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Everything posted by jeffast

  1. i replaced the seals betweent he camcarier and the head now the car runs like ************ idles like ************ and i can remove 4 spark plug wires and the idle doesn't change it is harder to rev the engine up with only two plug wires connected than with all them connected. the disty is clean and dry and while far fropm new it ran fine two days ago before i started fuel pressure is fine evreythinsg is plugged in and there is spark on all six cylinders any ideas? i'm about to cancle my vacation because of this so any help would be appreciated
  2. i'm not worried about damage to my truck i think it could do it it needs tires i mean like theres belt showing on 3 out of 5 the spare replaced the worst one and i can't afford tires for the moment
  3. if nothing blows up on my car i'll be there, also mike if you don't want to drive i'd have no problem picking you up pm me about it
  4. oh good i thought ccr did trannies but i wasn't sure enough to post it
  5. nay i run no covers and all it did was make diagnosing the problem a 30 second job
  6. hail to the wedge welcome to the club:headbang: and of course my usual www.xt6.net best place for wedge advice
  7. sounds like it might work for me although for fininciale reasons i'll probably call shot gun in someones rig
  8. not helping phil i need to make it to dragona and back on this tranny be0sides i would end up doing burnouts if i had 2 wd
  9. so phil how did you get the nasoc people their plate?
  10. dude read up on it mike allot of people have blown their center diffs running in rwd the awd tranny isn't as durable it can't take the stress trust me i've looked into it
  11. i really haven't noticed it getting worse i'll start out on the trip and if it starts getting bad i'll go home and unfortunatly it's all wheel drive so rear wheel drive would mean serouse limping
  12. it's all about what the car is worth to you how ever i think thats a little high for a brat go down to less than 1k and that's a great deal
  13. hasn't happend yet i leave the fifth of june providing the wreck gets whipped into shape in the next week or so
  14. yes quite a bit of movement how much touble will this be how long can i expect before this causes real trouble? would it be safe to drive this car on a 3000 mile road trip or would it come back on a tow truck i mean i know it could fail tommorow but how far could i push it?
  15. responce edited for innapproit language, conduct unbecoming a car freak and, a seriouse your mother joke
  16. no the whole car vibrates the noise sounds like a wheel is rubbing but none of the tires are rubbing anything i can see
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