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Everything posted by Pooparu

  1. Ya, they are for a mid 90's Golf. I paid $250.00 for them used.
  2. Na, it's not bad at all. That's where I use to take my Subaru's when they were stock years ago.
  3. The stacks are very loud. here's crooked finger: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&q=crooked+finger+road+oregon&gs_upl=1838l8333l0l9715l20l20l0l10l10l0l193l1316l3.7l10l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=629&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x54bfe7b8ce7fd885:0x41dc138914464fee,Crooked+Finger+Rd+NE,+Scotts+Mills,+OR+97375&gl=us&ei=vgoaT-G4NenPiAKP8JGwCA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ8gEwAA
  4. Crooked Finger is a road that leads up to a ton of old logging roads and tons of trails. There's probably snow up there now. I'm out for sand lake till I get some different rims and tires.
  5. I'd be down for going up to crooked finger (near Scott's Mills). It's only like an hour away from you.
  6. I can still make them. They are $165.00 + shipping. You can call (971-255-2970) or email me (earl@bandrcom.com) if you want to purchase a set.
  7. Here you are: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Mv_Brat_Brumby/index.php?showtopic=178
  8. I have a new old stock set that I'm going to be making reproductions of at some point.
  9. I'm here everyday looking for update. Keep it up, I can't wait to see the finished product.
  10. ya, that's the color of shirt I'm going with 'cause that's what the original one is. I want it to feel and look vintage.
  11. I don't think that they'll be finished by Christmas. We're looking at mid January.
  12. It looked custom made to me. I know that the same motor also had some bad a$$ race style pistons in it too.
  13. I bought this set up off of ebay a couple of years ago. I think I traded it to Bill for some stuff. It also came with some sweet racing valve springs too. This was a set up for a quad weber unit (very expensive and rare to find) so I bagged it. I'm sure Bill still has it in his stash somewhere.
  14. So I just bought this shirt off of ebay and I'm going to be remaking them (same shirt style and color, real vintage looking). How many people would be interested in buying one (or even a few)? Once I have a number on that I can get a rough idea on the amount I'll make (that will determine the cost). The more I make the cheaper they'll get, but I also don't want to have a lot of money wrapped up into these and be sitting on them for a couple years too. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
  15. I'll keep collecting for you. Should only take a few weeks to get you another box like that one.:-p
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