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Dr. RX

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Everything posted by Dr. RX

  1. Hey Craig, if Flow lives in Milwaukee, OR and you live in Beaverton, how could you be only two doors door from him? PS: Consider yourself biten.
  2. That's easy, on all RX's the 6th, 7th and 8th digits in the VIN are 56B, if those are not the digits, then it is not a RX. Here is a link to the VIN page on my site, http://corkysrocks.net/images/VIN.bmp
  3. Gee that's funny, I'm an engineer at Boeing also. There is a difference between an inline 4 and an opposing 4. An inline 4 would split the pulse, but an opposing 4 is like two 2 cylinder engines, each with their own spearate pulse. I was probably one of the first people to twin turbo a small block Chevy (1969), the idea was to use each bank as a 4 cylinder engine. The performance wasn't quite what we expected, but then we didn't know that much about mapping and sizing turbochargers to engines based upon displacement. Heck the first engine we turbo'd used a turbo off of a big diesel CAT engine, as you can imagine, it did little for performance, but we knew we were on to something so we kept looking for smaller turbos. Subaru has been running twin turbocharged 4 cylinders for almost 14 years with no problems, that alone should be enough testimony of the possibility.
  4. Zap, I saw how you bobbed the BRAT you had, and couldn't figure why you didn't keep the tailgate. I'm a metal fabricator, I'll bet that I can fabricate sheet metal parts that will make it look like it came from the factory that way, I'll bet that Mudrat could do it too.
  5. John, I believe he stated that it is a RX, RXs only came with EA82T engines.
  6. By I live for these kind of challenges. Bring it on.
  7. Well I would guess it really depends upon how long you plan to keep the car. If everything else is in great shape, then going with a CCR rebuilt long block is the way to go, or if you have a good set of heads, go with a CCR rebuilt short block. Unless you are familar with how these engines come apart, you will spend many frustrating hours trying to figure it out, it does take special tool to completely take the engine apart. There are places that sell JDM engines, that would be an option. Several cars that I have owned have had those engines in them and were very reliable. Should be able to get them for under $1000 shipped to you place. They are pretty much a bolt in replacement. Try these guys, they are in Lynnwood, WA. http://www.foreignenginesinc.com/
  8. WHAT????? I don't think so, if Mudrat can't do it, I'm sure that I can.
  9. Gee, that's news to me, in my more then 40 years working with turbos, I have never heard that. As for needing 3 cylinder, there are quite a few 2 cylinder turbocharged engines out there to prove that wrong. I believe the idea here is not to have sequential turbos, but to have the turbos working together, one turbocharging one bank and the othe other one the other bank. The twin turbo setup on JDM Legacys is sequential, one for lower range and one for higher range power, giving a broader power range. Superchargers rob power from the engine, and I don't consider them effecient. Using the turbos off the Yamaha motor would work, or if you could find two from the Honda turbo bike, those would work. Will, it's hard to take pictures of a concept. If it were possible, you would have shown us pictures of your proposed 300hp EA82T.
  10. Gee, on my 85 wagon there is no release, there is just a strap that I pull that back of the seat up and forward.
  11. Look at the keyboard, what letter is to the left of the letter 'P'????? See what happens when you have fat fingers.
  12. Too bad you are on the east coast, next weekend at the WCSS 6 (West Coast Subaru Show) there are suppose to be two EA82 series cars that with have EA82 series trannys and EJ series engines.
  13. There is no reason why it couldn't be done, in fact if it were to be done, that is probably the best way to do it. So let us know when you have it finished.
  14. I don't want to put words in Will's mouth, but I think he was refering to the fact that this post is talking about modifying EA82Ts to get the hp of some of the higher hp rated EJ series engine, so your's wouldn't count (with regards to this post) because it has an EJ series engine.
  15. The problem with nitrous is that it is addictive, that power boost iot gives you is not meant to be used for long periods of time, but people love the power it give their engines and over use it, thus shortening engine life. It's great stuff when use properly,but few people do that. I best think is to get an engine that has the power of a nitrous injected engine, but without the nitrous, the engine might last longer, but that depends upon how you went about getting those extra ponies.
  16. Not if the new crank is counter balanced properly.
  17. Like I said, a different crankshaft would have to be ground, you can not get an even fire using the current crankshaft. The idea is to have the firing sequence be left, right, left, right, not left, left, right, right, that way there is a balance to the firing. An even firing engine is not called a "boxer". A note: This gets more critical the more cylinders you have.
  18. JWX, did I ever say that creating an even firing Subaru would be hard?? Re-read my posts, the word 'hard' is not in them when I was talking about creating an even firing engine, that was your word. I don't mind having a lively discussion, but I don't like being misquoted.
  19. Gee, the only difference between what i said a you said was that Will might use a distributorless system. Do you think getting a new crank ground correctly will be inexpensive?? How about the camshafts??? Will, it would be much smoother and less destructive on the engine to have the even firing. Creating that much horsepower will necessitate quite an explosion in the combustion chamber, not once on every other side, but twice in a row on each side, how long do you think the bottom end will take that? But like I said, go ahead, prove us wrong, I'll be the first to congratulate you if you are sucessful.
  20. Thanks Moprgan. WJM, the answer is, "No without major rework." A new crank will have to be ground, new cams ground, a new distributor, those are the major thing, there are quite a few minor things that will need to be changed also.
  21. Seems that you forgot the second part of what I said. Yes, you can increase power without increasing capacity, but doing so decreases reliability. I said that manufacuruers increase displacement to increase horsepower, and maintain reliability. As for the boxer engine, it was once thought that a boxer engine could never exceed 3.0 liters in size because of rotational mass, but Porsche proved that wrong with it's 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 and now 3.8 liter engines. There are other eliments of the boxer engine that experts says are short comings, like the reason why it is called a boxer and not a 180 degree V engine (like Ferrari's). It is thought that the stagered throws on the crank are limiting factors, but all it will take is someone to come along who didn't know the assumption, and prove the experts wrong. Will just might be one of those individuals, only time will tell. I wish him luck in accomplishing his goal. But don't blame me for being sceptical, I'm in good company.
  22. Yes that is a good deal, it will also have the VLSD rear diff.
  23. If you can wait until the show, you can ask Mudrat.
  24. HHHUUUUHHHHH?????? Where did that come from, I wasn't the one who increased the engine size to increase horsepower, the manufacturers did. I actually prefer short stroke, big bore engines, they rev faster and higher. My 96 WRX STi pulls 187.9hp at the wheel. It was dyno'd last weekend, it was low because of heat and humidity (the testers comments, not mine). It is a stock EJ20G.
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