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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. Im going to put in a vote for Johns. It would make sense to me since if you were going to do it he would probably come down and lend a hand anyways so why not have him bring you your new motor. They all of us can pull the heads, replace the gaskets, reseal it and drop it in. The main reason i take his over yours is you dont know what kind of shape yours is in and what care its been given at 235k. Granted we dont know about Johns either but its half as old milage wise so there is a better shot of it being fine.
  2. Maybe just a hair but the advantage of not having so much slop in the shifter is worth it. Its very easy to shift it right the first time (and before anyone asks i already replaced bushings). All in all i would recomend it. Its a better height.
  3. actually i think she has five options. Reseal and replace headgaskets on existing engine (Ill volunteer as help and i know john did as well) get the good EA81 from Subaru360 and have him put the head gaskets in for you Get the same engine above but do headgaskets with john and I Get the low milage one from John and have us help replace gaskets on that (its hydro too ) Get a CCR crate motor. (this is at the bottom for a reason)
  4. Thats the key. Whos to say if hers has been well maintained. at 235k someone could have forgotten to change the oil for 10k or let little stuff slide too long. 116,000 like whats on Johns however...thats low for an EA81. And a ton cheaper.
  5. Heres mine. I flip flopped the radio and small package tray so that there was enough space for the modern radio to fit (there is not much space behind for a modern radio to fit).
  6. Lol a comparison shot. What the height of mine was before.
  7. Lol i dont have before and afters but ill run out and snap a photo of it for you guys. Forgot that everyone on here is pictures nutz...including myself.
  8. John and i are in the chat room right now discussing this. We will take a weekend and come get LB back on the road. Headgaskets are not bad at all on these engines. You have a virtually rust free coupe..now its just a matter of finishing it up. Dont give it up just yet. Something tells me if you do you will regret it for a long time.
  9. Shortened it!!! I just threaded the die onto the existing threads and went down another inch or a bit more with the threads. Then i cut off 2 inches of the shifter rod and screwed the shift knob back on. Looks great and feels even better. Its a lot less sloppy and more defined where each gear is.
  10. Ok took everyones advice and did it the correct way..as in throttle wide open, fuel pump unplugged, all spark plugs out. Here are the correct #s that are averaged from 4 readings. 160 166 166 172 They look better than the other ones did. As for my coolant lose, im not losing any that i know of anymore since i replaced the radiator cap. No overheating either. Crossing fingers that that was all it was. Looks like my luck has been passed on to Connie though Sorry Connie.
  11. Ive done an oilpan gasket on an EA81 without pulling or jacking up the engine. It wasnt fun but it was doable. Subaru was nice and drilled holes in the crossmember just big enough to get a socket and extention through to the back few bolts that hold the pan on.
  12. Not sure what its for but i know you dont need it. There is no hookup for it with a weber. Just unplug it at the firewall and cap it.
  13. If the body and interior are good and you dont mind the work...for 200 bucks get it.
  14. Not in my case. The numbers got better as I went along. The 140 was the first, followed by the 155.
  15. How far off are my numbers because of this? I realized its probably time for plugs anyways while i was in there so ill buy some new plugs and retest as well.
  16. oops no. One cylinder at a time (as in the other three had plugs in them), throttle wide open, coil unhooked.
  17. Ok just got done doing a compression check of the cylinders. Here are the #'s 140 155 160 160 Im assuming that these numbers arnt all that bad for a 25 year old engine with 76,000?
  18. The perfect thing to hid unsightly rust!!!..or start new rust :lol:
  19. You need to swap the entire engine crossmember along with the steering rack and the power steering pump. It might be easier to do with engines out.
  20. I saw that in another post. Thats good to know. Thanks. Mine is still running really well though so i should be fine.
  21. Just went out and double checked. Its fairly cool outside now. First of all i was low on coolant again after having driven from the cape back. So i topped it off and went for a spin to warm stuff up. Then i pulled back into my parking lot and popped the radiator cap and revved it up. Everytime i revved it little bubbles could be seen coming up from the bottom of the radiator. This leads me back to headgaskets.
  22. Just had a thought..i wonder if i just let it run too low and sucked some air into my lines and that is what i saw. Im going to pop the cap and check again later tonight with the car running. With any luck im in the clear.
  23. Hmm i figured for sure that they were gone though. I saw the bubbling in the radiator. I checked around for leaks and found none.
  24. lol cause he doesnt come on here anymore as far as i know and he has his email blocked so i cant reach him that way either.
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