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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. Can a Mod move this to the USRM or sticky it? It took me a little while to find it and knew what i was looking for too lol. This is a commonly asked question on this board and i think it would help out the newer members to know the visual differences rather than just measuring the valves.
  2. I kno they made 13x6 inch Enkeis for our cars but good luck finding a set. I think Carfreak has been searching for a long time for a set himself so you would probably have to fight over em. As for your suspension setup your running the same swaybars as me but im still running "stock" springs and struts. I need to go stiffer front and rear if i want this car to actually handle to its potential.
  3. hmmm monday before carlisle and the food thread is not filled....this should be good.
  4. If your not planning on using the hillholder dont mess with the brakes on the car to get the swap. I did the auto to manual swap a few years ago and never bothered with the hillholder. All i did was use a clutch return spring from a DL. Had to go the dealer and i think it was something like 5 bucks. Anyways most of what you will probably want is in the writeup i did. Here it is: http://ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=69534 I did just assume this is 2wd as well though. If your 4wd you have a few more steps but shouldnt be that bad.
  5. This may be too obvious and stupid but ill say it anyways...have you double and tripple checked your valve lash? I know that Backwoodsboy had to set the valves pretty tight to get rid of most of his lifter tick on his delta cam'd EA81. You might just have to tighten them ever so slightly to get rid of the noise.
  6. Ok Jess reminded me that i didnt see a food thread yet so here it is. Post up what your bringing. I can bring some chips, cups and plates. Ill update this first post with what everyones bringing as its gets posted so that there is an easy to read list. Me: Chips, plates, cups Paul: Moocin
  7. Ah the limited edition McBrat 4 barrel EA81....coming to a dealership near u
  8. ^what he said. Its not a walk in the park by any means but its not the hardest thing out there either. McBrat actually gave u a pretty good walk through of whats involved. There are 4 10 mm bolts holding the entire assembly on. I would disconnect the cables then remove the bolts. It will make your life easier. If you dont understand what McBrat said or what im saying you will once you get in there and start taking it apart.
  9. Its still probably better than the stock hitachi honestly. There are a few people on this board running them without too many issues.
  10. Craigslist is my friend lol. I googled flofit seats and craigslist in the same search and they popped up on top in California. I jumped.
  11. Thanks everyone. I think to get the rear up im going to space between the floor and the rail on the one side and then have to whip out the welder and extend the tab on the other rail to lift that one as well. Shouldnt be too bad and not everyone will want to do it but for me the seat bottom is just a bit too slanted back. As for the RS seats they be spoken for Briggs :-P. They are actually going to find their way back into my old sedan with its new owner Backwoodsboy.
  12. Just spent today putting these in. It took me forever to find a seat that i liked and matched my interior. These are flofits (think recaro) from the late 90s. They have adjustable headrest (both up and forward and back), adjustable leg rests and inflatable lumbar support. They havent changed the style since the early 80s though so they fit with my interior perfectly. I got them for a song too. As for mounting i was flabbergasted...they were 95 percent bolt on!! All the holes lined up on the seat bottom for the stock EA81 rails to bolt onto but i needed to space the seat up and off the rails 1/4 of an inch so that the seat release mechanism didnt interfere with the bottom of the seat. I still have some fine tuning to do with how the sit but all in all im happy. Anyone know the best way to raise just the back of the seat up? Im thinking an inch might just do it. Here is a pic showing the difference between the RS impreza seats and these. Just a BIT different And both! Note to other people who are tall and have head clearance issues...these seats solve ALL of that. This was by far the easiest seat install ive had to do with non-stock seats. I doubt ill ever get this lucky again.
  13. They dont already? I leave my headlights on all the time and when i turn the car off they automatically go off with it.
  14. Hmmm where to begin lol -old design at this point ~29 or so years old in the EA81 line -only 3 gears with no overdrive has the motor SCREAMING at 4k at 70mph -dont shift well when cold or dont shift at all when cold (what happened to me) -lose a TON of power through them compared to manuals -basically a glorified boat anchor (seriously they weigh a TON compared to the manual transmissions) No but seriously for all the crap that people say about the 4 speed dual ranges i would take one of those any day and fix the shifter slop with GDs solution...or be done with crappy EA81 era transmissions all together and go 5 speed D/R from an EA82 and have a stronger trans with better linkage.
  15. You can fit a fairly big stereo into an EA81 center console without a slant console or one of those crazy install kits that stick out way far. If u wanna know more PM me i wont clog his thread anymore with this. Good luck with the sale.
  16. Since your in the pacific northwest you can still find a decent EA81 vehicle for a good price. I mean..if u look hard enough u can find one anywhere like in connecticut but its a lot more work.
  17. Right. Knew something didnt sound right when i was saying that.
  18. There are pros and cons of each model year but my personal opinion is EA81. They have no timing belts to worry about and do not have the head gasket issues of the EA82/EA82T. They do however have carb issues which can be remedied with either a weber 32/36 and keep it simple...or do GDs SPFI swap off a EA82 and get better drive-ability and fuel economy but a bit more involved install. If you want to go newer than that anything from around 90-97 with a EJ22 is a good choice as well. After 97 however your looking at head gasket issues.
  19. I have a laundry list of things to do before the show which involve: -installing new windshield and rear window gaskets -Install new seats and carpet again once i dont have a lake everytime it rains -Get a buddy of mine to repaint the roof -Probably give it an oil change There is probably even more that im forgetting but oh well. I will be there one way or another. Its just going to be a long weekend prior to the show.
  20. Hmmm well both the coupe and the sedan were feedback carb cars but maybe there was a big difference between a hitachi feedback system and a carter-weber one. I did however have a hitachi feedback carb system on a hatch at one point back in highschool and i know it had dual valves too cause they gave me a headache back then. That was also a 86 though so idk lol. Guess in the end its wherever u can find em
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