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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. another hint would be to put the wheels back on the car and put it on the ground...break the nut free, then put it back in the air.
  2. And if you get extremely lucky like a certain board member coughPsycocough you might be able to find yourself a JDM EA81. Ive been looking a bit myself but so far have come up dry. As far as i can tell in my research the JDM EA81 had reversed valves from normal EA81s, as in the intake valve is where the exhaust valve is and visa versa. This necessitates a different cam. The exhaust ports are different and it had a dual carb intake. All this added up to 103-108hp depending on what u read.
  3. LMAO. Well all the chili and corn bread made it back. The rents saw the blackberry squares and wanted some so i had seconds saturday night. Two of those made it back and joe and i polished them off last night. The chili and cornbread should tide me over for a couple of days..since i dont think im going to have time to cook. I have an exam on wednesday. BTW dont know if ever thanked you for sending me back with so much food. But thanks
  4. Damn u people in washington with your rust free cheap subarus....grrrr...so jealous.
  5. If we get more of a chance and u want me to work on it more im pretty sure i can get rid of 95% of the dieseling. I got mine tuned so close that it only diesels once in a blue moon. It was just that by the time we got it up and running it was late so i did a quickie tune to get it running safely. Also i noticed looking down the top that you have the incorrect top gasket which might cause some problems stuttering around corners by allowing fuel to dump into the air correctors. I might have said something but not sure anyone heard me
  6. I miss my '86 IROC camaro like you wouldnt believe. My mom totaled it two summers ago and I've missed it ever since. Here is one picture of it from back in the day and then the aftermath. I do have another IROC now that runs better and faster than the old one ever did but i still miss it. Thats why my new one is being painted the same color as the old in in memory of it.
  7. As far as gas mileage goes you will get about the same as you do now if not a bit better...as long as your not romping on it from every stoplight.
  8. I webered my sedan and i would not go back. Ive had all three carbs, the carter-weber, hitachi, and weber and the weber is by far the best. Once you get it tuned it will run better than the hitachi. I didnt notice huge performance gains but a did notice a little bit more low end. The biggest change was the reliability. Starts up easier and can drive within a few seconds unless its extremely cold. I could never say that about either the hitachi or the carter-weber. Fuel injection is going to be better but more involved swap. The weber just simplifies everything. Can you tell i like my weber also you might want to look into getting a used one off the board cheaper. They come up from time to time and you can save yourself a hundred or two.
  9. Just for future reference..i believe the rule of thumb is 4x4- hitachi 2wd- Nippo Denso You can interchange them but you must also interchange the coil. So in other words if you wanted a nippo-denso you would have to swap in the nippo-denso coil as well.
  10. There is a rust free shell at a local JY here in connecticut but i cant even imagine how much it would cost to ship.
  11. Your going to have to rejet it most likely. Here are the jets that you need for the 1.8. 140/140 mains 160/170 air correctors 50/55/60 for primary idle jet, secondary is fine at 50. I think i covered everything correctly. If I mixed something up im sure GD or someone else will pipe up.
  12. Im surprised cause mine sedan has a hair less than 80k on it now and the valve covers are terrible. Oh well.
  13. Hey Connie either you or i should contact Bigjim in canada and see about getting you some primary idle jets, a 55, 60 should be good. Ill probably talk to you tomorrow in the chat room about it. As of now its a go for me coming. Hopefully i can get most of my work done beforehand. Either way im there though. Wonder if Johns got time for sway bar fun-age on my car
  14. So rare you will never see one lol. As Kiwi Said above they were not imported to the US and neither were the EA81RX cars. So basically all other countries got the cool cars and US got the slower versions. You could always track down a 73ish coupe and build your own GSR.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_Car-Truck-Parts-Accessories__ENGINE-MOTOR-MOUNT-SUBARU-DL-GL-STANDARD-1980-84-NEW_W0QQitemZ220276264234QQadnZCarQ20Q26Q20TruckQ20PartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQadiZ2865QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220276264234&_trkparms=39%3A1%7C65%3A1%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 Heres one mount. I dont get why they do this. Why would someone only want one?
  16. My EA81 hatch was pretty stiff as well and it was 2wd. My 2wd sedan is pretty rolly-polly as well. As GD said..probably weight difference.
  17. Yea mines getting up there too, bought it with 52k, and now its got a hair less than 80k. For those that dont know its a 83 GL sedan (formerly an auto).
  18. Or you could sell me that motor and simplify your life
  19. Adjustable struts? Thats for 4x4 cars i know but would that be a good idea for my 2wd if i want to lower it or would that raise it up? PS. Sorry for the hijack. consider this a bump lol
  20. My 83 is the best damn car ive ever owned....so..... edit: moved to the 80's board hahahahaha!!!!!
  21. Vacuum advance working? That could cause similar symtoms.
  22. chances are if you have drips spread out like that you have more than just an oilpan leaking. Valve covers, oil pump (front of engine), oil pan, possibly even rear main. Oil pan is fairly easy on these cars. Subaru engineers cut holes in the engine crossmember to let you get at the back bolts of the oilpan without yanking the engine. Valve covers are super easy. Two 10mm bolts.
  23. nope. Gotta swap manifolds if you want to go that route. But SPFI is so much better than a hitachi so im not sure why you would want to do that.
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