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Everything posted by SakoTGrimes

  1. At about 3pm today (Tuesday) I spotted one of the nicest Gen-1s I've ever seen in person heading west on Barnett near Highland. It was a single headlight wagon (DL?) and was a very shiny metallic light cobalt blue color. Absofreakinlutely gorgeous. Does anyone here own it? I wanted to flip around and talk to the driver but traffic was way too heavy.
  2. Am I the only one noticing that's a twin turbo engine? I thought they didn't fit into EA bodies because of some thing getting in some other thing's way.
  3. The results I got from searching were all for offroad or newer gen shocks, so that is why I ask. I think my shocks are original, they're definately at the end of their intended life expectancy. Given how capable stock Subarus are on and offroad I think that OEM shocks (I don't suppose I could get them from Subaru still?) will do just fine. The rare wheeling trip I make is light and I never haul very heavy loads. Do any of the big names like Monroe make OEM shocks for my Brat?
  4. Most likely cause in my (less than mechanically educated) opinion is that I'm getting too much gasoline (further supported by my getting 16mpg on a good day) The solution? Rebuild or adjust the carburettor? Problem 2: I have no idea how to do that. Can someone please walk me through it? That would be uber awesome. More info: she smokes like a broken diesel at idle, which is very rough (sometimes stalling) but seems to run much better at higher RPMs. I was thinking that my rings were shot and I was getting blowby, but the oil level doesn't seem to go down and I don't see white smoke, plus she ran fine all the way to Arizona and back with only 147K miles.
  5. I saw this almost 2 months ago but didn't mention it til now. I was driving to work when I saw a brown EA82 wagon driving the opposite direction. It was pulling a rather large camper behind it, about a foot wider than the car on both sides. As it got closer I though "Wait....no.... no way.... is that?" Yes. The little Soob was not pulling the camper at all but indeed had the roof behind the driver's seat removed and the camper permanently attached to it. It was a hillarious thing to see. We don't have safety inspections for older cars in Oregon, and it's a good thing. Or maybe a bad thing. If I ever see it again and I have my camera I'll snap a pic. I wonder if it's the same brown EA82 wagon convertable I've seen before?
  6. Wow, I've never owned a car with working A/C! Not even my BMWs or Benz'.
  7. OK so its not exactly a Brat surprised I haven't seen this one around here before =
  8. Well, I'm not wheeling because I have bad brakes, suspension stuff, bad piston rings and no $$. Kinds seems like everyone has (sorry for the use of this term, but) sold out... to EJ cars and Toyotas = not much Sooby wheeling.
  9. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?!?!?!?!?!1:eek: dude not cool!
  10. WOW who's EA82 hatch is that? I like the hardcore ghetto ingenuity shown in lots of them. Thank god for not having vehicle inspection in OR!
  11. Yeah unfortunately all these stupid Subarus have taken my attention away from my 2002 as well.
  12. I believe it was a part of the "backyard redneck package" availible only in some southern states.
  13. Almost any diff from another older Subaru will fit. Just make sure it says 3.90 and doesn't come out of a Justy, turbo car, Legacy or other newer car. You can use a Datsun 510 diff too.
  14. How about new front axles while that stubborn engine isn't in the way?
  15. Use a Corvair engine. Did you get those down there? I figured that was what you were going to put it in.
  16. Nah, I've just seen Australians wheeling sedans and got jealous since I've never seen them here. But they only have like 2 hatches ha ha!
  17. Just curious if we ever got EA81 dual range sedans in the US. I've never seen one.
  18. Three years in the future I will travel back to yesterday to buy my new Brat and drive it back to Oregon. It was me.
  19. That thing would look sweet if you powdercoated it black before putting it into your black car.
  20. On cold days my Loyale would rev itself up to that range to warm up. 2500 cold won't hurt it.
  21. I was actually hoping that would help, kinda like ransom. "Every two days someone doesn't take this car I'm gonna smash another door!" Just kidding. A guy with a Brat emailed me and said he would come take it on Saturday.
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