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Everything posted by sanjuanworm

  1. on my 83 gl wagon the "4x4" emblem that is on the rear quarterpanel has "tric edition" written beside it. never seen this before. just wondering what, if anything, this meant. thanks
  2. i think i am going to flush the radiator, and maybe check on how much a new one would cost.
  3. 114,670 miles:headbang: air bubble sounds much better. drove it around today, ran fine, temp gauge stayed normal. still confused about the needle going up and down and back up and down again. and yes the heat works and i did turn it on last night when it initially seemed to be running hot.
  4. ok, the radiator did not come out, only the fans were removed to do the timing belt. i added coolant to the overflow tank. drove it around for 30 minutes. the temp gauge stayed normal, confused, i was really expecting it to do the same thing it did last night within 5 minutes.
  5. well, that does not sound good. if it was a head gasket, why did the temp gauge spike high and then drop back down a second or two later? anybody else got an opinion??
  6. a local import garage w/ an ok suby mechanic. yes, radiator was taken out to replace timing belt.
  7. well, my 97 legacy gt just did something really stange. on a short drive to the grocery, had been driving 5 minutes, temp gauge goes all the way up real fast, never happened before. so i pull over, let it cool down, crank back up, start down the road, temp gauge starts climbing again, but before i can pull over, the needle starts to go back down,whats up, the needle finally sat right in the middle the rest of the way home. got home,let it cool down, added a little antifreeze to the overflow tank. cranked it up,drove a little ways, temp gauge started climbing , got almost to the H and started dropping back to a normal spot, continued to grocery, ran fine, did not repeat on the way home. soooo, whats going on here. less than a 100 miles ago i had the timing belt and crankseal replaced. any ideas.
  8. you really want out??? :-\ what did bobmc say about your car?? if you have done all you say to this car, no worrys.
  9. the tires are now mine. they are in great shape. no stud or tread wear. they look like they will fit into the wheelwell. and they MIGHT have enough room to miss the strut. if they rub it will be minor. more clearance.
  10. from some of your earlier posts, it seems as if you have had a gripe or two w/ automatics.
  11. my wife had a 99 OBW. then i got a 98 forester s. she drove it. then she traded for a 02 forester s. nice car. she felt safer in the forester. i feel safer in the 83 gl.:-p just do not buy an automatic.
  12. thanks...... any other opinions. this is a great deal that i hate to pass up, if it will fit.
  13. i would be interested in these pugs you speak of. steel or alloy? 14"??? thanks
  14. are those 14"???? if so where did you find em for 70. let me know i am in boone.
  15. found a set of 4 cooper dicoverer m+s 215/70/16 studded $125. wondering if anyone has run this size on a forester? will it rub?? i was going to get a set of 215/65/16. i know they will fit. but i saw these in the paper today. stock is 215/60/16. just wanted somthing larger for the winter.
  16. honestly, you could fix your problem in your driveway w/ a magic marker and a hacksaw. if you are not motivated to do a simple task like this yourself, a shop w/ a torch would cut those to match for just a few bucks each. cheap. research. do not try to make this harder than it is.
  17. 1) remove old tires from pugs. 2) mount pugs in a vise. 3) mark and cut or a machine/weld shop will cut them to match. so, so, so simple.
  18. Boone, NC small college town in the mountains snow/sleet/ice possible 9 months out of the year steep and curvy roads subaru dealership in business for 26 yrs. old and new cars.......old and new drivers seriously sometimes on the road all you see are soobs. per capita i would say MECCA. but i did live in Gallatin county for a while. and bozeman has alot of soobs.
  19. so the suby shop just called. the car had some slick 185s on it. i told them to go w/ the biggest that would fit on the rim. they say 185. i say 195. I READ THE FAQ. any suggestions.
  20. would like to get the front end off the ground a little.
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