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Brumby Boy

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Everything posted by Brumby Boy

  1. t/belt jobs are a piece of cake i do them all the time at work. like said do your water pump and oil pump and make sure that you check all your idlers and tensioner, i recomend replacing the idlers each time the belt is done but its up to u.
  2. Yeah but its all got to be B/S because with tec we have to day, ie: x-ray etc, it can be deturmend that the weld is suitable? Any way i just think that its all just B/S!!:-\
  3. If we arnt alowed welded steering extensions in australia why are the original joints etc welded????
  4. Oh only the R33's. i dont care i rather my brumby. they would certainly be diferent to drive
  5. my bro reformatted his hard disk on his comp so no pics but, 92 brumby, JVC head unit, eclipse 4 channel amp, kicker 6 inch front componants, Eclipse 6 x 9's both sets of speakers in custom doorskins. still to go in behind the seats are 2 eclipse 12 inch subs and 2 clarion 10 inch V-net subs and in the floor imedatly infront of the seats are amps to run all the subs. ( brands and models still being debated and bought [ and on hold because of my intension to get a lift kit])
  6. Top of the range nissan skylines GTR i think they are
  7. i am looking at getting a lift etc for my brumby but i will only have about a grand in total including shipping so i will ned to know prices before i can do anything. Also pics are good. Thanks
  8. i have only ever owned an ea81 and it cops a floging from my diving. it still goes hard. i also work for a subaru dealer and very rarley see any of the troubles that i have heard so much about here on the USMB relating to the EJ25. the only reliability issue with any of the EJ motors i have seen is the odd t/belt tensioner going bad at about 125000Km and a few waterpumps so now we change the tensioner with the belt every 100000Km and the waterpump gets checked buy the foreman while the belt is of and since have had no troubles so i would be happy using any subaru engine at any time in any vehicle.
  9. i am just curious as to how a diff is welded. anyone got any pics? that would b cool. also would this be recomended for every day driving in my brumby?
  10. I might be geting what sounds like a 4 door RX turbo:) for $250. HOPEFULLY!! My question is should i regester it if its not in need of much work or should i just put it all in my brumby? and if the later how hard is it going to be? This car was described to me as a liberty turbo however after a few questions i found out it is 4 stud and has no intercooler and is very square looking so i am assuming it is actualy an rx. HeHe this is going to be great. PS: i havent actually seen this car so i am just going off what i have been told.
  11. I just scored a set of roll bars off a brothers mates brother for $20. dont know what they are off but they dont look too much to big. dont know why i posted that but hay probably because i have nothing better to do. But now i whish i hadn't swaped out my bull bar for the stock bumper.
  12. I worked out that the right hand front wheel bearing on my 92 brumby has failed. my question is, does anyone know how hard it is to replace this wheel bearing? and also could this be a direct result of it being rwd converted? and yes i did put the stubs back in the hubs to tension the bearings when i converted it.
  13. spose i can do that tomorrow. by ear it definatly sounds like tappets and from that specific top of the head area
  14. I have a hell bad rattle in my 92 brumby. it sounds like tappets so i adjusted them but they are still noisy what do you think? Stock EA81 with extractors, no cat and 2 inch hi flow system
  15. the only trouble that we have had here in townsville is people usin the wrong fule and it brings up a missfire code but we have fixed that by geting people to use premium from a repuitable servo and use the subaru fuel additive other than that no dramas and we have some with as many as 150,000Km on them
  16. i went back to the wreckers the other afternoon and found that they sold them that lunch. o well ill just havge to get some new ones. :-\
  17. hi they are $220 all together secondhand from my local 4 x 4 wrecker in the 6 stud patern. i am hoping ther still have them i havent had a chance to go back and see them. at this point in time i will be putting low profiles on them untill i get a lift then i will be gettin either BFGoodrige mud or all terains or Goodyear wranglers on it. I got a price from an engineering place here to drill my hubs for the 6 stud convert, ten bucks a hole, four holes a hub, four hubs, hundred and sixty bucks which i think is reasonable. PS: when i bought this ute off the old Italian couple i dont think they imagned that i would e doing this. to be honest i didnt think id be doing these mods when i bought it eather:lol:
  18. Hay thanks Phizinza that what i needed to decide. i didnt need them to be perfect just something to give me an idea. and yeah i think that i'll go with the chalgenger's there is a 4 x 4 wrecker with a set for $220 in 6 stud so i might go get them in a week or so. Yeah i am a member of the ausubaru forum but im not a fan of the 12 slotters. thanks for all the info.
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