This has been an absolutely wonderful thread and I am coming in a bit late on it but, there is one thing that I've had a problem with and want to mention it here. I have a '96 Legacy LS Wagon.
While I had the climate control assembly out of the dash and was replacing the three bulbs shown at:
I needed to replace the bulb inside of the A/C actuator switch, that engages the compressor, located on the lower left hand side of the climate control assembly. The nice thing was that the switch comes out through the front of the console without having to remove the entire assembly, as is necessary for the other bulbs. Just detach the one small harness that is shown in the middle of photo number six, at the link above, push down on the lock lever and slide the entire switch out through the front of the climate control assembly.
Once I removed the bulb holder (the same way with a 1/4 turn and out) I replaced the bulb with the same Radio Shack #7219 bulb and reassembled the switch. When I engaged the switch, it stuck in the "on" position and wouldn't come out without some force and manipulation. I pulled the bulb holder out and put the switch back together. Worked fine; smooth on/off action. Only when the new bulb was in the switch did it bind. Turns out that the original bulb is just a tad shorter than the Radio Shack bulb, and so rubs up against the top of a low spot in the switch cylinder when engaged.
Radio Shack doesn't have a similar bulb (12v/60mA) that is smaller so I'll have to go to a local electronics store or to Subaru dealership for that one.
This has been a pretty inclusive thread on this subject and I may be the only one that has had this problem, or maybe I'm doing something wrong since this has not been brought up in this thread so far.
Anybody else had this problem or know what I'm talking about? Or am I doing something wrong and over-thinking a simple answer?