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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. Im not sure if its just some settings that need to be resolved or what but my car bucks back and forth while im driving down the road. It didnt do this before. It is also very hard to get going from first and make it smooth. I look like a newb with the clutch cause i cant seem to get it to not buck down and then go. Is there an adjustment or is it just that im not used to the extremely light throttle pedal and resposivness?
  2. I just put on a weber and my car doesnt diesel at all with it where it did with the hitachi. I think you need to do some more fine tuning to the carb in the choke and idle settings.
  3. SWEET. I cant wait. Yea he sounds like a keeper lol. Cant wait to see rockys new paint
  4. You will still have to go through the SPFI harness and figure out what you will be hooking up and labeling wires so why not stripe off what you dont need while your at it? I suppose if you really dont want to it wont make a difference but it will look cleaner if you do.
  5. I just realized something. Why does it have to be a manual tranny starter? I used an auto starter on my manual tranny for awhile and it worked fine...and EA81 and EA82 starters are the same. The auto starter just has a bigger motor to overcome the torque converter. They "should" both bolt on the same. Or have you looked at them next to eachother and they dont bolt on the same?
  6. Good luck on the move Russ. And thanks again for the radiator...its holding strong. NO MORE LEAKS
  7. How does it run when its warmed up? I would be willing to guess your carb is not opperating correctly. How many miles on the car and/or carb. Might be time for a rebuild. Also ive found that some EA81s are a bit temermental. Mine if its warm likes me to have my foot a bit on the gas to start..at least it used to when it had a hitachi.
  8. I said this in the Carlisle thread as well but ill say it here..i assume that the starters for the XT6 and EA82 would be the same as the ER27 is basically an EA82 with two extra cylinders. Even if they are not the same you can take the starter out and replace the contacts and re-assemble. When you take the starter out there should be a panel on the back of the starter held on by three screws. Unscrew them and take the panel off. You will then see a round cylinder like thing that springs up. Pull it out and put it aside. There will be two contacts on either side of the starter now visible. Remove them and replace with new contacts making sure that your new contacts are flat and make good contact with the round cylinder thing (sorry i dont kno the name for it). Then, if need be, use a metal file on the bottom part of the round cylinder where it makes contact with the two contacts you just replaced. Re-assemble and put back in and you should be golden. An hours worth of work or less and about 3-4 bucks for parts. Sorry for the book and I hope I make sense. Also sorry if you already know everything that i just typed
  9. Damn..does that mean that its so fried you cant hit-start it? If it starts with a blow to the starter i would do that and get it out to carlisle. I would assume..(big assumption) that an EA82 starter would be the same for the XT6 (as that motor is basically an EA82 with an extra 2 cylinders).
  10. Ok I'll get a pic as soon as i can and post it up. It probably wont be for about a week or so though as im still struggling to get everything in order for Carlisle.
  11. Oh YEAAAAA Connie i owe you a some money..either half of it or a third of it depending on if someone else claims the other spot. Thanks again.
  12. Just letting everyone kno that i had a local machine shop make me up a custom bracket for the throttle cable. I made a template out of cardboard and gave it to him and he made me a really nice one out of steel. Thanks for the offer again [HTi]Dain
  13. Hey thanks for the answer to my problem. I guess it was too late for me to be working on it. Sure enough I wasnt getting power to the choke..and the only thing that changed was that i unhooked the computer. So i plugged it back in and all is well now. Ill just have to rewire the choke later when i have time so that i can ditch the computer once and for all.
  14. hmmm by the time i would get out there it would probably be around 2ish or closer to 3. It might not be worth it for me to come today after all. But this week im only working on thursday. I have to go into work really quick to fill out some paperwork on tuesday as well(new summer job). So either monday or wednesday all day ill be around. If you need a hand just give me a ring. Take care Paul.
  15. hey paul ill still be free most if not all of the afternoon tomorrow as far as i kno. Give me a ring if you need me .
  16. Ok well i got it all together for the most part and it runs really nice but the choke plates will not open. I'm lost. The choke idle kicks off but the choke plates will not open up even if i try opening them with my finger they will spring shut again. Any ideas? Is there an adjustment for this? The first time i started it up it didnt do this and the plates opened up. The only thing that has changed since then is that i yanked the ECM since i wont need it anymore.
  17. Look at the bottom of this post for similar threads. To answer your question there is a bracket that can bolt to the back two bolts of the weber that ive heard of. But what most people on this board (me included soon) do is to make their own. As for the vacuum line rubber you will need to get vacuum plugs..a good amount of them. When you put the weber on you will be able to eliminate a lot of emissions stuff you dont need anymore. You will not need any more vacuum hoses i dont think unless while your in there you want to replace some of your old dried out ones. Also this is just personal preference but i would keep the EGR valve as it helps rather than hurts your engine. Its more work to take it off and why bother if its working properly.
  18. If you could do something fairly cheap for me that would be fantastic. Ill give you a PM. Any chance it could be done before Carlisle (May 20th)?
  19. Ok then maybe since others are bringing beer ill tone it down and bring a 12 pack of something else (maybe something special). Not sure how many of you have tried Long Trails seasonal beer called Blackbeary Wheat (yes thats spelled right). Its amazing but a bit on the expensive side. If i find a good deal on some i might bring that.
  20. Well i was just planning on buying it in connecticut and bringing it over.
  21. So what kind of beer do most of you like? Im on a budget right now so would coors light or miller light or something like that work? Any suggestions? Also im assuming that someone (or a few people) are bringing coolers with ice for me to put it in?
  22. Ok thanks guys. I'll have to look around for my carter-weber throttle bracket and see if i can make something work with that.
  23. Hey i kno this subject has been discussed before cause i did a search but i didnt see anyone giving tips on how they did the bracket. My throttle cable bracket is too far away from the carb so the carb will not close all the way. I tried bending it closer but it still isnt enough. Anyone got any suggestions or tips to how to make it work?
  24. well it looks like me and my GF are heading over there sometime saturday. Well be sleeping over. Anyone want me to bring some drinks (beer)?.
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