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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. Ah the joy of subaru ownership....aka u dont need to be rich to be "rich" in subarus.
  2. Hey Pete. Im def thinking about getting it fixed. Its just going to be fun finding the remaining pieces in decent shape here in new england. Wait didnt you have a good fender in your barn? I cant remember if it was drivers or passenger side though.
  3. Thanks Connie and Paul and everyone. I will let people know definitively thursday if its staying or going to get replaced. No guarantees that you have to get back on that search. Oh and btw the bumper would be a donation to LB too
  4. I dont think the brat bumper will work on a 2wd. The mounts are all different. Im sure if i found 4wd mounts it would work but then it wouldnt match the rear bumper. Thanks for the offer though. Ill keep it in mind.
  5. Well it wouldnt be just the price of my time. I would still have to find a fender, bumper, drivers side light surrounds, radiator, and lower radiator support trim. If that ends up adding up to too much then the coupe is a no brainer. Coupe is still probably a no brainer lol. As for the grill emblem...would you believe when i went back to the scene the next day to get the license plate, the grill emblem was lying there not broken or scratched! I thought that was ridiculous. All it did was pop out from the impact.
  6. haha. Well im still leaning towards the coupe but if i can save this one for less and still have it looking good and lining up then i dont see the harm. But yea hes just going to look at it on thursday and ill decide then for sure.
  7. exact opposite actually. An intercooler will help the motor to run a bit cooler (incoming air charge is cooler) therefore you will make some more power and have a bit less chance of head gasket issues.
  8. Well small bit of news. I have another friend who owns and autobody shop that i had talked to about 2 weeks ago about hiring me. Well i just gave him a call today and he said to drive the suby over on thursday and he would take a look at it to see if it can be straightened on his machine. From the sound of it he might even let me do the straightening since if i mess up its my car and cant blame anyone but myself. If he will let me do my own straightening then the sedan stays. If not the coupe comes into play.
  9. HAHAHAH i dont know if u meant that to be funny or not but i thought it was. Nah i dont offroad and the coupe is 2wd so that kinda kills any offroading fun. Only the front of my car went off roading this time...right into a rock shaped like a pick axe. Good times. I just pulled the fender off as well as the lower trim and bumper. For some damn reason this grill on this car refuses to die. It was in a accident on my first subaru ( a hatch) back in highschool and only got a small little crack that is not noticeable when mounted. All it did was get another and its still in good shape. amazing. But back to the car..... The lower radiator support is moved in about 5-6 inches. Also measured the square of the nose. Its off by about a hair under 1/2 an inch. I hit it harder than i thought.
  10. Black hood doesnt look bad on it. That color is the same color as my current sedan. I wasnt a terribly big fan of it until i owned it and realized it is the BEST at hiding dirt. My car can be dirty as all hell and still look clean. Its a great color. Assuming your brumby is an 83?
  11. The problem with the swap as far as i heard from everyone trying it was that none of the plugs are the same and NONE of the wiring is the same color either so its not as easy as cutting the plugs off the digi and soldering them on the back of the analog. If it was im sure more people would do it. Shoot carfreak85 a message. I think he is one of the few who has done it. It is worth it in the end since the digi is cool at first but the novelty runs out quick once you realize that there are not good gauges to go on like the analog.
  12. can u get me a good job too...then i will lol. New england sucks for old cars that i like.
  13. I didnt mean to skip over this. Thank you for the offer very much but i think im all set.
  14. Oh im kicking myself now just cause i wrecked it. The bottom of the front fender is kinked a bit leading me to believe it has more damage than meets the eye. My buddy is a autobody tech. He came out and surveyed the damage. He would be the first to say that it could be straightened with a tree and such but he didnt. He looked and believes its bent in such a way that it needs time on a frame machine. Tomorrow ill ripe some stuff off of it and see just how bad it really is. If its what i think it is then im going to get the coupe. Ive been going back and forth and back and forth. There are plenty of good arguments for and against getting the "new" car. The biggest argument for the new car is that i would fix mine and might even make it look good again but for 400 or more dollars (parts and such). Where as im picking up a rust free EA81 coupe for 400 right out the door. Im already ahead of the game getting the coupe rather than ending up back with a rusty car. My car has never been rust free just to let everyone know. I got it 5 years ago and had the rust "professionally" taken care of but there is no way to get rid of it entirely. Once its there its hard to kill. As i said ill tear into it tomorrow and see what im up against but in the end im going to do what needs doing and if that means getting another subaru then thats what ill do.
  15. This is a 2wd one just so you kno. The only place for the fluid to come out would be the dipstick at the front. Yea im talking the wrecked one and the new one. The wrecked one i probably will cut the support.
  16. Possible to pull the engine and tranny as one unit? EA81 and 2wd 5 speed.
  17. Its a lighter car by far than the legacy that motor came from. That motor is putting up very little effort to get it to move so i would not be surprised at all if u were getting somewhere in the 35mpg range. Awesome job you did. Love the slotted alloys and the color .
  18. Idk as of now. I probably should have mentioned there is evidence that stuff got messed up as far back as the front of the front door. Front fender is not lining up. Ill let everyone know as this week progresses.
  19. Im not really sure what im doing as of now. you guys do make good points but the main problem is that i dont have room for more than one car so its not like i can get the other one and just put it away until spring (already have another car that is not operational that needs to go). I would have to spend extra money to fix mine until spring and then buy the other one. I dont think that will work with my current situation. I realize winter sucks for the metal on these cars and i cringe at the thought of driving another in the winter but i dont have much choice i dont think. As for the whether or not i can get this car cheaper than fixing mine...yes i can. Thats why its on the top of my list.
  20. Haha i was thinking of you Connie and you have first dibs on the rear bumper. Your going to need new rubber end pieces for it cause one of them is shot and the other one is going but the bumper is not rusted at all inside. You might also be getting something else u need for you coupe out of this bad situation of mine . Basically im going to be selling/giving away as much of it as i can. Id rather see it live on in 10 subarus then get crushed.
  21. Ive thought about that too but to be honest...after running the numbers it just doesnt make sense when i can get another one cheaper..that has no rust at all. Mine will live on in the new one. Trust me it wasnt an easy decision at all. Here are the pics as promised. The one inside the engine bay was meant to show the buckled framrail but its hard to see.
  22. Did some more calculating. 500 dollars to fix it. Unfortunately the way its kinked it needs a frame machine to get it right again. Then on top of that 500 there is the parts to fix it..like fender/bumper and lower front trim. The end result is its not worth fixing and will be pulled apart for what i have on it. The good news...i already have a new EA81. Ill let that set in for a bit. Hint...2 doors..and rust free.
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