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Everything posted by jeffast

  1. well the title i was curiouse what compression my car should test at currently i am getting withen 5psi of 120 per cylender edit: i know this sounds stupid but i am having power issues also how far up the temp gauge does the needle ride on your car?
  2. two part apoxy any home improvement store would have it but it would be over kill ounce again
  3. welcome the single tap mentioned above maybe what is commonly refferd to as the tick of death it does no actual damage it is just annoying as hell it is generally caused by a bad micky mouse gasket on the oil pump sry i kind of went over board for somthing that may have nothing to do with your problem eather way welcome some one here can definatly help you
  4. i've been looking at mega squirt how hard was it to install? also KICK@$$
  5. i agree with 91loyal try to fix it looks salvageable to me good luck whatever happens glad you weren't hurt -jeff
  6. my er27 seems to fall flat on it's fACE AS YOU PUT IT AROUND 7000 i would like stronger springs as well edit: lets say seven grand, i am having major engine problems at the moment
  7. my xt-6 has 500 hp with turbo nos and flame stickers with a 12yr old's logic the flames add a hunderd hp
  8. i had them screw up the destination and the pickup either way they gave me a dolly at the right place but still it was two hrs i could have been driving home wasted i drove like 7 hrs to pick up my six
  9. my hcevy ate a rotor about six months ago the clue's it gave me for the last 500 miles of it's life were metal shavings every where loud grinding while breaking voilent tremors through the brake pedal and a mild case of nausea this had nothing to do with the brakes oh yeah those are certainly some well loved brake pads
  10. it coult be a rivet is jamming between the pressure plate and the flywheel somthing like that happend when i bought my 6 with a badly slipping clutch i drove it two blocks and the clutch seized to the flywheel untill i replaced it
  11. \ i wish to stronlgy appologise i love the rx it is my favorite soob next to my xt-6 what i ment was it was only available in a coup but i was wrong and i am sorry EDIT: I MEAN I NOW KNOW THAT IT WAS AVAILBLE IN A SEDAN aswell
  12. the rx was a different body and has a really cool driveterrain i know about the setup but not enough to elaborate and give you accurate information the gl is the luxary model if i am correct but it came in three body styles if i am right a hatchback, a sedan and, a wagon. the rx is just a two door coup
  13. sweet i have to check it out now when does it air
  14. yyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhh yyyyeeeeaaahhh fun i wish i had $3000 to spare so i could get my car ready
  15. that totally sucks what type of car was it ?
  16. could an ea82t do that? where do they max out at
  17. my xt-6 had similar problems to that i pulled the raditor to discover that the prevouse owner had welded the middle of the radiator shut to stop a leak check the radiator also one of the cooling fans could be reversed that causes it to over heat at highway speeds or atleast it did on mine
  18. just for kicks you could check the clutch cable it could have stretched and broke also what turbone said first check fluid i feel smart ignore me sry stupidity strikes me later
  19. get the vin off the car go to the nearest soob dealer they should be able to cut you a key at the parts counter for under $5 just incase the vin is on the top of the dash on the drivers side not to insult your intelligence just in case
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