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Everything posted by TurboSPFI

  1. Can you actually change out the gears that're inside the transaxle? Machine new gears?
  2. You know what.. Thats cheap compared to what my old shop used to charge. They were horrible about that kind of stuff. First, It'd be a half hour for LOF which is 40$ Code Read for an hour = 80$ 120$ is what my old ripoff of a shop would have charged!
  3. To be honest, I think messing up your seat while offroading is the least of your worries..
  4. sounds like a HG problem, or your fan isnt turning on.. If its your fan, make sure your radiator is grounded! That temp switch will trip, but will have no ground to goto if its not grounded. Could check the temp switch too.
  5. I have the same problem right now... T-stat water pump CSF turbo radiator Turns out to be a head gasket, its not blown to where it wont run, actually runs great lol, but it leaks out the back and i lose coolant pretty quickly. Another thing you can check out is a leaking intake manifold gasket, I have one of these too that I beleive to be a culprit..
  6. I was expecting it the minute I turbo'd it. Held in longer than I thought it would.
  7. Yeah one for a VF7 and TD04 flange is a great idea!
  8. I know what your talking about, its a major drag..
  9. TurboSPFI


    I lifted my wagon because of a similar stump problem that could have been avoided if I were lifted in the first place.
  10. I desplined a hub before I broke a rear CV.
  11. no no no, your missing something here. The one that HAD power windows, locks, mirrors is gutted and on the car. The one that HAS manual windows, locks, mirrors is NOT gutted and is off the car. I want to pull the gutted door off my car, and put the loaded manual door on. Make more sense?
  12. You could buy me one.. 60$ left.
  13. It would have been easier if i would have replaced the switch first.. I went after the motor now and have a gutless door.. I'm so fried that I'd rather just mess with 6 bolts and aligning a door (mines horribly aligned anyway) than messing with the rest of it all.
  14. Well, finally blew a headgasket, but its out the back of the head where the coolant flows... I'm only experiencing coolant loss at this point in time. Oh yeah, 8 PSI/SPFI
  15. I would do this, but I dont want the same thing that happend with the motor to happen.. You dont know how mad that made me to spend as much money as I did on that motor and as long as I went without a window to find out it wasnt the motor! THAT DID IT! The door is gone!
  16. Well, I'm having problems with my drivers door and the electric window part of it.. I've gotten so tired of it, I'm getting rid of the stupid thing. I ended up trying to switch the window motor out and came up with the same problem, so im just gonna switch back to a manual version. The door is from a car with no power windows, locks, or mirrors.. I would like to keep the power locks and mirrors, but not the window. How do you think I'm going to have to go about doing this "swap"? Let me know, I'm tired of having no window! Thanks!
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