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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. alright am about to go check on that stuff...any other suggestions while im at it?
  2. alright will stop by the autoparts store and pick some up tomorrow....any other suggestions?
  3. So my car is stalling every time im not accelerating. It doesn't always do this, every once in a while it wont do it...randomly...I have tried to figure out some sort of pattern as to when it descides to stall out and when it doesn't but there doesnt seem to be any sort of pattern or condition. lso, usually on cold mornings I can floor it in first and it will take about 2-3 mins to get going, same for 2nd and so on...all and all takes me about 6-8mins to get up to 60mph....seriously. Some times its so bad I will be in first going up a hill and will loose all power and have to shut it off, start up and try again, once had to start my car 4 times on one hill. Also, I am getting about 10-12 mpg now....not fun. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PLEASSSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. lol....have waded through countless posts on here and on naisonic.....and still know very little about what all is required to swap out an EA82 with an EJ motor. can anyone direct me to the proper reading material or explain the process to me? Am in college taking mechanics classes so still learning but learn pretty fast and work well....what do I need to know/do/have to do this swap?
  5. yeah those are looking pretty sexy.....any way to get some pics of the new tubed bumper and the skidplate on your lifted wagon that has the snorkle and your 15" wheels? Any prices on those new sexy tube bumpers yet?
  6. like the oil sender/gauge.....looks like it puts it in a much nicer place....really will help with making a much simpler skid plate that would essentially fit much more nicely.
  7. any pictures of the bulge plate over the sender unit...am really thinking about making one out of a road sign for my car but if these look good enough might just splurge and buy one. Any news on the new bumpers?
  8. any pics of the new bumpers yet and prices on the skids? really want 5 wheels but couldn't possibly spent more than $200 on some wheels so quite a bit over y budget.
  9. yeah...insanity...thats what im going for....even if over the course of a couple years I end up spening about as much as it would cost to just buy like an outback sport or imp or something with just as much power.....will still be spread out more and the end result will be pretty head-turning. I remember someone saying why would you want to do this.........well why did anyone ever want to stop walking everywhere and eventually invent cars and such..cause they wanted to friggin go faster, and most of all...be different. I figure if in the end my 87 originally carbed subaru dreaming of 100hp tears up the trails around 250-300hp I will have a big friggin smile on my face...probably dream about it every night....and get a grin on my face every time some little civic or mustang or whatever pulls up next to me and I leave them in my dust.........really seems worth it to me. *shrugs*
  10. k keep searching and let me know....trying to start planning...have been looking into EJ25T but cant seem to find anyone that has swapped one into an EA82....really think that will be the best route to go to blow everyone away eventually.
  11. So what is the fastest EA82 vehicle there has ever been...engine swaps...mods....whos heard of one with the most horsepower? Am also curious if anyone has ever researched into the possibility of swapping a 2000 series turbo'd motor into an 87 4wd....was thinking about doing an EJ swap in the fairly near future but why take the time and money for a little 130-145 HP motor when with a bit of extra cash and a deal more time...can get a good start at around 200hp or more. any suggestions, ideas?
  12. k...look forward to lots of detailed pics...and I just like modding things for the fun of it right now...will eventually get serious about performance and such.
  13. so noone knows what to do with all of the vacuum lines to get rid of the stock air box? was hoping to do that tomorrow but need it as a daily driver so will have to finish the task.
  14. lol....seems I got started something to get everyone all stirred up and thinking hard...even though its not completely about the subject or anything. Anyways, can anyone write up a how to for removing the stock airbox and explain what to do with all of the vacuum lines and hoses and such? would like to do that some time this next week but have looked through my chiltons and its not really much help with this sort of thing.
  15. well theoretically an increase in colder air does make an engine run more efficiently but with that increase of air you are also changing the ratio of air to fuel...to really achieve much of a noticeable difference you would also have to upgrade your fuel delivery system to compensate for the larger amount of air and even out your air/fuel ratio....and also upgrade your exhaust system.....*shrugs*.....it might just be a bit ricey when its done...but eventually it will help a little in performance and it helps dress up and fill out my engine bay....so much space to fill.
  16. oh and I got the filter from http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8006953413&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 ......and I think my spare tire looks nice on my roof rack...and can get to things more easily in my engine bay without that full size spare under there.
  17. Thanks a whole lot for all of the comments...really appreciate it. Thought it out for a while and had planed on eventually connecting it directly to the carb if someone can walk me through how to do it...preferably with lots of pictures explaining how to hook up all of the vacuum hoses and re-route all of the lines and such, also do plan on building some sort of cone or box around the air filter allowing the air that will be entering through the scoop to go directly into the filter...unless what BobBrumby said is true and then I will just hook the stock air breather back up and stick the filter on my desk. This guy I know is opening up a customs shop and has some big plans for the future so might eventually see some big happenings with my ride within the next couple of years...right now im just having fun and playing around.
  18. dont understand what point? It will end up basically being somewhat of a short ram air intake...get a whole lot more air into the system...eventually get a weber and good exhaust and hopefully a nice little boost in power...also a nice spot to help keep water and such out...not much of a car swimmer myself...dont plan on going up to the windows or anything so figure this will do a nice job. already had the PVC, fittings were $2 and got the nifty filter for $14...so after I sand and paint it I think it will look pretty good.... and might just possibly eventually help produce a bit more power.
  19. here is what i have so far...and a couple of future plan pics (red box on the inside of the hood is where I will probably cut it out.) any suggestions?
  20. ....saw your ad in subie sport...pretty nifty.....its the 7th....any news?
  21. AWESOME....see... being stupid and asking questions paid off....thanks a whole bunch for dealing with all of my stupidity everyone....I really really appreciate it.
  22. hmmm.....faily far from a subaru dealership...will see what I can find. heres a pic of my belts... ... they run the same path. Can I not just loosen the alternator bolt, slide it down and pul the belts off and put the new ones on and time it?
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