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Everything posted by SakoTGrimes

  1. If they're the alloys, yes. Look for them here in the classifieds. If they're steel no special nuts are needed.
  2. First some explanation: if you don't already know, I hate electronics (when they don't work) and I hate messing with them. Fortunately my Brat's heater gets nice and warm so I'm good for now BUT.... I've owned several cars with crap/no heater at all. I know I *could* pull apart every little thing in the dash and fix tons of stuff and make the heater work just like new but I don't wanna. So... If I took a smallish heater core, used Ts to plumb it into the radiator with no pump inbetween, mounted it somewhere like the dash and had a little toggle switch activated fan behind it... would that work well? The idea would be to get similar results of having your radiator inside the car, without the massive heat wave.
  3. You know, they have engine cleaning fluids at auto parts stores. Oil changey places will also do an engine flush for about $70.
  4. The 82 sedan I "owned" for 3 days had a chrome bumper that looked nice. Could you stick one of those on there?
  5. I got 31 in the Brat with cargo at about 60. Doing 55 (the speed old Soobs were designed to go) in an FE will net you almost 40.
  6. Nope. Gotta break out the sawzall. Maybe just maybe you could "reshape" the metal?
  7. 1 Subaru is not enough! So I am looking for my old 1992 Loyale - this one Last seen a few weeks ago at a dealership in Medford that has now gone out of bizniss. Licence plate is YCM 430. Anybody seen it?
  8. Try replacing your radiator thermostat, then manually cleaning the easily accesable fuel injection parts and running a bottle or two of injector cleaner through the tank.
  9. It's not like I need extra stopping power or anything, but I had new brake drums priced today, and I guess they're getting rare, $135 each. Gen-1 and 3 cars can be swapped to rear disc with parts from a turbo car, can a Gen-1 accept parts from a turbo car, or combination of N/A Gen-1/2 and turbo parts? Having 4 wheel discs would be sweeeet and look cool too
  10. Short answer is yes, but custom brackets may be needed. Question is why go hard plastic when you have padding?
  11. Rode my bike past em many times, but the only place I ate was Dennys, since ours moved away before I ate there.
  12. Couldn't he use the 5 speed if this junk car is a standard model with an EA71?
  13. Hey I use my 78 Brat as a daily driver. Sure it's tiny and not the most comfortable car but I did get 31 calculated mpg a week ago on the freeway, plus they're made of harder metals than the Gen-2s and 3s so they're less rust prone in the wheel wells and stuff. Easy to work on they are, mostly everything is on top of the engine and it's a pretty simple unit. Go ahead and buy it - if you like it, sweet, if you don't someone here will buy it from you if it's decent.
  14. Reason I went there is because I knew finding work would be easy - and it was, I got to work 2 hours after filling out an app, and the warm weather. I do like Tucson, I just hate the bums waking me up at 3am to beg and the fact that places close at 9 and lock the gates - I like my 24 hour grocery stores thank you. I may very well go back one day, but it will be in a car that's able to comfortably move around big city traffic. I got home about an hour ago, my girlfriend has been offered a promotion in Redding, so may go there in June.
  15. Car was in North Hollywood on Laurel Canyon Blvd. Didn't look like Hollywood to me though. I spent most of my lost time in Burbank and some other place of heard mentioned on TV
  16. I have driven: 2006 BMW Z4, 530i, 325xi, many other BMWs V8 Caprice 98 Honda Prelude 2003 WRX wagon and a few other fast cars So yeah, compared to most modern cars (most of which are merely fancy plastic toys) of course the Brat is slow, but I was impressed that something with 60hp could fly like that.
  17. I got up to 90mph indicated the other day and she had plenty left in her! :banana:Wow! Who would have thought that out of the 9 cars I've owned, the one with the lowest HP rating would be the 2nd or 3rd fastest in acceleration? My 83 GL could never have done that, the Loyale could do 100 but it took a while.
  18. Well, here's my super happy fun story: I get to Tucson, stay for a few days sleeping in the Brat (longbeds may look silly but they would be nice for that) and even got a temp job. I thought that being a big city with an enormous budget they would have some decent roads there, not a cluster**** of twisty potholed strips. Gotta love the way the numbered streets go 29th, 17th, 11th, 41, 5th <WTF!? So anyway after a few days of not being able to go to stores at night since everyon closes early for some reason I left because it's so hard to get around and I missed my girlfriend. When I got to Hell... sorry, I mean um... Los Angeles at about 8:30pm my car started to slow down like something was holding it back and I pulled off at the first exit I see to check it out. My left rear wheel looks like that of a poorly lowered Integra (see extremely negative camber) and the brake is smoking, because apparently I didn't tighten the wheel hub nut enough. (problem solved: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=71086) Wee hee! So I run about a mile to an Autozone. I got there a few minutes after closing and even after explaining my emergency situation to the manager, he decides to be a d**k and not let me in, insead directing me to another Autozone "about 5 miles away". And I ran. I ran so far away. I couldn't get away. Just kidding, I got very, very far away, so far in fact that by the time I bought my huge crescent wrench at 10:45 I couldn't remember what street I had left the Brat on. So I ran some more in that general direction (or what I THOUGHT was that general direction) until I was completely lost. I ran for about an hour til I couldn't run anymore and I saw a fire station. The fire chief showed me a hug map and suggested I head about 8 miles a certain way to get back to I-5. I ran several more miles til I got to a bar with some people outside and asked directions. They told me the street I was heading for was miles away in a different direction that I was now walking. So I sat down and for the first time in my life I hyperventilated. Chilled out for a while and took the nice people's there advice and went to a 7-11, where I called my mom and had money wired, and my girlfriend who looked up the only significant landmark (a Contractors Warehouse) on the street I was parked on. Got a cab and finially made it back to my car. All in all I estimate I ran about 13 miles, and I will probably still be limping for a few more days. Ate some food and took off my weel and hub. There was a TON of steel dust in there from the shoes rubbing on the pad. I cleaned all that off, put some bike grease on the dry bearings, checked the other rear wheel and got back onto I-5, leaving LA around 3am, hopefully forever. Car starts making horrible clunking noise from the rear, I stop and check it again, the spindle and nut are really ot to the touch. In the morning I take off the wheel again, everything looks fine, but... even though it's in 2WD, turning the wheel while it's in the air is making the axle and front-to-rear driveshaft spin. WTF. I figure it's stuck somehow in 4WD and try to take off the axle for a tempory fix. Couldn't get it out (never done it before) so I just left, and the problem has silenced itself for now. I will park the car when I get home, then get it checked out at DHM and replace both rear axles (one boot is torn anyway) and shock and all that nice stuff. So I guess the moral of this story is: Make damn sure you tighten the piss out of things that should be tight, remember what street you park on, don't leave home without wads of cash dollaz, and avoid LA at all costs.
  19. Hey I'm in Sacremento until tomorrow (long story) I need a 4WD shift knob and maybe some other stuff. Please call me 541-778-9928 I can't remember if you're north or south of here
  20. The bottom line is that the brake pedal is the only safety tool that matters. Air bags are poor compensation for bad driving and dead weight.
  21. Just got into Tucson about an hour ago and what do I see? A brown Gen-1 DL Brat! Left a note with USMB on it. That makes 5 EA cars seen on this whole trip. Hey if anybody personally knows someone who needs an employee or has a room for rent in Tucson please let me know, I'll be hitting CL at libraries and internet cafe's until then. 541-778-9928
  22. I guess this will have to wait til AZ... the net went down for a while and I put everything back together... I have 4 lugnuts on tight now so I'm sure I'll be fine. Thanks, see yas later
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