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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. The throttle shaft nut is on hand tight and i still have binding issues. As for the hitachi throttle cable holder thingy (not sure the name) im not using it. Im using whatever cable holder came with the weber new. I dont see any binding between the cable end and the throttle but ill look again later.
  2. the EZ30 is a cool motor but if your thinking of going through all the trouble of a difficult swap like that why not do a STI swap and get 300 horses out of a brat
  3. They dont unless someone has converted it to 5 speed (a few members have done this). The only way the brat came from the factory was 4 speed single range (not sure of the cutoff years/model for this (DL?) ) 4 speed Dual range or 3 speed auto single range.
  4. Yea from the sounds of it there are going to be a lot more EA81 style vehicles there. (had to use style cause Jess' brat wont be an EA81 anymore)
  5. Anyone got some suggestions or am i looking at putting roller bearing on the throttle shafts?
  6. Ya know since its already got the EA71 in it why not source a dual carb EA71 intake and carbs and make it work with that?
  7. That does sound a bit low for an engine and everything for the swap. Not sure what the going rate is though.
  8. If that were my car i would look into getting the dual carb 1600 again. Just to be original. Though i cant fault you for wanting an EA81. they are good motors.
  9. Water leaks? Whats leaking? Windows? Sunroof? BTW it looks gorgeous. I cant believe its got over 200k on it. That interior looks almost new.
  10. Bacon Jalapeno cheddar burgers burgers :slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber: Thats my response to that
  11. Yea that brat looks gorgeous. When I get one..somewhere down the line..and if im still dating my current GF..she will kill me. I think it takes a certain type of girl to appreciate brats. Backwoodsboy u got a keeper there
  12. Lol well connie makes it out to be worse than it is but i will say there are a lot of snobby rich folks around that bug me too.
  13. put your uniform in a backpack and wear biking cloths. Then change when u get there. You got a shower at your workplace right
  14. Well connie you already have the sway bar now so if you want it when we go to pull stuff off thats fine too..since it is already yours.
  15. Dont they dip new car bodies in zinc now? My dad had a 96 lincoln Continental and by the time we sold it it had over 200,000 miles on it and no rust. I thought that was amazing.
  16. the tortion beam doesnt really do that cause its not connected to the trailer arms so one side can sag down more than the other going into a turn. Im trying to get my car to handle flatter.
  17. Get a nice 10 speed? That only really works if you dont have a big commute. I think this summer im going to riding a bike alot more cause of gas prices.
  18. If you look at the valve covers you can see how it has one corner cut off like the EA81s do. EA71s and earlier had squarish valvcovers didnt they?
  19. Was the seller color blind too? :lol: When i bought my car the guy called it tan. Anyone who has seen it knows its gold.
  20. Agreed. Anyone wanna go into business with me and start a LLC (yea im learning in college lol)?
  21. Mind if i ask what you do? Sounds like my type of employment.
  22. Yea thats big Jim. I actually bought my weber through him. Real nice guy to deal with. I was thinking about that as well and may just do that even though this is a brand new carburator and shouldnt need it.
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