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Everything posted by pdxsuby

  1. It appears to be coming right from the drain plug. Do drain plugs go bad? I'm using the crush washer from Subaru. I use Valoline 10W30 Max Life-good for engines over 75k miles. I titten the nut to snug. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Are Subaru transmissions dependable? I've heard that their not. This is my first subaru. I like the car, but the dependablility is not as high as I would expect. People really like them, but dependablility is important to me. PS: I'm a mtn biker and like in Portland, OR. From one mtn biker to another thanks. By the way, where do you live?
  3. Question 1: I have a 2000 Outback that is leaking from the back half of the oil pan. It has 102k miles and is an automatic. My question is can I do this without messing with the front suspension(unhooking parts in order to get to all of the bolts of the oil pan). Question 2: I have looked on ebay for a 2000 Outback service manual. Can only one suggest one to me and what to look for. I'd like a disc with all Outback/Legacy 2000 info on it. Question 3: When I do replace the oil pan gasket, is there anything specific I should be looking at to replace, ie. other gaskets or other parts to replace while I'm in there. Thank you for your help.
  4. I need to check my PCV valve on my 2000 Outback. Is it right after the air filter but before where the air goes into the engine? If filled with crap, I was going to pick up a new OEM pcv valve. Is there a website that has a diagram or picture of it? Thank you for any help.
  5. It burns/looses a 1/2 quart to a little more of oil between oil changes. Runs well, new spark plugs last year, 16k of miles in last year, 102k total mileage on it. Is this a normal amount of oil normal to loose? Read on-loosing oil through oil pan gasket is part of it. I pulled spark plugs yesterday on pasenger side- both plugs had some oil on the inside where the spark plug wire connects to the spark plug, but I did not see any oil on driver side. I see a little oil on the outside of where the head gasket is at on pasenger side also. I had the driver side HG replaced under warranty last fall, and it, HG, has no oil coming from it. Seems to holding up fine- driver side. Also, I have a slight drip, coming from back of oil pan. I'm thinking of having the oil pan gasket replaced from this. It has spaltered on parts, exhaust that are behind the oil pan. Your thoughts are appreciated. I'd like to replace the passenger side head gasket and oil pan gasket. Oh, how much is reasonable to pay for a new, passenger side head gasket to be put in and also for the oil pan gasket? Thank you.
  6. However, I cannot find a tear in any of the two, left cv boots. Was yours internal. I mean, something wrong with the gears under the boots. What did you have replaced exactly? The boot or something else? THanks, John
  7. I'm getting a clicking sound ONLY when I turn left and the car is cold. It sounds like a cv joint going bad. It sounds like it is coming from the front left tire area. Any ideas. Thank you to all that respond, John
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