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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. you gotta ditch that honda emblem and put in a 3rd eye... --Spiffy
  2. I run snow tires all year, because you never know when you might need to do some impromptu off-roading in your daily driving... (: --Spiffy
  3. looking at the google terrain map it looks like most of that Mill Creek stretch is pretty level to the ocean, but it makes a climb up around where it meets Navy Pipeline continuing past Bonneville Powerline coming down after the large L and then coming back up again slight before going down to hit 202 by the fairgrounds... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=5271141640528619731,46.150773,-123.795117&saddr=92937+Walluski+Loop,+Astoria,+OR+97103+(Clatsop+County+Fairgrounds)&daddr=46.163544,-123.788109+to:Millcreek+Rd+and+Lower+Columbia+River+Hwy&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=13&via=1&sll=46.162831,-123.781757&sspn=0.050411,0.087547&ie=UTF8&ll=46.175195,-123.80373&spn=0.0504,0.143852&t=p&z=13 not sure of the exact elevation gains... it doesn't look at high as Coxcomb Hill where the Astoria Column is... it's 5.5 miles each way... maybe I should go over there and check it out one of these weekends... --Spiffy
  4. since most everyone in this thread (except Scott) is pretty much local to me you should all add me to your favorite messenger program... you all don't have yours listed in your profile so go to my profile and add me and send me a message... don't make me beg... c(: you know you want another subie with your crew to pull out of the mud... I mean, sure I'm stock now, but I'm working on it slowly... --Spiffy
  5. yikes! thanks for reminding me... I need to do all 4 corners... probably this weekend since it's gonna be HOT and DRY outside... I don't envy your east coast rust... --Spiffy
  6. man, I really need to get a lift, or at least bigger tires, so I can go play with the big boys too... then I need to get on everybody's IM list so I can find out in advance about these things... those ruts, are scary, at least to my stock sube... I don't mind giving it a try when I have people to pull me out... but generally I drive around, as I enjoy the drive through the deep forest more than hunting out obstacles... definitely looks fun... --Spiffy
  7. the base has a 3-way adjustable level... again, it's not the size or position of the seat that's a problem, yet, because I can't get that far into the installation, it's that there's no way to secure the it... I guess I could try to fit the entire seat unit in there and see if that will even fit, since there's no point in going through a lot of hassle to secure the base to find out that the seat itself is too big... I'm just going to have to get a different seat for the forester that doesn't have the same requirements and use this fancy one in the old '82 GL... I need a seat from 15 years ago that's not designed with consumerism and impressing your neighbors in mind... small is better... --Spiffy
  8. sounds like the government wants us to keep buying gas for a while... I would rather we all drive 5 mpg vehicles and use up the supply so that an alternative energy source HAS to be developed... they're just dragging out their own death because there's a lot of money in oil... spending money regulator mpg when they could use that to get rid of fossil fuels altogether... --Spiffy
  9. excellent, you got one of the newer ones with less problems... but there will always be things to tinker with on it... the sound system is usually one of the last things people spice up... it's more about performance and do-it-yourself repairs around here... --Spiffy
  10. actually, I haven't even made it far enough to see if the size of the seat is an issue... I can't get the base to secure... there's no way to secure it... no LATCH system, and the seat belts coming from the middle of the seat area make it incompatible... I'm not sure if all the baby seats have these requirements... I looked a little deeper at the way the seats mount and am wondering if I can use something like a securing strap hooked to the mounts to hook the LATCH system to... but I don't want to rig something that'll be unsafe... --Spiffy
  11. yeah, I had that realization when I was looking at it this weekend... right after I filled the oil in my mower I had a little epiphany and remembered that it needed that oil for other things... hehe... unfortunately the tank it cracked diagonally in a couple spots on the front where the level lines are at... so I'll be needing to do some serious patching or find a replacement tank... I think I'll need to take a couple close up pics and make a new thread for this one... thanks for the heads-up! waiting for my 360 club membership with cd to come back in the mail so I have a slightly better idea of what I'm doing... slightly... I'm a n00b so I'll leave the engine work to somebody more qualified... --Spiffy
  12. so we received this fancy Eddie Bauer infant/baby seat and stroller combo... today I tried fitting it into the back of Red ('00 Forester S) and found it was totally incompatible... it doesn't have anchors for the LATCH system, and the seat belts come from the middle of the seat instead of the seat bight where the back/bottom come together... not to mention the emergency locking retractor belts would require use of the supplied locking clip anyways... I blame those fancy reclining rear seats... is there any hope for getting a child car seat to work in Red? I don't know if they're all this way... but if anybody knows of a make/model that will fit I'd appreciate it as it's easier to get a new car seat than a new car... --Spiffy
