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Everything posted by TurboSPFI

  1. Oh yeah I forgot, they're everywhere here.
  2. no, there becomes a point to where you start to waste gas running it around in lug mode, trust me i tried.
  3. Yeah, a punch... The rear axles are 10x easier to R&R than the front ones... Unless they are seized onto the stub shaft on the diff, torching the pass side is risky since the gas tank is right there.. Even I said to heck with that!
  4. lever shift for a single range? you might as well just get a d/r
  5. No, the soob failed.. I was the one who passed the test here. I usually dont have a problem with fighting, I just hate it when its with friends.
  6. heck ya, cold beer to the rescue.
  7. How'd you get the suspension lift and DAYUM, that things sweet!!
  8. First off, Im late to work by about an hour... So yesterday I'm about 5 miles into my route with my soob and my right rear bearing collapses... Sounded like a brake shoe came loose at first, so I'm like "oh wonderful"... Anyway, So I keep driving, I get to mile 15 or so, noise is gettin really nasty.. all of a sudden, I feel the right rear of my car drop about 4 inches and the tire starts to wobble!! I get out, inspect the car, visually its ok.. btw, its 4am and its dark out (keep that in mind for later) So I get back in the car to move my disabled car out of the way.. It starts rolling fine again.. no noises.... Go about 10 more miles... and that nasty noise comes back... I keep saying to myself and the soob "cmon, jus get r dun! and get home!" well, i get another 5 miles or so... I stop for a "tubestop" that consists of about 25-30 of those newspaper boxes.. So I get out of the car, I'm filling these tubes up and I look at the right rear tire... Its smoking from the hub! I reach down to feel it and can feel the heat about a foot away from the rim.. The paint on the rim is bubbling... So Im all "oh wonderful".... Just then, some friends of mine show up.. im all "OH WONDERFUL!" (in a good way this time!).. I ask em for help to finish up.. They agree, so I move my car to a pullout that was just ahead.. We go about a mile and this girl fishtails and goes into the ditch at about 50 miles per hour.. I find out they're drunk! I start cussin out the woman driver for being a dumb ***** (i edited this btw).. and the dude in the car starts to act like I'm in the wrong for being pissed off and starts talking his smack.. So I ended up fist fighting my drunk friend in the street.. Im all "screw this" and start walking home (uhmm.. roughly 12-13 miles from where I was)... So they start driving next to me @ 5 miles per hour trying to get me to get back in the car.. (I know I missed the part where they got out of the ditch, its kinda irrelavant)... So I take a bee-line directly into the woods, I hike through the woods about 5 miles and finished up the rest on the road... Get home, grab tools to go back to car, get a ride there, blah blah, tear it all apart after fighting rusted CV's, the back nut on the swing arm that lets that inside bearing wouldnt come off, etc.. just gettin royally tested by this car.. anyway, i Finally get this dang nut off the back that lets the inner bearing come out, and i find out the whole bearing race has been destroyed! Anyway, after this whole mess, I figure out that I have the whole swing arm assembly at the house thats already assembled.. So I go home, get it, go back out to the car, put it in, bleed the brakes and Go home.. Get home, brother wants me to help him with brakes on his car Get that done, find out theres a friend in distress out in the woods... Subaru saves their day.. I go home, by this time its about 11pm, I pass out, Wake up late for work again So I had about 36 hours of pure BLAH! If you've read up to this point, yer probably like.. uhh, who cares.. but thanks for stickin with my story *moral of story.. well, there isnt one.. sorry, just had to discribe how far a subaru went on a collapsed bearing!!*
  9. HOly COw, thats the meanest looking golf cart ive ever seen!! that things awesome!
  10. ECT = engine coolant temperature sensor.. sorry, emissions lingo. As far as the timing, how can that make it run rich? Also, you could have a clogged exhaust somewhere thats only letting a certain amount of CFM through the system before it starts hesistating.. Just an idea.
  11. So... adjust your idle speed or your timing to correct it.
  12. When I changed out an old ECT my car ran like new.. Also, I changed my PCV valve out and that helped as well.
  13. Well, the temp gauge is either the gauge itself, the sending unit, or the wiring.
  14. If you look on the underside of the hood it there is a tag that will tell you the specs of where the RPMs should be at.
  15. temp switch? is your radiator grounded?
  16. no no, carbide bits are the way to go.. spendy, well worth it. Cuts through any metal like butter. Make sure you have the cutting oil ready, and buy snap-on, if the bit ever dulls, you can get another for free.
  17. stock everything... no blowby.. SPFI cams. We're talking about closed loop here.. I could have explained open loop, closed loop, accel, decel or limp mode if I had to, but there was no need. 90% of your sensor values are based on the O2 sensor and the ECT sensor. Ive been working with different size restrictions in the hose that leads from the boost to the wastegate... seems like 8 psi is what your going to get. Its not bad, just get ready to buy the expensive gas (wait.. that is bad lol)
  18. No belts.. So the difference between high and low range is 1 tooth? Anyway to modify just that single gear? Im sure someone thats good at math could tell you the next possible matchup (19/xx) and how you would have to have it cut. They (Fuji) had to have come up with their numbers (19/23 and 19/24) somehow.
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