After lurking the board through an abundant amount of resources and helpful tips, I guess the first post should be a 'dumb question' one. As it would seem this problem is fairly common among subaru's; we own a 2001 2.5L outback, and while taking one of the spark plug boots out it was completely covered in oil along with the well leading down to the plug. Now, I have read here how it is more than likely a gasket of some sort, which is a given, but seeing as I know squat about these cars I simply just wanted to clean out the oil the safest way possible and replace the plugs (since they are so cheap) to hopefully improve the performance of the car until the girlfriend does get it fixed. I've done valve gaskets on my Intrepid before, but when I look at the subaru engine it just looks like another language to me. Any advice in advance would be greatly appreciated.