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Everything posted by SakoTGrimes

  1. My favorite junk yard will not sell whole cars. I have tried on multiple occasions to save Soobs from the crusher but the counter guy says once they come to the property, "They're gone." I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be able to sell it whole with a salvage title or something. I know some JYs will, so what's up? These dudes have wasted at least 2 G1 wagons, certainly more :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. Adam NDJ did it in his Gen2 Brat. Or maybe it was from a Legacy, but it was a six and not an ER27
  3. Hey, you're Matt aren't you?
  4. Sometimes people will destroy and abandon truck mounted campers on John's Peak - they were way to big to haul off but I used my pushbar to move the kitchen sink portion out of the middle of the road.
  5. Sounds easy enough - get OR trip permit: $1 per day - move, pass emmisions (I think it will) pass inspection (it will) and get registered. SaWeeeet!
  6. You'll be the first to know if I find any parts (I've never even SEEN a coupe in person!)
  7. Maybe replace some light bulbs and all the wires that are 30 years old? Don't worry about the steering wheel, there's plenty of em. Keep positive and you could end up with a sweet coupe that makes Bryan jealous!
  8. I don't know how thick an OEM head gasket is, but if you had one made out of metal that was very thin that could also raise compression a little, and be stronger too.
  9. I got a .xls document for your link but it pointed me in the right direction. Thanks! http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/80s/mick/gears.htm http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/80s/mick/gear-ratios.htm
  10. There's a page somewhere that has ALL of the 70s to 80s Subaru gear ratios listed on it. "mick-80s-subaru-gear-ratios" was in the adress I think. Now I can't find it. Anybody? I thought it would be a useful sticky for the old gen and historic forums.
  11. EJ25 means 2.5 liter. I am not a "new" Subaru expert but I think there were 3? versions, the early 2.5 DOHC that was prone to headgasket failure and is widely considered junk, the later "Phase II" 2.5 SOHC that didn't have the HD problem, and the latest version (don't know when it came out) of the 2.5 which is DOHC and also doesn't have the HD problam. EJ22 is the DOHC 2.2 that everybody seems to love, the EA81 of the AWD generation.
  12. Holy poop that DOES sound like a diesel! If you've got an EJ25 then I'd just drive it like that and show it off: "Hey, check it out.... diesel Subaru" Swap in a 2.2 if it breaks (sorry for the no help)
  13. You know, i just watched this again and noticed the speedo shown doesn't belong to that Soob. Looks like a late model Ford.
  14. Buy a dual range EJ transmission from someone in Australia, then install two transfer cases from trucks - triple low range! No, I'm serious.
  15. So does getting a trip permit make it officially "mine" until I register it permanently? I just don't want to get pulled over anywhere and have the licence plate come up still in the other guy's name with the car 500 miles away.
  16. Me: moving to AZ in 3-4 weeks, also planning to buy 80 Brat in 1 week, tags expire at the end of the month. Don't want to register it in OR just to re-regfister it in AZ weeks later. I have never dealt with transfering from one state or another. Difficult? Brat is years exemp in OR but no clue about AZ. It smokes bad when cold. Can I just register it in AZ before I move there or do have to establish residence and get it smogged first?
  17. I'm getting $200 in 9 days and that's when I plan on making my offer - every day that goes buy without people handing him a grand I figure the better my chances.
  18. I found these at the yard today: 3 stars all in good shape and original owner's manual, dealer directory, warranty and service booklet, change of adress card and limited tire warranty for the 85 sedan! It's got the original owner's name, date of sale, name of dealership in Illinois and everything, all books in very nice shape, just a couple fingerprints and folded corners. Anyone is welcome to any of the stars or set of books for $2 each (that's what I payed) plus postage.
  19. Won't be nearly as fun, but it would be much simpler and probably cheaper to just install an EJ from a wrecked Legacy or Impreza
  20. And the flaming ends here. Chill out guys, I started this as a "Hey, Land Rovers are cool too..." We all have our favorites and opinions.
  21. Looks like they used it in a tractor pull..... I'd pay $100 for it if she runs good
  22. Oh I know, but they shouldn't list it as parts unless there's no way it can move under it's own power.
  23. And here's my own mystery: I look on eBay every day, for all Subarus made in 1994 (to include Loyales) and earlier, yet this one didn't appear, so I'm missing who knows how many auctions. ??
  24. He said maybe the rear end is locking up. Maybe he's trying to drive in 4WD.
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