen a lot of people recommend Hella Supertone horns... --Spiffy
  11. I'm not sure the PO botched it, since it never had an always-hot wire because ea81's didn't come with a modern enough stereo to have digital presets that required it... poke around with a volt meter and see if you can find something that's hot all the time... worst case is that you have to go all the way to the fuse box and tap off the hot side of that... --Spiffy
  12. I'll see what I can do... new baby taking up a lot of my time... at least I'll be off pager rotation by then... we'll see how fundage is around that time... I really want to drive through that tree! hehe... I should be able to keep up enough, even in my stock rig... I'm not afraid of bumps and bruises... it all adds character... --Spiffy
  13. I get about 20 in my wagon... but after seeing all the mpg threads recently I'm thinking I need to make some tweaks so I can get up to 25 or more... I've done the usual maintenance with no difference... even replaced the carb because mine had lots of shaft play and that didn't make a difference either... but there's lots of plugged lines from previous owners messing with it... --Spiffy
  14. awesome! I'd like to know how that turns out since that seems like the route to go to get that extra stash pocket... if everything fits into place I'll be hunting down those parts locally... --Spiffy
  15. +1 for factory stereo! I use the ashtray to hold my mp3 player... although cup holders would rock... I think you may be onto something... so we get 4wd, but no extra stash spot... that's probably a fair trade... does anybody have both a fwd and 4wd console to compare? I'd really like to have that extra stash spot, but it looks like it might be fwd only if the shifter isn't in the right spot... --Spiffy
  16. thanks! I see a theme here... you all have an '83 and have an extra stash spot below the radio/tape area above the shifter that my '82 doesn't have... is that console the same for '83-'84? and will it swap right into my '82 easily? anybody have pics of older consoles? I know there's some slant pics around somewhere... --Spiffy
  17. ok, I know there are quite a few different ea81 center console configurations... I'm mostly interested in pictures of the area where the radio goes... but variations on the center armrest and 4wd shifter areas would be cool too... I'd like to see what kind of options there are for little stash spots around the radio... mostly I've seen only 1 stash spot near the radio, but I've seen a couple photos that show there may be another one available... so lets see those ea81 consoles! --Spiffy
  18. the more traction a tire has the more resistance there is and the lower the mpg... a snow tire is going to get a lot worse mileage than a racing slick... of course traction is a relative term... basically the more complex the tread design then the lower the mpg... I don't keep a log of my mpg so I've never really compared the numbers to see how much of a difference it makes... --Spiffy
  19. sweet! got an updated pic? according to the tire size calculator you gained 4.2 inches, which is like a 2.1 inch lift... went from 24.7" to 28.9" diameter... "Speedometer reading with non-stock tire is 17.1% too slow. When your speedo reads 60 mph, you are actually traveling 70.3 mph." don't get a ticket! hehe... --Spiffy
  20. I would tend to agree... it looks like some kind of camera trick the way it retains traction with all those wheels off the ground... I'd have to zig zag up that thing... looks fun though... how's it do on the road? at least it's not your daily driver so you can get away with it... --Spiffy
  21. wow, those things are stuffed in there! what size are they? with the rust on the wells I would think that it would eat into the tread over bumps... --Spiffy
  22. I had the same problem on a '98 imp... couldn't get those screws to cooperate so I ended up moving the mounts on the cargo box I was trying to mount... worked out better that way anyways... when I took a more in-depth look at it I thought it looked like they weren't movable, but rather had only one place they could attach... is it possible to remove the entire crossbar track? maybe there's another screw/nut under there... I don't have the car anymore so I can't check... --Spiffy
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