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Ultimate Subaru Message Board


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  • Location
    Everett, WA
  • Referral
    looking for suspension info on google
  • Biography
    Hi! I'm Cody and i drive a 1986 XT turbo coupe. Ive had the car about 5 years now and just trying to keep it going!
  • Vehicles
    1986 Subaru XT Turbo

crazy86xt's Achievements


Newbie (1/11)



  1. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this topic has been covered (it probably has) but there are alot of threads here. So I was trying to find a solution to replacing the front struts in my 2wd xt turbo. Is there any other car manufacturer that comes remotely close to the same design as the stock struts? Is there anyone that still sells struts that will work? Any info on this would be appreciated thank you.
  2. Hello everyone! this is my first time being on here and happy i found the forums! i have a question that hopefully someone can answer. im looking for measurements for the front struts of my 1986 xt turbo 2wd 5 speed. if anyone has some info it would be greatly appreciated. im trying to see if i can frankenstein a set up for the front and maybe figure out a better option for the rear as well but its the fronts im mainly looking for. Thank you all!
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