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Everything posted by Legacy777

  1. Jes, Sorry to hear about your father, but glad to hear he instilled you with the enthusiasm and guts to do this job! :)
  2. Jes, Thanks for sharing these photos and story! I had a transgo kit installed in my Legacy back 2002 when it was automatic. It did help the shifting issues similar to what you described but maybe not as pronounced.
  3. Good to hear the new oil is working well with the AC system!
  4. Without doing some more troubleshooting I'm not sure I could pin point it to one of those things. Have you tried what you described with the gear selector in the 1 or 2 position? Supposedly there are different shift maps when the gear selector is in those positions vs. drive. If you wanted to do some testing and try applying 12v to the duty c solenoid so you have 50/50 torque split all the time that may be able to help point to a duty c solenoid or not. It has it's own issues testing that way though and would require doing some wiring. I wish I had some more concrete information for you.
  5. As I mentioned I think you should be good. If it's blowing cold and working well, that's good to hear.
  6. I think you should be ok. Has your AC been working ok or do you not have the work completed yet?
  7. Ok, well you've got to use what you have available. I'm sure it will work ok. The main issue I had with plain ester oil was it didn't lubricate as well and I believe lead to compressor failures. If the ICE 32 is supposed to help lubrication hopefully that well alleviate some of the issues I may have had. There appears to be different kinds of the Daphne Hermetic Oil, did the compressor say what viscosity/type? https://www.ilacorp.com/products/industrial-lubricants/refrigeration-compressor-oils.html
  8. Jes, Does the manual state to use ester oil vs. PAG oil? I've found ester oil doesn't work as well as PAG oil with r134a. I believe I've had compressor failures in the past due to insufficient lubrication.
  9. Great work Jes! Glad extending the pedal has helped. You also get some additional leverage on the brake pedal with the added length which translates to more force being input to the brake master cylinder with the same foot/leg force exerted on the brake pedal.
  10. Welcome to the USMB, and yeah post in the New gen forum. You'll be able to get some more feedback there.
  11. Welcome to the USMB! Sorry to hear about the accident, but glad to hear you're ok and getting an Outback.
  12. I may have a 95 manual, but not sure if it has the ej18 info you're looking for. If someone doesn't have the 94, shoot me a PM or email as a reminder and I'll try and look through the 95 I have to see if it has the ej18 info.
  13. Welcome to the USMB! I'm going to move your post to the new gen forum where your question will get some additional views.
  14. Welcome to the USMB. I would suspect it's as issue with the speedometer cable or mount between the cable and transmission. I'm going to move this thread to the old gen forum as they may be more familiar with the specific issue and fix.
  15. Welcome to the USMB! Definitely check out the Subaru retrofitting and old gen forums for info on the 2.2 swap.
  16. Welcome to the USMB Chris! 750k miles is a lot!
  17. Welcome! If you get around to doing the AWD swap, check out my write-up. http://www.surrealmirage.com/subaru/swap
  18. From Google "In the enthusiast community, "DSM", especially used in the singular (e.g. "a DSM") generally refers to the original first- and second-generation Mitsubishi Eclipse, Eagle Talon, and Plymouth Laser, which all shared the same Diamond-Star Motors vehicle platform." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond-Star_Motors
  19. Welcome! What year/model Legacy do you have?
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