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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. Hey thanks Connie. I will def keep that in mind. I have two motors right now..the hydro one in the coupe now that is almost ready to be pulled and the solid lifter one that is originally from the coupe. The solid lifter one has 52k on it and the heads already pulled (really wish that wasnt the case). The thought that i have now is to pull the hydro motor, put new headgaskets in the solid lifter motor and drop that back in the coupe and build the hydro motor on the side even though it was the opposite plan before.
  2. yea thats what im leaning towards. I really wanted to send a set of heads out to Jerry DeMoss and have him work his magic on em..along with SPFI pistons and a delta cam. Jerrys compressor is down (or at least it was though) so im going to investigate machine shop prices around here for having heads rebuilt and shaved. If im in it that deep might as well get it the way i want it. Didnt really want to spend that money just now since i do have a 350 4 bolt main chevy block at the machine shop getting built for my camaro but oh well.
  3. Its damn hard to hand hold a camera and get a non fuzzy picture that close. Ug idk what to do really i dont wanna yank the heads to find out they were fine but i also dont want to put new gaskets in..button it all up and have the same problems im having now. No rtv on the gaskets. They were installed dry. That red stuff u see is rust i think. I prepped them by getting 90 percent of the gasket off then sanding the heads with a board and the intake with a board to get it all shiny and clean. I then used brake cleaner on both the intake and the heads to get them clean and installed the gaskets.
  4. Intake is yanked. here are some pictures to show and discuss. Passenger side intake gasket still stuck to the intake. It looks to me as if its been getting eaten by coolant around the intake passage. Its got a somewhat chewed up appearance. Drivers side gasket stuck to the head. Looked bone dry. Engine minus intake. I think this backs up that the intake gasket is shot. It was those two cylinders that were a bit low on compression and it was this gasket that looked funky to me so im leaning towards an intake gasket unless someone else thinks its still a headgasket from the low compression.
  5. OEM gaskets torqued to 16 since that what my book told me to at the time but they have been in there for 4 years with no probs so far. I think thats my next step...time to yank an intake. Would coolant being dumped into two cylinders cause a lower compression reading? If so im leaning towards intake right now since EA81s are not really know for popping headgaskets often.
  6. Not a lot of smoke. Just a puff that suprised me when i revved it up with the carb top off. Ok new stuff. I just yanked both valve covers and the insides of both are coated in a milkshake...yet the oil is crystal clean. Also cranked the motor over by hand and inspected the valves/pushrods. All checked out to me at least. All are opening and closing as they should be.
  7. Ok just read up on it. I dont have a compressor at the moment so thats out of the question. But it did bring up something interesting. When i revved it up with the top off the carb...smoke came out my pcv hose fitting on the carb....does that point to bad rings too? This engine was running fine yesterday morning and then pow...something went. Guess its time to start pulling stuff off. We are also talking about an engine with around 115k on it that ive had in my possession since 52k.
  8. Its way low on coolant right now. It was bubbling the coolant like all hell. Id never seen it so frothy other than a bad head gasket. Would a intake gasket do that as well? As for a leakdown test...ive heard it mentioned but havent actually done it before so i gotta go look up whats involved. None were really cleaner than the others. They were all around the same brownish color to em. Im going to pop that passenger side cover off and inspect the pushrods and rockers. and start going from there.
  9. Did the compression test: Cylinders 2/4 each had about 150-160 on the gauge Cylinders 1/3 each had in the neighborhood of 120-130 on the gauge I had done a compression test on this motor in the past and i know for a fact all the numbers were around 155-160 for all 4 cylinders so this leads me to conclude the passenger side gasket gave up the ghost for whatever reason (aka me probably lol)
  10. Yea i was thinking that too but i cant see how the intake gaskets would bubble the crap out of my coolant. I will check that. If its just intake gaskets i will be jumping for joy.
  11. Looking up headgaskets ...felpro permatorque and permadry? Did rock auto misslabel it or are there two different types?
