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Dr. RX

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Everything posted by Dr. RX

  1. Mark this day on your calendar, Fox and I agreed on something.
  2. Don't think I get another hernia, I stopped lift engines out of Subarus without a hoist. LOL
  3. Tim, you need to make sure that the turbo in the 84 has been replaced by the recall. The orginal turbos were not water cooled, the one replaced on recall were. If it is not, then you'll have to get a water line to the EA82 turbo unit and the return line to the right side head.
  4. WOW, your engine will turn that high, I have never had mine above 8,000 RPM.
  5. When I first saw it, I thought AMC Gremlin.
  6. Well, someone is looking out for me, today I poured ther two ramps for my garage. Just as I finished covering the ramps with a tarps to protect them from the rain, and it started raining. I rented a cement mixer and bought a bunch of 80 pound bags of ready mix. In all I used 70 bags of cement, so that means I lifted 5600 (over 2 1/2 Tons) into the mixer. I can only imagine how much they weighed after the water was added. So if I told you I was a little tired, would you believe me? Now I wait two days before I can use the ramps.
  7. Boy, I love this new math stuff. Let me see, you are leaving on 7/1/2005, and you are having a sell this weekend, 6/11 and 6/12/2005, right? Ok, then the stuff doesn't sell you are having a big moving sell on the following weekend, that would be 6/18 and 6/19/2005, right?? Then you are leaving that week? Wouldn't that be the week of 6/19 to 6/25/2005?? I thought you were leaving on the 1st.
  8. Yes there was (is), in fact the EJ series goes as follows, EJ15, EJ16, EJ18, EJ20, EJ22, EJ25. The EJ15 and EJ16 were usually only sold in 3rd world countries.
  9. Ross, does the EJ15 have a distributor??? I agree with what Austin said about the octane rating.
  10. I solved it in my 96 by taking out the rubber plug in the bottom of the well and letting the water drain, then I left the plug out. I don't plan of fording any streams so I feel safe it leaving it out. One of these day I may get around to fixing the source of the water leak and change the trunk weather stripping.
  11. The USA got the Legacy in 89 also, there have been a few pop up lately in wrecking yards around here. I thought about the fact that Oz might have gotten the EA82 earlier, but then remembered that Oz usually don't get the first year of Japanese cars. The WRX was first released in Japan in 93, Oz didn't get it until 94.
  12. The EA82 is a much wider engine then the EA81 because of the overhead cams versus the overhead valves. To install it in an EA81 series car might involve cutting the frame rails so there is clearence when the engine torques.
  13. Gannon, he is looking for an EA81T, not an EA82T, they are a little harder to find. It might be easier to have the engine rebuilt or get an EA81 short block and replace the piston with turbo pistons (EA82T psitons will work but they have a slightly lower compression ratio then the EA81T do).
  14. Found him, looks like he was in Idaho at a wedding, hard to believe the cell phone wouldn't work of there.
  15. Has anyone seen or heard from Tex in the last couple of days???
  16. Nope, look at my database on RXs, you'll see the 85 RXs are all over the place with the production number. It wasn't until later that Subaru started giving each model it's own production range during a model year. Here is a link to the database, if you could send me your info as shown on the database, I'll add it to the database. http://www.corkysrocks.net/RX%20Database%203.xls
  17. Hey Tex, where are you? There is something wrong with your cellphone and I can't get ahold of you. The registration application on the web is broke, call me.
  18. I still don't understand why he would want 2wd only, front or rear.
  19. Well that answers everything except why you would want 2WD.
  20. Gee, we might even be able to come up with an award for the farthest traveled, right now it looks like someone from Alaska would get it.
  21. Boy, I tell you, people on the board never cease to amaze me with the ideas that they come up with. For the life of me, I can not figure why someone would want this configuration, so please enlighten me with your reason for such a configuration.
  22. I really don't know of any reason why you couldn't install any 2.2 into a car that already has a 2.2 in it. On the rear brakes, the e-brake cables are different between a drum and a disc setup, you need them too, but otherwise it is a simple bolt on conversion.
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