Thats another sti brumby here in qld. That green has a forester gt engine in it. Some guys here atm are or have put ej20t, and roartys in there coupe leone.
hmm i have a anti- back firign vavle on the passanger side of me car, it's a gold, Mine makes a spshhhh liek a blow off vavle when i let the accell off.
50hp??? me car's more then that.. anyway i'll might try adding a turbo muffler before the rear axle then out ot my chrome muffler.. see if i gain any back pressure doing that..
what cause back firing.. i got a 2 inch header's to a cat then from there a 2 inch all the way back to a chrome cannon. it happen's when changing gear's when letting the foot out and then pushing your foot in the cluch it goes pop pop.??
Any help would be greatfull
Yes i do, He own's the ausubaru website.. he's name is brett the original byb
Here's a movie of it in action