So I had some lovely rats living under my dash and trying to sort out some electrical woes. So far the main issues I have found after patching what I can see of this mess is the headlights won't come on, the fuse down below the glove box with the white wire/red line keeps popping when I start the car, no running(head or tail) lights, and no wipers. Turn signals and brake lights are working, hazards are working, blower motor was kicking on as well. There is also this two-wire black wire that was chewed through that runs up into the passenger piller by the glove box that im not sure where it went to next to two other wires that aren't connected to anything. There is also what I think is a temp sensor that isn't connected and two wires that were chewed through on the radio that goes to a connector that I cant figure out where it plugs in? Pictures speak 1000 words.