  13. there could also be some gunk in there causing it not to open or close all the way... like waimaks said, take it out and clean it... it about the easiest thing to remove from a carb... --Spiffy
  14. on this site you would want to ask in the New Gen forum... you can find some of the info you seek on cars101.com as well... they have a great list of the different models and options and whatnot... --Spiffy
  15. well, as the name implies it's anti-dieseling... so if you remove that function it won't be able to instantly cut the fuel and if the engine is warmed up it will continue to run and burn the excess gas in the line until it slowly sputters to a halt... personally, I like my car to stop running when I turn off the key... (: --Spiffy
  16. first I just want to bring it back to life and get it on the road... gas tank isn't hooked up, so I'm hoping it's not rotted... the remaining half of a fuel line to the carb is brittle and broken... and the 2-stroke oil reservoir is cracked and needs to be replaced... so I have to run it off a can of mix right now... will need to get the maroon spray paint off it and get it back to the original white, and reupholster the interior as it's totally rotted... original front seat is just metal frame and springs right now, and there's an suv seat in it now which is too tall... I've got all the door panels for templates... just got a battery (Die Hard lawn tractor version, hehe) so I need to see what kind of shape the electrical is in... the charge light doesn't stay on so that circuit seems to be working, but I haven't even checked the lights... brakes pedal goes to the floor, but it stops with the e-brake... have to see what's up with that... I'm just glad it starts up and runs and drives... gotta get a hold of the california dmv to see about getting a title so I can register it up here in oregon... I only have a bill of sale right now... you can see pics of our adventure to california last weekend to pick it up right here... the guy I got it from still has a parts van, so I can possibly get a few odd parts from him if I forgot anything, but it's pretty much complete, just getting old and brittle... I did come away with extra wheels, carb, and clutch cover with disty... might have him send me the extra voltage regulator, just in case I fry something... --Spiffy
  17. I emailed the guy at cars101.com and he updated some of the info... he even added pics of the van they have in the showroom up there in WA... would still be nice if he made a separate section for the sedan and van... since, as Jonv23 stated, there are subtle differences... but I've got a van in my possession now, so I can take my own measurements... (: --Spiffy
  18. I was thinking the same thing... why have some ricey looking projector headlights that will just get covered in mud? --Spiffy
  19. I go to Richie for everything... they were having a special on timing belts recently, but it might be over by now... he's up on NE 82nd and Prescott... 503-288-8634... these subarus really are easy to work on, but sometimes I'm just lazy, or don't have the time... or I do most of the work and something still isn't quite right and I take it there to have him figure it out... I don't mind banging away on my older subies, but with the forester I almost always take it in... at least until I get better... --Spiffy
  20. yeah, the cars101.com info was conflicting, even on its own site... http://www.cars101.com/subaru/360.html http://www.cars101.com/oldsubaru.html#360%20Specifcations also, they don't split out the van from the sedan... thanks for the weight and height! somebody also emailed me this info: length is 9'8", total width of body is 4'2", widest point is the mirrors at the very front of the van at 4'7", and 3" from the ground. width of wheel track is 48", wheelbase length is 5'6". thanks all! --Spiffy
  21. anybody know how wide and long a 360 van is? how about how much it weighs? --spiffy
  22. welcome to the club... hopefully you become just as obsessed as the rest of us are with subies... (: +1 on your ea81 model car! just wait until you discover the joys of a 4wd car... --Spiffy
  23. I'll be driving from Portland up to Zap's tomorrow afternoon and this place is on the way... I can pick it up and take it as far as Zap's place if that would help you out at all... just PM me and we'll work out the details... I can also transport almost anything else from Portland to Seattle or vice versa... I'm only going as far north as Boeing Field though... --Spiffy
  24. the judge you talked to is wrong... the rules clearly state: "What vehicles are allowed: 4-wheel drive vehicles only - no front wheel drive. Must have a front and rear differential." subarus clearly have a front and rear differential... the front one is just included in the transmission and not detached and separate like on their prefered breeds... call them back and demand that they let you enter... if they really protest offer to fax them a cross-section of a subaru tranny showing the internal front diff... and if that doesn't work get as many subaru people as you can together to protest at the entrance... --Spiffy
  25. looks like a fun gathering... are those ea81's stock? I really should tag along one of these days... will have to keep my eye on the trail runs and meet and greet forums I guess... (: --Spiffy
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