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Everything posted by Turbone

  1. Well, the way its going to play out is the person that hit you from behind is either going to be cancelled or thier rates will go up. Then they will offer you some ridiculess price for your car. This has happened on a few occasions to others from the Board. You need to go out and get prices of your vehicle with all the options and the best condition, to show them the actual cost of your car. Dont take anything less then what you think its worth (within reason, bluebook and in perfect condition)
  2. Got the same prob with mine, just need to get off my arse and add some grounds
  3. Well, Martin posted what I was going to mention. The 05 OBW is going to be liscensed as a truck. This way they can increase the ground clearance, etc. So tabs and stuff will be costing more, which is not good right now due to the increase in fuel prices
  4. I really think you should see a Dr, and make sure the Insurance Co. knows about it. All bills should go to them. There needs to be a paper trail so you can be compensated. Get ahold of the perps Insurance Co also.
  5. Very glad to hear no one was hurt, altho sometimes it takes a few days for more symptoms to arrive. Real sorry about the XT also. If you keep an eye on the Marketplace, someone is bound to be selling, or know someone that is.
  6. Eh, my old one is posted a couple of posts above Currently with out a lifted Soob. Have to wait till later this year to build a new one. I think I'm still a member of the HP
  7. Welcome to the board, and congrats on your new purchase Its nice to know that owners of high end vehicles know when to give a nod to other makes that deserve it
  8. Well, the tires you have are huge! Due to the fact I'm still on dial up, I cant view your vids. But from the still shots you have, it doesnt show you climbing anything. Theres that small shelf, it would be nice to see you climbing that
  9. If the large end of the boot comes off you will loose the grease thats in it, and also get dirt inside. This will eventually destroy the CV joint. Its harder for stuff to get in and out from the small end of the boot. But water can get in, so you can either try and tighten it or replace it. Welcome to the board
  10. If the wide part of the boot stays on the axle ends it should be ok. You might see if the clamp can be tightened, but some take a special tool. They are replacible tho, you can get them from most parts stores.
  11. Keep your panties on, its all in good fun Theres reasons why its being handled this way. You know, for several years now we have been doing more and more increasing mods to our Soobs. Each time we make improvements. Some are small, some are big. It seems theres some people out there, even some that own Soobs, that dont think they are capable off road. This time its going to be in thier face Done with rant, I aint saying no more. Oh, and big kudo's to the crew. They worked thier butts off.
  12. There are 4 fusible links on the drivers side fender. They control other functions besides the engine. It wouldnt hurt to check them. All you have to do is feel if the wire is loose inside the sleeve, or a connection is loose. It would also be advisable to check the fuse panel for loose/bad fuses for those functions.
  13. I got off work early last night and went and had a peek. Guys, the bar has been lifted to new heights To some "people" that think Soobs are for the paved roads only, this is something that will make your "other" rigs want to go home and think of some better (and more $) mods. Ken said there wont be ANY pics of it until its done, and on the knarliest trail at Evans Creek.
  14. Blue Train, you wouldnt believe the stuff Truckers put on and in thier rigs
  15. Its possible that a fusible link is going bad or is loose.
  16. Yea, he's a special guy. We have a few of them around here. Its nice to know that just about anywhere the board has members that they could be willing to help out in a time of need. That includes you and Rick, and everyone else at CCREngines
  17. I know :cool: And there aint nobody gonna get me to tell either. Y'all just gonna have to wait. Zap, your a big teaser
  18. Smart service would be the place to go if you want work done on it. http://www.smart-service.com/ The head gaskets are easy to replace, but for someone not used to working on Soobs, the engine should be pulled. If it has low miles on it, it could be worth repairing, not replacing. And I'm talking about 150K or less, it just broken in then :cool: Oh, and welcome to the best source of info for Subaru's
  19. Welcome to the best board on this side of the pond :cool: If you havent changed the timing belts yet, I would seriously consider it. I'm not real familiar with that year, most get a belt change at 60K. Have you looked at the new STI? If its in your price range, its a nice car. Not very easy to freight a car over to cruise the AB. But renting (?) would be cool if you had a good choice of cars.
  20. Get one from a car that doesnt have high mileage
  21. I believe its on all 3dr's. I have it on my RX. Post in the marketplace for it, someone there should have it, or know where one is.
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