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Everything posted by RAugur33

  1. I am from PA, so I have seen my share of cheese graters on the road. However, I don't think a car that rusted out would have passed the yearly inspection.
  2. Wouldn't this car just crumble in an accident? You are a brave man.
  3. Haven't seen much chatter about the OTR this weekend. Anyone going to the track event at PIR?
  4. Here is the hitch I have for my 99 Legacy GT Sedan. Too wet for undercar shot. Hope this helps.
  5. I have a 99 Legacy GT Sedan. I don't think the wagon hitch will mount. IIAC the mount holes are different. I literally tried 10 hitches before I found one that fit. We have a subaru shop here that sells used parts and I spent an afternoon going through their hitches, that is how I found so many to sort through. I THINK you need a sedan specific hitch, which I would imagine are rarer than wagon hitches as wagons tend to be more utilitarian then sedans. I will try to snap a couple of pics of my hitch and post here for you.
  6. They do look badass! I noticed the JDM are one piece unit with turn signal rather than two piece, any fit problems with that? Also, what years are interchangeable, 96-99? thanks
  7. You may be right about the Mfg. But I can tell you for certain that the Subaru factory hitches that went over the exhaust would not fit on my GT.
  8. Thinking of buying a set of the glass JDM projector headlights from ebay. Does anyone know if these are direct plug or will I have to do some electrical engineering to make them work? These are the complete headlight unit, not a lightbulb replacement kit.
  9. As I recall when trying to find a hitch for my 99 Legacy GT Sedan there are hitches that fit OVER the exhaust (like the one pictured) and hitches that fit UNDER the exhaust. Apparently there is a difference in exhaust setup between models(wagon/outback/sedan, etc.) I probably looked at 10 hitches before I found the one to fit my Legacy. Hope this helps.
  10. Is there any danger to running around town in 4wd until I get around to replacing front axle? Would I do damage to transmission/diff?
  11. Thanks for the info.....can't believe I can't spell axle correctly!
  12. Ok, some punk busted my turnsignal globe and did not leave a nice note with his insurance info. So I have to go and get a new one. What other year legacy turnsignal globes will fit my 99? I am finding conflicting information. Also, my globe and headlight are two pieces, but I was looking at some glass headlight/turnsignal globes from Japan and they are one piece. Are these interchangeable?
  13. OK, have to replace the entire front axle for EA82 5 spd/DR. What are you guys running? Best price for quality? Mail order or local pickup? Thanks
  14. If you can put the nut back on I would think it would be good to go. I had the same thing happen to me once but the threads were stripped from spinning in the joint and I had to replca the axel.
  15. My guess is that you stripped the threads while it was spinning. Can you put the axle nut back on?
  16. It is looking like a broken axle. Put in gear and looked under hood to see entire R front axle spinning. So I think it broke at the outside DOJ. Never had that happen before. I so hope that is the problem and relative easy fix. I have been having transmission/differential nightmares. Thanks all for your suggestions, i wouldn't have thought to put in gear and look under hood.
  17. Thanks everyone for your input. I hope it is an axle and not a diff. Maybe I didn't give enough info, but it is all I have: Driving in 2wd, went to shift, won't go into gear. Pop into 4wd, gear is good, drive home. Nothing broken that I can see. Did not tear into it or anything, just parked it and felt lucky to get home without a tow. Thanks, I will start diagnosing when I get the time.
  18. Driving the 84 wagon, Ej22/5 DR, in 2wd and all of a sudden I can't get into gear. Pop it into 4wd, drives fine. Pull over, axles in one piece, nothing that I can see is broken. Drive home in 4wd, put it in 2wd...nothing. Did I blow my transmission??? This is no bueno.
  19. Hey Mike, how was the wheelin, any pics? What a beautiful day for it. Let me know if you and Earll ever have a wrench party, I could use a second opinion on my setup.
  20. Hey Michael, give me a call when you and earl get together. 503.936.5683
  21. Sundays work best for me because I have to work most Sats. How about you guys?
  22. Hey Mike, I gave those swampers to Dennis for helping me with the wagon. I'd bet he still has them.
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