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Brumby Boy

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Everything posted by Brumby Boy

  1. Hay if i get a hold of an EA82T, will it bolt straight in other than the running of the wiring?? If not would it still be easer to do than the EJ20T swap? Thanks for all the help
  2. Ok thanks ill have to try ozsubaru, Whats the site??
  3. Yeah i dont know what was the go with them?? anyways we can only dream and hope for a new brumby. :-\ :cool:
  4. Hay all is the WRX rear diff LSD? What is the Ratio? Also would it, with some minor mods, bolt in the rear of my brumby? It is currently RWD converted, if i intend to keep it this way it wouldnt realy matter what the WRX ratio is, Correct? Anyways thanks for all your help Ian
  5. there is a buletin on a similar thing but for the clutch as for the brakes im not sure it could have something to do with the booster?? but i just dont know
  6. I suppose everyone has their own methods :-\ What works, works so stick to it. i prefur the metod i described and that is how we do it at the dealership eventhough we have the special tool. we just use it for doing it back up. Find the way you prefer and stick to what you feel comfortable doing
  7. To get it off get a breaker bar with a 13/16 socket from memory and rest the bar on the LH "chassie rail" and crank the car for a sec BUT DONT START THE CAR IF YOU DO SHUT IT DOWN IMMEDIATLY!!! you should have to do this 3 maybe 4 times depending then undo it like a normal bolt. Hope that helps.
  8. Had my stock 92 brat on the beach here with cheese cutters at 34psi didnt have a problem. i dont see y u would have a problem if you used some common sense with the outback
  9. Dont quote me or anything but i think it is just a type of alge/slime. dont know if it is bad or not.
  10. At work we ust Castrol Dextron III. I think it is 3.5 Litres from memory dont quote me or anythin. Australian shedual is every two years or 50000km
  11. Are the brake pads or rotors glazed? that could be the squeel. is the viabration only when you use the brakes or all the time if its all the time it is most likley the wheel balance if it is when you use the brakes the rotors probably need machining
  12. May be use the current rally team paint scheme but use the old gen stare symble instead of the new gen one?
  13. i didnt get to buy the brumby but i may still get to drive it. The boss bought it for a workshop ute for a $1000 au but like i said, IT NEEDS WORK. He asked me what mags would fit, i todt him and he said, so the 17" chrome american critter mags i got of a wrx wont fit? i said you would have to do a 5 stud conversion to make thm fit or do the 6 stud conversion and get some bravo mags if you want 17" otherwise theirs the 15" superlites. he said oh. maybe i will get put incharge of the work and get to do the things i want to do to my ute but cant afford:brow:
  14. Ok thanks. Worse gass milage is not what i need though i am currently paying a 103.5 cents australian per litre soon expected to be 125 cents a litre.
  15. I personaly like the ones posted by TROGDOR and was going to sugest them but he beat me to it, some thing like that would look great. when you decide post some pics so we know what you decide, it will look great. good luck and have fun
  16. Have you tryed some heavy duty degreaser? thats what we use at work to wash engine bays after a service and i works wounders on the red dirt we get some times from out west. Try that if id dosn't work i dont know what will
  17. That would be hell sick i would love a new Brumby or a datson 1200 ute theres a hell of a lot you can do to both to make them into real rocketships.
  18. Its great to hear your wife is ok. My mates sister was driving her husbands 98 Forester and got T-boned by a Semi doing like 80Km she got away with ony a small shallow cut to her head but the car, well ill leave it to your immagination
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