  12. Driving out yesterday everything seemed fine until i pulled up to a light and the car felt like it was running on 3 cylinders. I revved it a bit and nothing changed so i drove over to a street and pulled in to pop the hood. I checked the cap and rotor...both fine. Checked the wires...they were all fine. I fired it up again and still...idling on 3 cylinders or less. So i revved it up again and a big ploom of white smoke shot out the tail. I checked the coolant this time...bubbly frothy mix. I checked the oil though and it was clean. So knowing that i drove the 2 miles back home and parked it. Let me say....holy uncle buck...ive never seem a road completely engulfed in smoke like that from a car. It was impressive. Today though im going to do a compression test to verify for sure. Then the heads are getting yanked. Im really kicking myself i pulled the heads off my spare motor for a build and then didnt get around to it.
  13. 4wd's are a different style bumper and a different style mount as well so it is 2wd specific.
  14. It will look like this with or without bumper uprights (guards). It needs to be from a coupe or a sedan only. I havent looked at any parts interchange books but thats what connie said so ill stick with that and believe it So coupe.... And sedan Yes they are two different cars lol and both are owned by me at the moment. Long story from another thread for those that dont know.
  15. Sounds like hes already talkin to you! Hope you get that rear bumper and its usable.
  16. yea all EA81s were built with the underdash ac unit ready to accept ac from the engine side so that if the dealership wanted to add it for a customer they could...which means that springs would NOT be different. Im very confused by the difference in pricing as well.
  17. Im seeing the price differences but i have no idea why. I can see that with AC the price is higher but there really was not that much of a weight difference between having AC and not having it so idk why the spring would be different. The only difference would be between turbo and non-turbo being that turbo springs had about one more coil and were a bit stiffer than non-turbo. Otherwise all 4wd EA81 front springs should be identical and work for your app.
  18. Im keeping my eyes open for the bumper connie. I just put my feelers out to someone on the board. I "may" have a line on one. I will let you kno one way or another if i find one.
  19. Idk what all has been said about passing emissions to you yet but ill throw my two cents in. Tune up - cap, rotor, wires, plugs Timing- make sure its at 8 degrees Air cleaner Then before you go in for emissions go take it for a long drive..im talking 1/2 hour to an hour and get it really heated up. Also lean out the carb a hair. It should pass after that.
  20. Idk what that guy was talking about but you shouldnt really be hearing anything from them. Chances are they are just fine. All they are meant to do is muffle the exhaust that is going through those rubber lines (yea i kno great design subaru). I havent had a EA81 vehicle with that system intact in awhile cause every one i get i yank out and throw a weber on .
  21. Those arnt the ASVs. The black plastic things are silencers for the ASV's. The ASVs are all metal and have a metal pipe coming up from the bottom of the head into itself. I have 4 ASV valves if you need a good one. Im sure one (or all) of mine are still good.
  22. Well actually i got them after they flocked out . But seriously if the car was not unique i didnt take the picture. We have all seen saab 900T's so there was no pictures taken of the 40 or so that were there. I took pictures of cars u cant see everyday.
  23. So wait you RTV'd every gasket in the carb?!? If you read the outside of the RTV package i think it states clearly that it should NOT be used where gasoline is. What you think happened probably did in that the gas broke down your RTV gaskets and shoved pieces of them into places they should not be. You have three choices that i can see with this.... 1. Pull the carb completely apart...blow out all passages with compressed air to clear whatever is gumming it up...re-assemble with proper gaskets 2. Get a weber and be done with the Hitacrapi 3. Do GDs SPFI swap.
  24. Ive been super busy and couldnt find my camera cable to upload the pics. Here they are though. Enjoy! I only have a few of the subarus since i spent more time walking around or socializing. http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh46/hatchsub/spring%20Carlisle%202010/
  25. Im very jealous. Ive been looking for one of those for a couple of years now. What you have is the dual carb motor that was found in the RX in the early 80s. Instead of the standard 73/4 horsepower it had in the 105-108 hp range from the factory with the big changes being in the heads and cam. The heads had reversed valves so intake valves were on the inside and exhaust valves were on the outside. It also had a reversed cam to correspond to this. Very nice find and yes they are fairly rare at this point. Most have been used up in aviation or long ago in the original cars. Here are some pictures of the RXs that im speaking of. Oh and if you ever run accross another one of those and want to ship the heads and cam....PM me please!! http://www.indysworld.com/80s/fun/projectrudy/rudy.html
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