Hello Ultimate Subaru Forum
I have a Manual 2006 Forester that I'll explain more about later perhaps than my current most pressing issue. The biggest concern I have include a little background is I think around 200,000 miles though supposed to have a rebuilt engine with around 80. Previous owner said he thought he overfilled the trans. Likely as a result was leaking when I purchased. I have done my best to keep the fluid between the little lines but in despite of this the trans has bound up numerous times and after having it towed twice and having it move fine the following day of the tow I have kept driving it and after the first time it bound up in midday traffic I have gotten good enough recognition of the signs of impending bind.
Have been able to get off the road/out of the fast food drive through on at least going on 5 times. It's kinda rediculous and far from the car that could get me to and from Oregon to the California Central Coast that the seller guaranteed it could at least in spirit. Anyway that's the biggest thing and I would like to know if anyone has had trans binding up issues such as this and if the cause was is known and what the repair was. I have a full gasket set for the car and am not too intimidated replacing all of the seals/gaskets but would also like to know what special tools would be needed to completely disassemble and reassemble the trans.
A little more information is when I got the car the previous owner said reverse gear didn't work. I found that the car was extremely finiky to shifting and was neat constantly grinding second and found that reverse would sometime work if I messed around and then held it in gear. After grinding second one too many times I got pissed and jammed third. After that time the feel of shifting changed dramatically and has linear throw doesn't grind second or come out of second and reverse works almost flawlessly. Another thing perhaps related or not, electrical issue where high beam instrument light no longer lights.
Thank You Ultimate Forums