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Brumby Boy

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Everything posted by Brumby Boy

  1. Get the SOB do his knees in then get his pelvise with a coal chisel and last take of his fingers and mince them. Theives are the scum of the earth they deserve everything they get. i have been lucky not to have had my Brumby broken into (except when i do it myself coz i locked my keys in:banghead: ) I feel real sorry for ya hope you get your stuff back
  2. thats great to hear have you got any pics??
  3. Sweet as brumby looks realy good nick
  4. Na cars older than about 95/96 get sent to brisbane as wholesales or to one of the cheap ripoff (budget) caryards around. I will have to go and see Adam tomorrow morning. Knowing my luck it has already been sold to one of these (budget) car yards around. Oh well we'll see what happns. I post what happns tomorrow.
  5. I work at Key Motors Mazda and Subaru in Townsville, Queensland, 2nd year apprentice motor mech. I will probably try to get an ER27 from o/seas and try to set it up like Subaru Brats brat only not as tall because i think i would have trouble geting it approved for roadworthy if it were that tall (pitty i would enjoy sitting next to a Hilux (ROllUX) at the lights in a 12" lifted roo with 30 somethin" + mud terrains:brow: ). The prices around here vary in townsville it would be worth that maybe but go just 100Km south to the burdekin like Home Hill orAyr and its worth double that atleast. I dunno i may have to skip Sandy and Scotty and go straight to Mr Carmichael Dealer Principal, he likes to look after his own people, the salesmen just dont give a f##k, they just want their commission. SOB's
  6. Just wait till i get around to finishing off the sterio, 2X 12" subs, 2X 10" subs, amps to power them and the speakers you can see in the preveous post and a new eclipse or alpine head deck.
  7. At work yesterday we had a white 86 brumby traded in, it has 240,000Km on the clock, Torn seats, Cracked dash, Moldey roof lining, both inner front cv boots split, oil leaks from the engine, 4sp D/R gear box and diff. the good points are that it has no rust that i can see anda straight body also tyres that are about 30% worn. I was thinking this could be my project 6inch lift big mud tyres turbo 6cyl etc. What do you think, whats it worth??
  8. yeah the rwd is hell sick i have been finding this out over the last week i have realised that i want the LSD, anyone know where i can get one is OZ?
  9. Are there any telltail holes on the pump? if so have you checked them?? if they are leaking the pump is stuffed so you will need to replace the pump. otherwise it is probably the gasket.
  10. Yeah rito through up the picks i have been getting more and more hooked by mud so i am thinking about a lift and bigger tyres so i may need to see this for future referenceChamp for takin the picks
  11. I got given a good condition webber 34/34 the other day and was woundering haw i'd go about mounting it on my brumby EA81? has some one done it? can i get an adapter plate? do i have to make the addaptor plate? Jetting? anything you can tell me would be great. Thanks
  12. Hay i did this last week to my brumby then took it scrubbin near home and got stuck (figgers!) got over that log and got to the dirt track:brow: . yelled Hang the f**k on to my bro and his mate in the back and cut into some serious doughnuts into figger 8's then stopped jumped out yelled out dat's da s**t son with an ear to ear grin. Had too much fun, so i jumped back in and did some 2nd gear power slides around a post up to a tight hairpin did a 1st gear opposite lock slide and did a few more of them then let my bro have a go while i rode my cosins new WR426. Drove around for a fair while just rippn it up them went home. The point to this is that it works and i never broke a thing!!! it was hell sick and i loved every minute of it.
  13. How hard is this to do yourself or do i need to get a machine shop to do it???
  14. If there going to pay for it that their falt
  15. No coment on what car to buy as i live in the sunny tropics of Queensland Australia, but... I dont belive so but just check with your dealer.
  16. Yeah theft realy hurts. At work the other day we had a brand new (like 300km on the ODO) forester X auto get towed in. It had been stolen from the UNI carpark, been caned round town, driven through a barb wire fence, jumped (must have got some air because all the struts were bent just above where they mount to the hubs) then they must have been cutting up the salt flats because there was about 2 inches of salt mud on the bottom of the car bumper to bumper. Riped the splash guard clean off along with both front inner guards. When i saw it i shuddered. In almost 19 years i have never seen such disrespect for a subaru. Last week i replaced the ignition barrel and the door barrel, today i replaced all the struts and tomorrow is going to the pannel shop to have the inner guards and the front bumper replaced and get some pannel work before geting a respray. This had a happy ending the car was insured and found in reasonable condition, not striped at all. I hope that your friend get his car back and its not stripped or burned. It sounded like a good car. Sorry to hear it was stolen and again i hope he gets it back.
  17. That should look trick. Are you going to keep the old wheels?
  18. Man thats cool, i cant even get a set for my brumby and hes got one on his tractor, ah well ya get that
  19. Yeah ive heard about it sounds like a wast of money to me. i was out teaching my bros mate how to drive a manual in my brumby today and on the way home i found a big mud puddle now im hooked
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