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Everything posted by hatchsub

  1. Hey welcome to the board. I dont think anyone is really going to give you a hard time on this board. Subaru people are a different breed than other car followers. Nice find for 150 bucks. Good luck with it. Most of my knowledge is of EA81's (earlier than your car which is an EA82T), but i just wanted to say hi.
  2. I changed my filters about 2 or 3 months ago so i think they should still be good to go right?
  3. Yeah every subaru carb whether it be the hitachi two barrel or the carter-weber one barrel hessitated for me. I have a roo-builders hitachi waiting to go on my car and hopfully they have solved this annoying tendency.
  4. Yup same here...learned the hard way and went running into my house as my car was dumping gas everywhere..dumped out a big bunch of bolts and found ones that looked about right and ran back out. Didn't loose too much but still...should have know better. I was ready the second time though.
  5. Worst thing that i can see happening is something falling in the tube. Other than that it shouldn't be too bad. I drove without one for a little while until i got a new one as well.
  6. DAMN...thats just nasty. Def shows the strengh of the EA81 though to come back from that.
  7. Oh ok thanks. I'll try that the next time i fill her up.
  8. I love the wheels man!!! When you get it all painted black like you said it will look sick. You should put some red turbo RX decals on the doors as well
  9. Hey all. I just took a half hour drive to the mall with a couple of my female friends for christmas shopping (yawn) and my car had NO power. At least at the beginning. I mean i let it warm up and it was all the way warm on the temp gauge but it just would not go. I got it up on the highway and couldn't get it over 50 for about 3 minutes. It was like i was against a wall. Then all of a sudden the power was back and i since my foot was so deep in it to get it to move i hit 80 mph real quick. Anyone got any ideas. The only thing i could come up with was maybe some moisture froze in the carb and then let loose when i hit the highway? Im putting a new carb on in a little over a week so maybe that will solve this. Ive never had this happen to me before in this car or in my first subaru.
  10. One of the alternators that i had was overcharging bad but everytime i got it down to the shop to get it tested and verified that it was in fact the alternator it would act normal cause in the distance from my house to the shop it would warm up and everything would be good for awhile. grumble Ended up replacing it anyways and the problem went away. It could be the opposite of this i suppose. When you alternator is cool everything is ok but once its warm all hell breaks loose? That would be my guess.
  11. Volvos will see 300k too. My uncle had 380K on his volvo 740 wagon. He was the original owner and never brought it to a mechanic. He did all the work himself and a year ago when the timing chain finally broke he figured he didnt care and junked it. That was the car i learned how to drive stick on. Oh well it had a good run. The advantage of subarus however is they don't cost an arm and a leg for parts like volvos do.
  12. Especially on a board where everyone is going to tell you to keep it.
  13. I have the same deal with mine. The exhaust had been on and off so many times that the threads had stripped out and one of the drivers side studs just fell out. So i did the same thing you did and tapped the hole and put a bolt in it. I did this over the summer and it still holding. I will eventually have to do something more permanant but i dont have the time right now. Yours should hold for awhile that way but its not nearly as strong as the original.
  14. I go through that too. I go to Uconn and all my friends cant understand why i like my car as much as i do. Its slow..its old...and its finicky when its cold out but i still love it. Its got personality. Its got a "soul" as i would say. It may make me mad sometimes when stuff breaks but its never expensive or hard to fix (if i do it on my own). One of my good friends loves chryslers and i hate them (any chrysler after 72 or 73 was not the same). The old ones are fine but still... Anyways, don't let it bug you. Just think in 5 or 10 years what car is still going to be on the road? A damn dodge or a suby (that is if the rust doesn't get it )?
  15. Keep the suby and drop in a WRX motor or something like that then when people give you no respect..blow their doors off
  16. Heres the rightup guys. Its under the sticky for the ultimate subaru repair manual. http://www.fjeer.us/altswap.html
  17. from the outside nothing much changed from 88 to 93 (loyale). I would venture to guess that it would work. It would make more sense for subaru to have done it that way instead of changing the design for the cover. Good luck
  18. When you say timing belt i assume you mean the air conditioning belt. If you take all that stuff out (compressor, condensor and all the hoses all your doing is cleaning up the engine compartment. I don't know that you'd really be gaining any power cause when your not using the AC all the compressor is doing is spinning freely. Even if you did gain something it would probably be too small for you to notice. I removed my entire AC system out of my old EA81 hatch and i didn't notice a difference in power. It does however clean up the engine compartment a bit and makes it easier to get at the drivers side valve cover when you need to replace gaskets. Thats my .02.
  19. Um this may be a dumb question but how does having a lifted rig affect the radiator and the clutch fan? Just curious.
  20. woohoo! 20 or older is what im talking about. Im in with my 83 gl sedan..58,000 and counting.
  21. Hell that really fast. Im on ThirdGeneration.org for my IROC camaro and they take days...or sometimes don't answer a question at all! I don't really bother asking questions over there anymore. What is it with Subaru people being down to earth and friendly? Im not saying everyone over there is bad but its just not USMB. This is the place to be
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