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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. I could go for an ea81 lift for my wagon... --Spiffy
  2. they start here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=11029&limit=recent or for your entire gallery in thumbnail view: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=10216 cool scans... mmm, foreign wiring... --Spiffy
  3. called, no answer, left a voicemail... stopped by on my way back from richie's shop... they were closed... looks like they're only open while I'm at work (8-5)... took some pics through the fence of the only old soob on the lot... pm'd you the link to the pictures... --Spiffy
  4. I'm no pro but I can go take a look at it... I can get pictures of all the important parts and take it for a test drive... but I won't escrow/buy it for you... you'll always want to be the one that does the transaction... nobody else is going to know exactly what you'd look for... you have to see it with your own eyes... and if you end up with a lemon you'll know you picked it... --Spiffy
  5. my voltage is good until I've been driving for a few miles and then it slowly starts to drop off... it'll read well above 12 for miles and everything will work fine and then suddenly it will drop to 12 and slowly go down as I drive and use accessories and lights... I can stop and idle for a while and voltage climbs slowly back up but then when I start going again it drops back down... it'll slowly drop so far that the car will barely run... I've replaced the alternator and all the connections at it (they were old, crusty, and corroded)... also put a new battery in it... what else can it be? where are the other common trouble spots that could cause this problem? are there some usual bad connections I should be checking, cleaning and maybe rewiring? --Spiffy
  6. also, I bought my stereo through Crutchfield online for my current '88 GL and it came with a free face kit and wiring harness, including wires and instructions for fixing the common ground problem... great deal too, using an internet coupon code... --Spiffy
  7. read this: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50840 then go to a car stereo shop or big electronics store that does car stereo installs and buy the face adapter kit and the wiring harness... you can fit any normal sized radio with the adapter kit... it brings the entire stereo out a bit, but not much more than the stock face adapter, and fixes the clearance problem... it's pretty simple... the toughest part is rewiring the front speakers to bypass the crappy common-ground system... --Spiffy
  8. I've never seen one... the high roofs are rare enough... a white one just popped up in the parking lot at work a couple months ago... it's a white 2wd auto... --Spiffy
  9. did you try pouring some fresh fuel down its throat? gas can go bad in 6 months... 2 year old gas is going to be hell on the carb... not that it's really that tough to take it apart and clean sticky yellow varnish out of it... pour some fresh gas down the carb and see if it fires on that... and of course recheck all the timing if that doesn't work... --Spiffy
  10. here's some samples I did in photoshop with my old '85... http://easilyamused.com/subaru/images/concept/ --Spiffy
  11. so my heater core in my '82 GL is mostly clogged so I was feeling up my heater hoses to see which is the intake and which is return... well the top hose was really warm and the bottom wasn't... question answered... however, when I squeezed the lower hose it was all crunchy inside... I'm afraid... what do you think is in there? old rust? it is crunchy all the way from the firewall to the water pump... I'm waiting for it to cool down right now so I can disconnect the hoses and flush everything out... --Spiffy
  12. I took about 6" of mounting strip (strip metal with holes) and mounted each component in every 3rd hole or so... 2 horns the little electric compressor that runs them, and a relay... ran a fused wire from the battery via the relay wired to the original horn wire... blew the horn fuse in the dash once but got it on the 2nd try... (: when I was getting parts I saw a horn kit just like this one for sale at Mike's Auto Parts on Woodstock and 52nd... didn't catch the price... ... just how big is an airhorn from a train? --Spiffy
  13. The Last of the Red Hat Mamas... lemme see if I can clip just that one section... --Spiffy
  14. I quickly discovered it was the horn itself... my roommate had this laying around so I did this... --Spiffy
  15. my '82 doesn't have them... my ea82's have all had them... even the '85 with the different style mirrors had them... '85-'86 were different than '87 on...
  16. Fuel Tank: 15.8 US Gallons (14.5 US Gallons on 4WD model) ... Fuel Tank: 14.5 US Gallons --Spiffy
  17. a lot of people have vacuum problems going to that solenoid... the vacuum is supplied by a white canister in the engine compartment on the passenger side up by the hood hinge... make sure that the canister is holding pressure... you can also just suck on a long hose connected to the solenoid on the driver side that actuates it... and check the wiring from there to the tranny... you should be able to follow the slow of things... manifold vacuum, canister, solenoid, tranny... at least it sounds like the solenoid is engaging by the click you hear... --Spiffy
  18. I had this exact same problem with my '82 last month... turned out that my primary in the carb was clogged and the only way it would get any gas, and also move, was for me to floor it and open up the secondary... I rebuilt the carb and now it's runs great... --Spiffy
  19. I just did the hitachi on my '82 a month ago... you mean there's a manual?! it's pretty straightforward... take it apart, clean it, put it back together with as many new parts as they give you in your rebuild kit... as far as the base gasket, it looks like it's a couple gaskets with a riser piece of rubber or something in between that comes off the intake manifold... I just made sure not to take a scraper to the gasket... I wiggled it off, all the gaskets stayed on the intake, nothing tore, so I just put it back on that way after cleaning up the seal... --Spiffy
  20. oh man that is nasty! I trapped my rodent and then set him free (at 55mph on the highway)... --Spiffy
  21. that looks exactly like what the mice did to my '85 GL wagon... pulled that crud out of the vents for days... and out of the glove box... I also had to spray a bunch of Febreeze deep down into the vents so the mouse sh*t smell would go away... after that the fan always clicked a bit while it was running... drove me insane but it still worked... --Spiffy
  22. if it's not the vacuum canister then it might be the vacuum valve behind the glove box... I spent a lot of time on my vent-only issue, changing out the vacuum lines, canister, and dash control unit... only to find out that the defrost part was controlled by a vacuum valve behind the glove box... then while scavenging the junk yard for a new one I found that it only seemed to be on turbo models... *shrug* after I replaced that my defrost worked great... --Spiffy
  23. ouch! looks like your sister shouldn't own a dog... poor subaru... poor dog... I wonder if he'll be pooping foam fruitcake for a while... --Spiffy
  24. why not just paint the wheels instead of spending all that effort on hubcaps? get some nice chrome center caps and paint the steelies... I had those same hubcaps and took them off and ran with the black steelies until I got some alloys... now I'm trying to give away the hubcaps... but they're scuffed up pretty good... but if you're just gonna sand and paint them they'd work... personally I'd just paint the wheels and get center caps... (: --Spiffy
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