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  1. It's so obvious why the windshield is bent OUTWARD ... we all know that when the alien bursts out of your chest, uh, I mean car, it tends to bend the ribs, er, I mean, glass outward. So simple. Sheesh! Some people ...
  2. When I bought my 97 Ford Expedition I bought a K&N air filter for it. It has made a lot of difference in the performane of the engine. I'm wondering ... does anyone know of any proven benefits of using a K&N on a Soob? (Fiance has a 2000 Forester S w/ auto trans & 70k miles.) AWD
  3. Hi all ... my first post. Just helped my fiance get a 2000 Forester S w/ an auto trans. After a few days of driving she noticed that the trany clunks very badly at times when shifting from 1st to 2nd ... mostly when you're just gliding along in grid-lock at about 15-20 mph and you're not really on the gas nor really on the brake, and then you slightly start to accelerate. When you lift your foot off the gas (no braking) the trany seems to "disnegage" and then the whole drive-trane just "clunks". It also, in my humble yet experienced opinion, shifts quite abruptly between all gears. Kinda lurching, IYKWIM. I'm wondering if this is a "Soob trait" or something indigenous to this particular vehicle. Anyone experience this kind of behavior from this same or other Soob model? AWD
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