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Everything posted by SakoTGrimes

  1. Hard to imagine a valve getting burnt. Is it hard to change and will it cause further damage?
  2. Is there such thing as a burt valve or was it a typo? Here's why I ask, this is the reply from the dude who owns the Brat I'm looking at. "The brat is a 1600 single range. It runs & drives but needs some minor motor work. possibly a burt valve. Have all new parts to fix or a spare motor if desired."
  3. Subaru+Cosworth+Porsche=tasty http://videos.streetfire.net/video/49c7d19d-34da-4c94-a858-988500f2a045.htm
  4. Hehe I saw that car listed in your sig, and I was gonna ask "When did you get an XT6?" Today I guess! Nice lookin rig. I said "rig."
  5. Needs a little work as you can see. The guy seems pretty interested in trading. Wish me luck!
  6. Try a bottle or 2 of radiator flush - I do this to every car I plan to keep.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5sDhlKG77I This vid is amazing. Could a Subaru do that? a Unimog?
  8. Since the 1.6 diesel from the Golf/Rabbit fits in the Vanagon, and the EJ will fit into Vanagons as well as EA cars, I'm assuming Vanagon and Subaru engine bays are very similar... You should be able to use Vanagon diesel engine mounts in the Loyale. Hooking up a transmission is the hard part.
  9. Going from automatic to manual is always a good idea, regardless of what type vehicle it is. Autos are for people with bad/missing limbs.
  10. SakoTGrimes


    Search for user "djkindt" I think he's currently lifting his.
  11. Well, I suppose other countries are cappable of making real chrome, the kind you can bang with a jagged hammer and not leave a scratch, but most of the stuff from Taiwan, China and even Japan is garbage.
  12. How about chrome plating? Real American chrome, not cheap foreign stuff.
  13. My Mercedes has a Ziebart sticker in the window, I assume it was from the factory. It has rust holes all over it.
  14. Let's just say that the engine to be swapped in (doesn't matter what kind) has an output shaped liked figure A. The Subaru transmission input is B. Couldn't you cut a peice of metal that was A on one side and B on the other to connect them? What's a "bell housing"?
  15. As good as Subaru engines are for daily driving and longevity, the short stroke boxer design and small displacement was a poor choice for off-road use. Why they didn't offer a diesel when everyone else did in the 80s, I have no idea. The engine I would most like to use is the Mercedes-Benz OM616 2.4 diesel four which makes like 62hp and not much more torque. A stock 5spd d/r would be awesome but I didn't think about how little space there is in there. I suppose a Toyota truck trans and axles would work with that engine, but that's one more non-Subaru thing I would have to rig up. I'll figure something out, it's my intention to to a lot of mods to my next Subaru before I even drive it anyway. And, I see no reason why oil pressure, amps and cooling would be an issue, those things are connected to the engine itself and have little to do with what vehicle it's in.
  16. Can you not simply weld up some custom motor mounts to fit your choice of engine and bolt them to the interior of a Subarus engine bay? As long as it fits, and you can get the engine to hook up to a transmission, can't you put any almost any engine into almost any car? I'm not talking about having a car that could pass for stock and be all perfect. Just as long as it would perform the most basic of car functions like going forward. If someone with welding skills wants to try I volunteer to donate my 5 banger diesel.
  17. I say you bust into the house you got it back from, "reposess" the most expensive things you find and pawn them to get your hatch back to pre-theft status
  18. Traded the 92 Loyale cause a timing belt broke - too poor to fix it Sold the 83 GL cause the fuel pump or something went out - too poor to fix it, and to finance my diesel project
  19. Here are some pics of what he's done to my old wagon. Re-lifted 3 inches, running on %100 propane, pics tell the rest. See that Justy? It's turbo'd.
  20. http://medford.craigslist.org/car/226972001.html It came off an Accord.
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