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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. shoot...been in for one of these since mine started rusting and I fairled at an attempt to create my own stuff.......would want one with a hood scoop for my ea82
  2. wow...if only I had $600 for tires...lol...thats $100 more than I paid for the whole wagon
  3. yeah...with the lift kit it doesnt ease the process of pulling the axles out either...lot more pressure from the struts and such...not my favorite thing in the world...would definantly pay $50 for a boot kit with a lifetimeish warranty...let us know asap.
  4. so discovered when I installed my lift on my carbed, 4wd, manual tran, ea82 1987gl wagon...I had routed my passenger side e-brake cable over instead of under and over the drive axle and it was rubbing on my drive axle..was having problems with my brakes seeming to not work properly at times...kind of like my booster wasn't wanting to work sometimes...I finally took everything apart and re-routed the cable the correct way and it seemed to fix all of my problems. sometimes still however after running at low rpms' and stopping alot such as in traffic...it feels like the brakes are getting hard like im running out of vaccuum...has anyone added a vaccuum canister in the middle of their brake booster vaccuum line? if so any pics/suggestions? I know they sell them from summet and other places but are like $50 and aren't they simply a sealed can with hose fittings?
  5. any updates? hopefully wil be swapping an ej into my 87 ea82 carbed gl 4wd wagon in the near future...trying to figure out what would be the best "bang for the buck" and would require as little "fabrication" as possible because I dont have a welder or any fun tools so would have to get all the brackets and such made for me.
  6. well I do have a pretty huge system...and do have 4 offroad lights...thats why I opted for the optima yellowtop....but don't have ac.
  7. already started a battery thread but has been kind of hijacked....just simply need to know which optima batteries work with my vehicle, its an 87 subaru gl wagon, carbed, ea82 no ac. It shows on their website the redtops that work but cant find a guide anywhere on the yellowtops. Need to know asap so I can get one on its way.
  8. its annoying hearing someone elses music while you take a crap:confused: why was it cruel in 2000:confused: why would it effect someones socks:confused: ...oh sorry...the loud music must be effecting my sight as well:eek: . So many people do so many things that anyone could consider annoying...like people operating power tools in the neighborhood...or moving their lawns...or why not just blame society for building those roads so close to my house and have all of this traffic noise...or maybe people should stop getting so upset about every little thing and spend this short time everyone has on earth doing something fun and productive and stop complaining all the time. I respect other people...I never blast my radio in any neighborhood or near gravesites or anything like that....but every time I lift up my hatch and have 10 people come flocking over with wide eyes and big smiles it makes me feel pretty good inside knowing that all of my hours of hard work is being noticed and remembered...It floats my boat so to say...dont go trying to sink my ship...just worry about keeping you own boats afloat...I understand not enjoying stupid kids who go racing through your street while your trying to nap or bumping down the road...but im not like that so keep your negative opinions out of this conversation...I simply asked for some advice on a battery.. not your views and opinions on or current generations fads ok? love, peace, and subarus for everyone...cant we all just get along?
  9. actually I took an old floormat that we got out of a trade in here at the dealership...about 2mm thick rubber with felt backing..cut it to fit behind the plate..works nice..should be sound dampening the whole thing before the year is up..right now dont even have a headliner. so did a search and found the red top batteries that are compatible with our vehicles but no info on the yellowtop...which yellowtop should I get?
  10. hmmm thinking about it more while im not as tired...would probably have to be something to do with the brake booster...whats the best way to check it for proper functionallity?
  11. lol yeah I know...did the system for 2 reasons...to be able to clearly hear my radio going down the highway with all of the windows down...and every now and again to show up the little honda ricers...im hoping to work at a customs shop and its catching a whollllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee lot of positive attention at car meets and such...more attention to the $10k+ rides...I dont run it loud around the neighborhoods and at night...the only time I actually run it what anyone would consider "loud" is when some little honda boy is trying to show off their little car....*shrugs*
  12. so im ready to struggle with my breaks again soon so was going to see what I should tackle first... here goes the description. ive got an carbed ea82 87 gl wagon..ive done the 4wheel disc brake conversion..its got all brand new rotors and pads and has been bled. My problem is this... sometimes the brakes seem to be working great and other times I apply the pedal and it gets to a point and feels solid and wont really depress anymore, the brakes are applied and the vehicle starts to slow down but not nearly as well as they should be. so I was thinking a couple of things... could it be a piston on one of the calipers sticking? could it be that I need to install the proportioning valve from a vehicle that came with 4 wheel disc brakes to begin with? when I did the swap everyone seemed to think that you dont have to replace the proportioning valve or master cylinder or anything but I know from working on brakes that disc brakes require a higher pressure than drums so wouldn't you have to have the proportioning valve or master cylinder from a vehicle that originally came with one for the brakes to funcion right? but was also thinking it probably wouldnt be the valve or master cylinder because like i stated before...sometimes the brakes seem to work perfectly fine...anyways...suggestions!?
  13. ive been running a used battery for wayyyyy too long now and its time to upgrade...Ive got off road lights and a pretty large sound system...4 5 1/4", 2 6x9", 2 12", 2 1200w amps, 1.2 cap, and a descent head unit........its my daily driver now and I do mostly highway driving and alot of it...would the redtop be a worthy investment...dont every want to have to buy another battery for this vehicle. also..im assuming I should probably do an alternator upgrade...which ones best for my 87 EA82 carbed gl wagon?
  14. anyone know what kind of a difference that you will pass stuff made? cause im so stinkin close maybe it would just get me low enough to make it...just need another .28 less on my low speed idle anyways...am beyond broke right now so will have to wait a week or so. thanks a million for all of the help so far everyone.
  15. wo did the seafoam..and had a new cat put on...went and hoped id pass...but I still failed...made a huge difference over last time but the standard is 1.2 and its still at 1.48....was at like 5.7 last time though on the CO...guess ill try the denatured alcohol next.
  16. Changed out the fuel filter and it doesn't seem to be doing it anymore but It was really cold out when it happened and hasn't gotten as cold lately...will let you know.
  17. friggin rock on...love that bunches. my favorite thing to do is park next to those big lifted trucks and jeeps that are all waxed up and shiney in my sub covered in mod...I kind of want to start carrying around like a jar with some mud in it and slap a little bit on those shiney "off road" vehicles...*shrugs*
  18. should't be the plugs, wires, cap, or rotor because just changed them out maybe 2 months ago or so...has been awhile since ive changed the fuel filter though so will try that...any other suggestions?
  19. (carbed 87 ea82, manual 4wd) so all of a sudden when im running usually it only happens in 4th or 5th gear..and its worse going up hill...when I try to accellerate usually around 2500+ rpm it starts chugging...it feels kind of like its having trouble getting fuel or air one...has plenty of gas..took of the air cleaner and the valve stays wide open when its supposed to..what should I do?
  20. thanks for the advice...should be testing it sometime next week..after I get it running right again...having some problems...about to post a thread about it.
  21. well if it helps narrow things down any it failed on HC and CO at low speed idle.
  22. 87 carbed, already has new plugs, wires, cap, rotor, timins set, air filter.
  23. desperation bump...trying to get it fixed and ready to retest by noon tomorrow...anyone out there with any tips?
  24. so failed the two speed idle emissions test in my EA82...I went ahead and replacd my whole exhaust system with a new cat, piping, and muffler, before I go back and try again what else should I do to make sure I pass this time? which way do I adjust my idle air/fuel screw to lean it out? anything else I should do?
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