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Everything posted by eddygordouk

  1. yo yo im guessing this is Justin. Sucks to hear about the headgasket. these are usually the ones to go with that fun fun engine. Talk to The Subaru Junkie about that stuff, he knows the frustration of ea82ts to no end. Could always start early on the EJ swap
  2. put me down for a carbon fiber ea82t hood with hood scoop hole or hoodscoop in. would be nice if it was yellow kevlar carbon hybrid
  3. oh man karbon fiber/yellow kevlar hybrid hood for 87 gl sedan! what would be a perfect one would be like the hood EA82Turbo had on his Gen 1 where the scoop goes down in. I would immediately pick one up
  4. yeah blue looks real nice. I also like the red for some reason I think those colors, black and white look the best on those sedans
  5. the blue RX does indeed look nice. I wish we had color options like that in the US
  6. man they're clean. stuff sells for super cheap! those wheels are like $100 or sumthing. Hopefully ill be over ther ein August so well see what i can find over there for cheap
  7. So I was bored and started playing around on Yahoo Japan auction to work on my Japanese skills. Wouldnt guess what id find though eh? Check it out and enjoy (and yes those are 4 x 140 14" wheels!)
  8. no turbo version but perhapes out of states. I DO know that they had the SR20DE though, so close to the SR20DET but not enough, i think its kinda popular with owners to swap to that motor though . Also I want to know how those kits might fit so all those who are at the JY's are real lucky if they do.
  9. converting my A/C sounds plausible but man o man does a simple recharge sound good. Ill see if i can find anyone certified and if not, on to the conversion kit
  10. smart move, everytime i see those sentra 4doors they kinda seem like a similar fit to body. let me know what you find
  11. I agree. Actual bigger rotors FTW. I have read around aslo as I was looking into gettin drilled and slotted rotors and learned about how new pads and all have gotten rid of such need, and the only real way for jump in stopping power is to just go bigger brakes, XT6 anyone?
  12. :banana: make em! well...if you made them do you think you could make the rear end spats that were on that sedan RX I made a thread about earlier :brow: I wouuld totally be in for a buy. Let me know whenever. BTW, would the lip spoilers be "nerf" style? haha jk i have the lip already. Good idea though, keep us posted.
  13. hmmm interesting, does the kit have a show-how or do i need to research? sorry about not knowing but its the first time...
  14. ah yeah i was thinking the bodykit wasnt stock. man i wonder who made it. ah well, guess it can be filed under another mysterious mod for our cars :-\ true Brian about the heat ahha, at the PnP i was sweating buckets literally. still though, do wanna see ur RX in the garage perhapes if i have sometime. let me know if ur there working and if perhapes i can swing by sometime...
  15. how much does it usually cost for a recharge for a, say, 87' Subaru or similar? I need to get mine charged as its getting about 105 over here in Sacramento and was wondering what people (if any) were paying for such?
  16. haha yeah its a sedan, quite nice not having to let others in while you wait, but the hatchback was fun in its own way . If they did adapt a bmw kit on it then ill be surprised, he says he found the kit in the JY so hes preeeettty lucky btw we still ahve to meet up haha, didnt see u at the PnP
  17. pretty hot indeed. its on cardomain, let me link it. he says it was lug that he converted i think. either way the car looks nice http://www.cardomain.com/ride/618070 <- Here it be
  18. I want I want I waaant now that I have a sedan GL-10 basically 4-door RX. Has anyone seen this kit before and is the person a board memeber:slobber:? The back kinda looks like the old 80's BMW M3 which to me looks insanely good looking :-p . My bad if its a repost....
  19. I see you have a Burger King king size up in there haha, thats the ONLY way i judge cup holders and i must say that it looks to be the best option
  20. yups, the wheel jerking tip worked and it started up no problem, now if only the tip fixed my engine as well hahaha
  21. haha sounds resonable, ill have to give it a try when im done with school today.
  22. So I need help. I searched around the forum to look for a similar problem but it seeems that everyone was having trouble with the actual key being stuck. The problem I have is that I can put the key it, it jus wont turn anywhere, like the lock is totally stuck. Intresting thing is, I was able to turn and everything the day before. Im wondering though becuase they were dong road work at my complex and towed my card about 10yrds without me knowing Would this affect anything? The steering is locked, also I had to replace the battery because it was straight dead. Any ideas??
  23. uuuuh if these could be created for ea82's (my RX ) so we could bolt on aftermarket seats, aka sparco and the like, that would be sooooo cool Any plans on perhapes doing a model for one??
  24. yeah i have em on my RX but wow, i tried to test them out and it feels like i have to literally break it to push it in, soooo i never have fully tested it haha
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