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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. Anyone have any idea where to find one? non of the autoglass places around know where to get one :/
  2. Thanks for all the tips everyone, my schedule has been bonkers lately but will be messing with this soon!
  3. Will these be in normal retail stores? Toys R Us/walmart?
  4. Hmmm, 4 years old so probably a long shot and these raise the brat which im trying to lower but thanks for the info!
  5. Thanks for the info. Planning on lowering my brat an inch or two so don't want worn out struts, would like something a little stiffer so I won't bottom out with every bump.
  6. Yeah any gen1 brat stuff? roll bar front bumper or a bar maybe?
  7. Working fine for me...any plans for gen1 stuff?
  8. Yeah still looking for the fronts though, thanks for the detailed info on the rears, will be picking up a set soon.
  9. They are adjustment bolts...1gen brats have them...they should be mounted to a plate under the spring. From what ive found there are some replacements available for the front but they don't adjust...which would be fine but no-one ever lists a PN or anything.
  10. Got this all sorted out for the most part, its running and driving so will deal with whats left later
  11. no idea but I do like how they sit flush. Hopefully will ahve the time to do some updates soon. Got this thing running pretty well, still have another axle to rebuild and a few other odds and ends but done a ton so far.
  12. You can buy bulk stuff that similar to garden edging but not as tall and has some curve to it and a lip for install.. looks more oem. WIll try and google it later but I remember seing some at JCwhitney and such.
  13. Wanting to get all the mounts so what will I need for the motor?
  14. Also curious as I will be replacing the ones on my 79 brat asap.
  15. Know its not anea82 but will be lowering my 79 brat soon, diging these pics, makes my miss my wagon
  16. So the 33097's fit in the rear but what about the front? looking to order a full set for my gen 1 brat.
  17. if you can get the rest of the old one out you should be able to measure it and just order one from fastenal or a big hardware distribor online somewhere for cheap if you don't have on in town. (luckily my hometown has a big fastenal store that has a pretty massive selection of bolts and fasteners). otherwise im sure there has to be someone on here with one or that can pull one from a junkyard for you...just might take a while.
  18. Yeah there is not much of a subaru scene down here but do you really want to be a part of a scene? Or would you rather start the scene? Honestly I get way more enjoyment out of having people go wtf is that!? than seing a bunch of other cars just like mine sitting in a parking lot. Im sure there are plenty of off road people down there if thats what your into...just don't expect them to know what a brat is . Haha true story I went into the nearest Subaru dealership and tried to order some parts for my brat and even at a Subaru dealership, no one there in the parts department or the shop had any idea what a brat was!
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