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    Melbourne Victoria
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    Found it looking for info about liberty gx auto to manual conversion
  • Biography
    New to Subaru’s. 17 (yea I know right). Somewhat confident mechanically though I’m always learning new stuff and am more than happy to receive advice, feed back and criticism.
  • Vehicles
    Subaru liberty gx (1992)

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  1. Cheers. I’ll keep this in mind for when I do get around to it. Main reason is that it’s my old mans and it’s being passed down to me. I’d hate to buy it and then sell it straight away after. That and it’s got the engine I want in it (n/a ej22). For the time being I’ll start getting all the parts and getting ready to do it. Though I’m not in the biggest rush until I get my ps next year. cheers again.
  2. Wanting some advice on a 1992 Subaru liberty gx auto to manual conversion. Is it do-able? how difficult is it? how much does it cost? and how difficult would it be to get engineered/what’s the legal side of it? This isn’t extremely urgent as evidently I’m 17 and don’t have my ps yet. Though I’ve got my hands on the car and a manual conversion is something I wouldn’t mind doing. I’m not out of pocket for the car so it’s not something that I’d be loosing heaps of cash on. Car is completely stock as well (as far as I know) though me being me, I’ll probably do some light stuff to it between now and when I get my ps. Any advice and recommendations is greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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