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Everything posted by jeffast

  1. i was about to post that, That is a beautiful xt6, makes me miss mine just a little. welcome to the club
  2. i have one of those, i set my shoe on fire with one once, i don't reccomend that.
  3. i'm going to be out of town at a rally cross, i hope max will be there with a camera, so i can post a few pics
  5. at this point it looks like i won't be making it.
  6. I would change out the cap and rotor, and see if that made a difference
  7. since you got it with no records i would pull out the owners manuel and give the car a 60,000 mile tune up, their should be a maintance list in the manuel saying what to replace and when to keep up with parts that normally wear out, and i believe that the intervel is 60,000 for major stuff.
  8. wow, now that i have proof read that, i wish i could say i was, no just kinda tired.
  9. i'm worried about people see me, i has a legacy with nice rims... i feel your pain
  10. you can tell the lack of craftsmanship by the wrinkles in the duct tape also i don't think i have met you in person have i?
  11. your car wouldn't make it even if you still lived in wyoming, you know that
  12. i'll be there showing off my rims with some legacy attached to them
  13. not sure if i am gonna make it. i know i won't be going on the cruise, but i may show up at 7-11 for no reason
  14. 4 day bump..... 4 day bump.... still driving a borrowed car 4 day bump
  15. sure just remind us where you live and we'll meet you there
  16. i better be able to spell apocalypse, there was the first sign, now i just need to be chevy free and there will be another sign.
  17. phil made a spelling error? ha ha... this could be a sign of the apocalypse
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