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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. well 4x4 isn't just about going on rocky trails and crossing over deep holes, its also about keeping traction in bad and fast conditions....great for autocross or rally style racing which you want the car to be low to avoid rolling and such.
  2. Yeah I love the wheels on this thing, those I might actually get cleaned up and painted. The rust in the quarter panels around the rear wheels is pretty bad but its nothing structural so it shouldn't be too hard cutting out those really bad spots and welding in some fresh sheet metal. Still not sure the best way to tackle the bed other than finding someone with a scrap brat that could cut out their bed and just weld the whole piece in, I mean its not the worst so I could just patch it and por 15 or rhyno line it? -nice bonvo...that thing looks new compared to mine :-p
  3. Some nice rusty pics up! Pulled the dash and heater/blower out monday, trying to get some electrical issues sorted out from the rats.(Another thread on here if your interested in helping with those)
  4. yeah might just take care of the bad rust and then spray the car with clear to keep it from getting any worse and such.
  5. Yeah I want it as safe and dependable as possible....just not sure if I want to spend the time and money doing a full restoration. Anyone have any pictures of lower brats? I have also been trying to find any pictures of brats with any of the alloy or different rims like the snowflakes or enkeis but not having any luck. guess I could photoshop them.
  6. So some of you may remember me from years ago but its been awhile since ive had a subaru, just bought a 79 Brat, SO IM BACK! Anyways, went ahead and started a Texas group under Community on here if anyone else is in the area so we can help each other out!
  7. Just wanted to say hi and that I just created a Texas group on here under community if you would like to join in.

  8. Just wanted to say hi and that I just created a Texas group on here under community if you would like to join in.

  9. So I picked up an old ratty 79 Brat.(and I do mean that literally...found multiple nests under the dash :-\). I am debating on what I want to do with it. It will eventually become my daily driver so im mostly worried about getting it running like a champ but while I have the dash and everything out im considering going ahead and re-doing the interior and restoring things...or just ignoring anything not functional. I plan on cutting out and patching any major rust and keep it as dependable as possible but should I spend the money to completely restore it and make it pretty or just leave it ratty and maybe drop it a little bit? I really love the hoodride/ratlook style stuff and appreciate the idea of working with what youve got and seeing the beauty and character in the age and patina. Here are some VW caddy examples that I reallyl like. (can't really find any other brats that have done anything like this other than maybe that one they threw an rx7 motor in and drifted) HERE IT IS...
  10. PMd, THANKS! Might be picking up a new(used) wiring harness and just replacing the whole thing, its either that or have at least a dozen patches where rats have eaten through and continue the hunt for bad spots.
  11. So I had some lovely rats living under my dash and trying to sort out some electrical woes. So far the main issues I have found after patching what I can see of this mess is the headlights won't come on, the fuse down below the glove box with the white wire/red line keeps popping when I start the car, no running(head or tail) lights, and no wipers. Turn signals and brake lights are working, hazards are working, blower motor was kicking on as well. There is also this two-wire black wire that was chewed through that runs up into the passenger piller by the glove box that im not sure where it went to next to two other wires that aren't connected to anything. There is also what I think is a temp sensor that isn't connected and two wires that were chewed through on the radio that goes to a connector that I cant figure out where it plugs in? Pictures speak 1000 words.
  12. Amazing, thanks. If anyone sees the right manual I need for sale let me know and ill grab it.
  13. Which manual should I be looking for? Any of them better than others? The ones I found on ebay didn't specifically say brat anywhere on the cover or back in the pictures so im a little hesitant to get one without being certain it will be the right one.
  14. Anyone? Will be looking for a manual as well so if you have one or know where to pick one up for a reasonable price let me know .
  15. Have the link to them or do you just have to call? Can't seem to find it searching.
  16. Might be picking up a brat this weekend that runs and drives but the rocerks are in bad shape, if you have a link or know where to find replacement panels let me know!
  17. awesome, thanks again for all of the advice...not looking to build any airplanes or skyscrapers or anything so think this might be a good investment for something to play around with and such....maybe build a buggy or go-kart eventually.
  18. so wire welding is also called mig welding right? sorry for the noob questions...was 12 when I learned how to weld and all we used was a gas torch. So with the wire weld you basically have a roll of wire instead of a big rod and depending on the type and thickness and whatnot they react differently right? So would this be a better investment?... http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200332691_200332691 what about this pipe bender...anyone tried it out? why couldn't you bend exhaust pipe with it? http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_628_628?cm_sp=Customer%20driven-_-Recently%20Viewed-_-Category%20Page
  19. k, would just be using it for smaller projects like maybe bumpers and a roof rack.
  20. anyone used this or any of these cheaper setups? reccomendations? http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200310823_200310823
  21. k thanks...any other suggestions? ...trying to get as much stuff as possible before I go give it a shot.
  22. on my way to work this morning my car died goind down a pretty steep hill and I wasn't able to ever get it started again. its an 1987 EA82 carbed manual 4wd wagon. was hesitant to start this morn ing as it normally is when its cold...made it about 1/2 to that hill and it died about midway down....coasted over to a flat spot off the road. tried removing the air cleaner and making sure the butterfly valve was fully open and it was...tried pouring a little gas down into the carb but still no luck. will be skipping class tonight and going to work on it around 5 after I get off work..what should I start with and check?
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